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Professor: Student: CI:

.Torres, Jonathan Sanchez, Jahzeel 29.987.438

Caracas, january 2022

¿Que se entiende por compresión de textos en inglés?

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand a piece of writing, not only

knowing the meaning of the words, but also understanding the environment in its
entirety, knowing what it is talking about, what it wants to convey and the
information it provides.

In this way, since the value of reading comprehension in English is that it makes it
possible to understand what is read, to know what is required, in order to act
accordingly. It is also crucial to expand knowledge to a social and cultural level, and
to be able to communicate with a larger number of individuals.

For the development of this speed, different types of written texts are applied, with
varied themes and diverse vocabulary, as well as stories, books on topics of interest to
students, board games or invented games in which the children will have to read and
understand. texts to achieve a final goal.

Que diferencia existe entre lectura y comprensión?

Reading comprehension is a linguistic agility that is based on the complete

interpretation of a written document. It is not enough to know the meaning of all the
words that are part of the writing, but it is necessary to have a universal
understanding of what is being read.

Reading is not just being able to decode a piece of writing. Reading implies
interacting with the writing, providing in this process the knowledge and experiences
that the reader has to understand and interpret it, use it and think about it.

The most important thing is to read to develop skills for life. Reading comprehension
is based on having the function of interpreting the meaning of a piece of writing.
Reading is not just decoding or scanning written or printed material. Reading is
understanding the meaning of what is read.

Que importancia existe en la comprensión de textos en inglés en los siguientes

ambientes : profesional, técnico, social y cotidiano?

Nowadays more than ever it is necessary to have command of a foreign language in

order to be part of different social, political and cultural events inside and outside our
region, which is why we should begin to propose a way of thinking and act
differently in order to ensure that students obtain the skills in the English language
that allow them to have a universal certification that enables them to open a space in
the union and professional market.

For all of the above, it is necessary for the student to be sensitized in understanding
the value of not only having knowledge of the English language, but also having a
certificate that demonstrates the degree of mastery towards the language so that he or
she can have the opportunity to travel abroad. , to participate in discussion forums in
English, everything mentioned to strengthen their experience and have more and
better ways to have an excellent job when they graduate from the degree. And that he
sees this as a primary motivation to achieve his goals.

Both technical and business English remain involved with the use of terms specific to
the word of a profession. Among the areas that need their own jargon is: engineering,
health, pharmaceuticals, law, finance and banking, oil, technology and development,
science, among others.

Knowing the technical vocabulary in English enables you to better understand topics
related to work, meetings or reports.
Realizar un informe aparte de estas preguntas donde van a realizar un
informe libre en cualquiera de estos ambientes: profesional, técnico o


Soccer (from English football) is a sport in which 2 teams made up of eleven players
face each other. Each team, which has 10 players who move around the field and a
goalkeeper (also known as a goalkeeper or goalkeeper), will try to get the ball (ball)
to enter the goal (goal) of the competing team, respecting different rules. .

The field of play is rectangular with natural or artificial grass, with a goal or arch on
each side of the field. It is played by means of a ball that should be moved through
the field with any part of the body other than the arms or hands, and mostly with the
feet (hence its name). The purpose is to insert it into the goal or opposite goal, an
action called scoring a goal. The accessories that can score the most goals at the end
of the match, lasting 90 min, is the one that wins the match.

The new game has been reinvented in England following the formation of the
Football Association, whose 1863 rules are the foundation of the sport today.
Football's governing body is FIFA, most notorious by its acronym the International
Federation of Football Association. The most prestigious World Cup soccer
competition is the Soccer World Cup, structured every 4 years by said organization.
This event is the best known and the one with the highest proportion of spectators in
the world, doubling the audience of the Olympic Games.

Soccer is played according to a sequence of rules, officially called the rules of the
game. This sport is played with a spherical ball (made of leather or other material
with a circumference not greater than 70 centimeters and not less than 68 centimeters,
and a weight not greater than 450 grams and not less than 410 grams at the start of the
match), where 2 sets of eleven players each (ten "outfield" players and a goalkeeper)
compete to fit it into the opposing goal, thus scoring a goal. The equipment that has
finally scored the most goals in the match is the winner; if the two groups do not
score, or score the same proportion of goals, then a tie is declared. There may be
exceptions to this rule; see Duration and result below.

The overriding rule is that players, except goalkeepers, are not allowed to
intentionally touch the ball with their arms or hands throughout the game, although
they have to use their hands for throw-ins.

In a typical game, players try to get the ball into the opponent's goal, which is called a
goal, through personal control of the ball, known as dribbling, or through passes to
teammates or shots at the goal, which is protected by a goalkeeper. Opposing players
try to regain control of the ball by intercepting passes or taking the ball from the
player carrying it; however, physical contact is reduced. Play in soccer is free-
flowing, stopping only once the ball leaves the field of play or once the referee rules
it should stop. After each pause, the game is restarted with a specific move. At the
end of the match, the referee compensates the total time in min that the game was
suspended at different times.

At a professional level, in most matches only a few goals are scored. As an example,
throughout the 2006/07 season of the First Spanish Separation, the Spanish soccer
league, an average of 2.48 goals per game was scored.

The rules do not specify any other position of the players apart from that of the
goalkeeper, goalkeeper or goalkeeper, however over time a sequence of positions has
been developed in the rest of the field. In enormous aspects, 3 main categories are
identified: forwards, whose primary task is to score goals; the defenses or defenders,
located around their goal, who try to stop the rival forwards; and midfielders,
midfielders, or midfielders, who handle the ball in the middle of the above positions.
These players are known as field players, to differentiate them from the goalkeeper.
At the same time, these positions are subdivided into the sides of the field in which
the players play most of the time. In this way, exemplifying they have the possibility
of existing right, central (containment) and left midfielders. The 10 field players have
the possibility to be distributed in any combination. For example, there can be 4
defenders, 4 midfielders and 2 forwards (4-4-2); o 3 defenders, 4 midfielders and 3
forwards (3-4-3), and the ratio of players in each position establishes the style of play
of the team: more forwards and fewer defenders (for example 3-3-4) will create a
game more insolent and offensive, in which the opposite (for example 5-3-2) will
generate a more delayed and defensive game. Although players tend to spend most of
their time in one stance, there are few limitations on their movement on the field. The
layout of the players in the game lot is called the team formation, and this, along with
the strategy, is the job of the instructor.

Position strategy of the player :

Goalkeeper, goalkeeper or goalkeeper

Primary article: Goalkeeper (football)

The goalkeeper, also known as a goalkeeper, goalkeeper or goalkeeper, is the player

whose primary objective is to prevent the ball from entering his goal throughout the
game, an act known as a goal. The goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the
ball with his hands throughout active play, but only in his own box. Each team should
feature a unique goalkeeper in their lineup. In the event that the player must give up
the game lot for any reason, he will have to be replaced by another footballer,
whether it is one who is playing or a substitute. This class of players have to wear a
different dress from that of their teammates, their rivals (including the goalkeeper)
and the refereeing human body. In most cases they usually wear the number 1
stamped on the shirt.

Primary Player: Protection (Football)

The protection, also known as a protector, is the player located one line in front of the
goalkeeper and one behind the midfielders, whose primary objective is to stop the
attacks of the opposing team. Mainly this line of players is arched, with certain
defenders being closer to the goalkeeper than others. If only one player is placed
further back, he gets the name libero; if there are 2 or more, they are called defenders.
The defenders positioned on the sides of the lot are called laterals or stoppers (in the
situation where there is a libero), and thanks to their placement (more around the
midfielders) they have the possibility of continuing more in the lot if they want it. To
name them, the area is added to the term protection: exemplifying, a guard who plays
on the right (looking towards the rival goal) could be a right back. In addition, the
goalkeeper should defend and offer rules to the defenders.

Midfield player

primary article: Midfielder

The midfielder, midfielder or midfielder is the individual who plays in the midfield
on a soccer field. Among the functionalities of it are those of recovering balls,
promoting the construction of plays and exploiting the offensive game. According to
these functionalities we have the possibility of differentiating: the lane midfielders
(those who play more around the touchline); the holding ones, who play at about the
same elevation as the wing backs to aid protection and can be either one or 2 players
(the nickname "5" given to these players is because it is the number that they usually
wear on the shirt); and the construction or hitches, which are between the line of the
lanes and forwards (they are the brains of the attack and are characterized by their


essential player: Striker

A Strikee or aggressor is a player of a soccer team that predominates in the attacking

position, the closest to the goal of the opposing team, and is therefore primarily
responsible for scoring goals. It is essential to be on the move and constantly look for
a pass, that is, to stand out so that it is easier for the one who carries the ball to pass it
to them. Speed is important.

Physical activity

Soccer includes a fairly fundamental physical activity. Throughout a 90-minute

professional soccer match, a player, depending on his posture and the size of the field,
travels between 12 and 15 km. In addition, throughout a match of such properties, a
soccer player loses about 2 kilograms of liquids, part of which is recovered during the
free time period. In matches that are played in high temperatures, the referees have
the right to stop the match, mainly around a period of time, so that the players and the
referee's human body can hydrate.

However, in parallel, soccer belongs to the sports with the highest number of injuries,
although most of them are not serious. The most frequent injuries occur in the knees
and ankles, thanks to the rotary movements to which they are subjected. Tears of the
meniscus and cruciate ligaments along with muscle tears are common injuries in
soccer. The chances of injury increase once the player does not obtain a correct
physical preparation, especially in an amateur athlete, and once the game is played on
an irregular field. For expert or semi-professional soccer players, the existence of a
physical trainer who regulates the type of physical exercise, as well as its duration
and regularity, is of essential importance. The work of the physical trainer should be
complemented with an appropriate food intake, where the existence of a professional
in the field is also advisable.


Soccer players have to be able to maintain control of the balls they receive. The
simplest way is usually to stop the ball; in this situation, the ball must be located in
the ideal position for the next touch. Advanced players have the ability to feel
confident playing at first touch to immediately move the ball to where they plan to
run. They also have the possibility to use the first touch to pass the ball. Evading the
ball instead of receiving it can throw off opposing players.

It is an action widely used throughout a game, in order to receive the ball, control it
and put it at your service to develop a subsequent action in good conditions. The stop
reception is the one in which it is possible to maintain full control of the ball at the
feet, losing the element of speed, however, increasing the accuracy in the subsequent
operation of the ball.

The half-stop reception is to make the ball lose part of its initial cost. Damping
reception is used for control of aerial balls, with downward trajectory, and it creates a
damping of the acceleration with which the ball arrives.

The control of the ball could be at ground level, either with the inside of the boot, or
with the sole of the foot, with the toe pointing up and fitting the ball between the sole
and the ground. On high balls, it should be possible to get the ball to the ground with
modalities of being played correctly.

To keep possession of the ball it is essential to have the ability to pass it short
between nearby players strictly and on time. Accurate long passes allow for a greater
diversity of situations and a more direct game. Mainly, the passes that invent goal
situations are called help, although any player on the field could make this kind of
play, it is mainly an attacking midfielder who does it, it is the usual job of the players
marked with the 10 or 8 in their t-shirts.


Players have to comply with having a balance when shooting on goal: neither do it in
too many situations nor stop trying once they have a situation. The shots should be
accurate and powerful, although mainly this accuracy and power are not achieved
simultaneously. Attacking accuracy or power is dependent on the case and the
player's properties.

Voting on where to shoot on goal is a controversial issue and is dependent on how

many players are covering it. Once the player faces the goalkeeper alone, the shots
should be positioned around one of the posts. Ideally, the shot should be aimed at the
top corner, but it is less difficult and more effective to do it at ground level. Once the
keeper is well ahead, a lob can be attempted.

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