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English Program

Name: Date:

Vocabulary Section

Write each vocabulary word next to its definition.

Player Football Foreign

Worldwide Teammates Language

A member of a team

Someone who lives in a different country from

his own.
A sport played between two teams on a usually
rectangular field having goalposts or goals at
each end and whose object is to get the ball over
a goal line, into a goal, or between goalposts by
running, passing, or kicking.

Extended throughout or involving the

entire world.

A person who takes part, either as a job or

for fun.

A body of words and the systems
for their use common to a people
who are of the same community
or nation, the same geographicalarea, or the sam
e cultural tradition
Time to write!

Write a short paragraph about what kind of soccer player you would like to be
in the future (What soccer team would you like to belong to? Where would you
like to live?). You can use the vocabulary you learnt in class.


Read the following sentences and write a tick ( ) if you think they are
rigth, and correct them if you consider it is necessary.

 My brother will lives in Spain because he was promoted to coach of a

Spanish soccer team.
 I will travel to The United States to go to the stadium and whatch a
soccer match.
 Will you whatch the World Cup matches in 2018?

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