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1. What does the term “BIG BANG” imply?

-Implies that time moves in a single direction
-an expansion of space

2. What do you think is the reason why light and heavy elements were formed separately?
- Heavy and light elements were created independently because heavy elements demand a
great deal of energy and temperature, whilst light elements do not, and their size and weight

3. Give two pieces of evidence of the expansion of space.

-Red Shift
-Cosmic microwave background radiation

Activity 1

1. The very hot and dense nuclear matter that was present at the beginning of this expansion
slowly cooled. What are the two elements that first formed as a result of this cooling?
- Hydrogen and Helium are the two elements created as a result of the cooling.

Activity 2

1. What was formed as the universe expanded and cooled down?

-As the universe expanded, the temperature dropped. Eventually the universe cooled enough to
allow quarks and gluons to condense into nucleons, which subsequently formed hydrogen and
- particles like electrpn….
2. What do you call the process of creating new atomic nuclei from preexisting nucleons?

3. What is the process by which light nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus.
-Nuclear Fusion

4. What do you call the formation of heavy elements by the fusion of lighter nuclei in the interior
of the stars?
-Stellar Nucleosynthesis

5. What nuclear reaction occurs in supernova and responsible for the formation of elements which
-are heavier than iron?
-Neutron Capture Reaction

Activity 3

1. Silicon- H
2. Iron- H
3. Hydrogen- L
4. Oxygen- H
5. Helium- L

Activity 4

1. You are a scientist and is researching about the history and the origin of elements. You
discovered that there are a lot of reasons to this phenomenon. Based on your discovery, what
are the role of temperature and energy in forming elements?
- Temperature and energy both play important roles in the creation of the elements.
Temperature contributes to the process by increasing and decreasing, allowing the entire
process to run smoothly. Energy has an impact on the process since it causes the elements to
move accordingly. It boils down to the fact that these two cannot be separated in the creation of
the elements.

1. What If elements were not formed during the two major nucleosynthesis? What do you think
will be its impact to us?
- Basically, there would be no presence of heavy and light elements. The absence of these
elements will have a detrimental effect on everyone, humans, animals and other creatures,
since we depend solely on them on a regular basis.

Post-Assessment T or F

1. Nuclear fusion involves joining two light nuclei to produce a heavier nucleus. T
2. Stellar nucleosynthesis produced the first light elements. F
3. Elements heavier than iron are produced through big bang nucleosynthesis. F
4. The term big bang does not imply that there was an explosion. T
5. The elements Silicon is produced through Neutron Capture reaction. F
6. Elements with heavier atomic mass requires tremendous energy and temperature. T
7. Protons, neutrons, and electrons were formed because the universe cooled down and became
less dense. T
8. Isotopes has the same mass number, but different atomic number of the original element. T
9. Elements with five to eight nucleons are stable. F
10. Nucleosynthesis is the process that creates new atomic nucleus from preexisting nucleons. T




1. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the
protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields.
2. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.
3. It is a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space.
4. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique
5. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator.
6. This is known as the origin and the production of heavy elements.
7. This is known as the origin of lights elements.


1. C. Particle Accelerator
2. d. Mendeleev
3. c. Singularity
4. c. Moseley
5. b. Ernest Lawrence
6. d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
7. b. Primordial Nucleosynthesis


1. Protons- are positively charged particles that can be found in an atomic nuclei.
2. Electrons- are negatively charged particles that can be found in an atomic nuclei.
3. Neutrons- are the particles in an atom that have a neutral charge.

Activity 1

1. Why do scientists study and synthesize new Transuranium elements in the laboratory? What are
the uses of these elements?
- Scientists explore and produce new Transuranium elements in the laboratory since they do not
exist organically. These elements are utilized in a variety of areas. Some were manufactured
industrially and are used in smoke detectors to detect gases, while others were originally
designed for medical treatments.

Activity 2

1. What are the instruments used in preparing the newest four elements? Write your answers on
the table?


1. Nihonium  firing zinc-70 nuclei 
2. Moscovium Cyclotron, americium-243
3. Tennessine Cyclotron, americium-243
4. Oganesson Cyclotron, americium-243

Activity 3

Direction: Instruments are very instrument in discovering or synthesizing new elements in the
laboratory. Research on the latest instruments used in preparing new elements in the laboratory.

- Cyclotron
- Particle Accelerator
- americium-243
- XRF Technology
Activity 4

Direction: Research for the definition of Alchemy and how is it related to the synthesis of new elements.
Write your answer below.

Activity 5

1. Explain why the atomic number is called the “fingerprint” of elements.

- It is referred to as an element's "fingerprint" because, like a person's fingerprint, elements
have a distinctive trait that is used to distinguish them.


1. You are one of the panels who give noble titles and award to scientist for their greatest
achievements in science. Dmitri Mendeleev is often regarded as the Father of the Periodic Table.
Would you say that Henry Moseley deserves the recognition more than him?

- Mendeleev and Moseley accomplished remarkable and extraordinary feats in the history of
science. I don't have the right to condemn who is better or who deserves more recognition.
However, on the other hand, it was claimed that Moseley had more remarkable feats as he
solved or improved difficulties related to perfecting the periodic table, and the fact that these
were validated by the majority indicates that he deserved more recognition than Mendeleev.

Post Assessment

1. He successfully carried out a nuclear transuranium reaction, a process of transforming one

element or isotope into another element.
2. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between the
protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields.
3. He created a classification of elements based on their atomic weight.
4. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique
5. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator.


1. d. Rutherford
2. c. Particle Accelerator
3. d. Mendeleev
4. c. Moseley
5. b. Ernest Lawrence

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