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What I Know

1. A
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. D

Lesson 1 Differentiating Risk Factors Underlying Disaster

What’s In

Activity 1.1:
Identified Risks:
1. Claire got laid off from her job as a sales clerk in a medium sized hardware store.
2. She and her siblings could barely survive each day with their limited resources.
3. Typhoon Yolanda struck and it killed her 2 younger sisters
4. Their home was destroyed by the storm surge.
5. 2000 residents were killed, including her childhood friends and former playmates.

What’s New
Activity 1.2 Identifying Risk Factors

Guide Questions:
1. 6.4-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Southern Philippines
2. it is a natural disaster and at least two people were killed and scores injured when a 6.5-magnitude
quake struck the central Philippines in July last year and it is principally mandated to mitigate disasters
that may arise from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunami and other related geotectonic

What’s More
Activity 1.3: What is the Risk Factor?

Situation Factor Underlying Disaster

unwillingness to assume their roles and responsibilities in governing F. Weak Governance
disaster risk department
rising sea levels A. Climate Change
cities located in low-altitude estuaries such as Marikina City, E. Poorly planned and Managed
Philippines are exposed to sea-level rise and flooding. Urban Development

houses are built with lightweight materials D. Poverty and Inequality

effects in developing countries C. Globalized Economic Development

deforestation that can lead to landslide B. Environmental Degradation

global Warming A. Climate Change

garbage slide killed that over 200 people in an informal settlement D. Poverty and Inequality
in Manila, the Philippines,
fragmented responsibilities for drought risk management E. Poorly planned and Managed
Urban Development

What I Have Learned

3 Things I learned Today
1. I’ve learned about the important of risk factor
2. I’ve learned about Factor Underlying Disaster
3. I’ve learned that we always have to be prepared

2 Things I Found Interesting

1. the things I found interesting on disaster is that it can be made by nature of or 
man made
2. The second interesting topic I found is about the underlying factors of disaster risk like
the climate change, Globalized Economic Development and Poverty and Inequality. I want to help the world by
Planting trees, clean the environment and to help other people so that we can unite as one like a family.

1 Question I have

Activity 1.4 Am I Ready?

 I want to deliver to the audience that disaster does not occur by accident and are neither random.
They are the convergence of hazards and vulnerable conditions. Disasters not only reveal
underlying social, economic, political and environmental
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. D

Additional Activities

Activity 1.5 Fill Me!

1. Exposure
2. Disaster Risk
3. Vulnerability
4. Infrastructure Damage
5. Potential Displacement

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