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Mathematics helps organize patterns and regulations

in the world.

Mathematics will stay in our life forever because it is part of our journey. It
simply organizes patterns and regularities in the world by the means of it exist in
everything that our eyes see. Our world will not be formed with the help of mathematics
as the source of measuring something that is existing.

As I’ve said, mathematics will always be in our life. In relation to Fibonacci

sequence which exist first in the Old Generation, it is still existing in ours. The
contribution of Fibonacci sequence is very essential by means of having the perfect
measurement in doing something such as paintings, pictures or anything that has
something to do with measurements. Mathematics is nearly characterized by the use of
difficult proofs. This, practice, the result of literally thousands of years of refinement, has
brought to mathematics a clarity and reliability unmatched by any other science. But it
also makes mathematics slow and difficult; it is arguably the most disciplined of human
intellectual activities.

If you also take a look closer at the patterns of our world, you will always reveal
the beautiful mathematics. It is real because mathematics is all in our hands. Mathematics
helps us to organize regularities in the world, just like in our chosen course, we need
measurement to balance things. The buildings and architectures that are built by
engineers are with the help of mathematics. They are sometimes symmetrical and
sometimes asymmetrical depending on how they wanted it to be. Insurance is ruled by
math. You can predict accidents, breakdowns, health. Almost anything can be calculated.
They use it to offer you an insurance, you think is worth it, while they still make money.
Lottery is pure math, and some psychology. If you scratch the numbers and win exactly
what you just spent, most of us don't count our losses and think we're lucky getting a new
lottery ticket because it's free. The mind plays tricks on us. We like order and try to see a
known patch.

Groups and individuals within the mathematics community have from time to
time tried being less compulsive about details of arguments. Yet today in certain areas
there is again a trend toward basing mathematics on intuitive reasoning without proof.
We all know mathematics have a vital role in humans and also in nature. But how does
mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the world? In the animal world
(humans including) symmetrical animals are regarded as the most attractive by both
sexes. Fibonacci numbers are found in almost any flowers. Sunflowers have the seeds in
perfect Fibonacci order. 1 seed then 2 seeds 3 seeds 6 seeds 12 seeds 24 seeds and so
onion the flowers. This arrangement ensures maximum sunlight to each little seed in the
flower. If you take the number of petals in a flower, they all follow a mathematical
order. These are just some of the things that nature and mathematics joined together to
create a beautiful and wonderful world. Mathematics is also found in signals. If you send
a signal and get a return signal, you measure the time from sending to receiving the signal
again. Knowing the speed of light, you can calculate the distance. The principal behind
radar. The ears of an owl work like radar, their faces and ears are slightly asymmetrical.
It's an adoption to being able to locate the direction of the sound. The tiny difference in
time a sound hits the ears makes it possible to pinpoint the direction and distance and
predict the movement of the pray. An owl can hit very precisely in almost total darkness
having predicted the point of interception that is why owl likes to live at night since they
have an advantage in the dark. Mathematics helps us to organize regularities in the world,
just like in our chosen course, we need measurement to balance things. The buildings and
architectures that are built by engineers are with the help of mathematics.
They are sometimes symmetrical and sometimes asymmetrical depending on how
they wanted it to be. Insurance is ruled by math. You can predict accidents, breakdowns,
health. Almost anything can be calculated. They use it to offer you an insurance, you
think is worth it, while they still make money. Lottery is pure math, and some
psychology. If you scratch the numbers and win exactly what you just spent, most of us
don't count our losses and think we're lucky getting a new lottery ticket because it's free.
The mind plays tricks on us. We like order and try to see a known patch.
Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the

For the past few days I realized Mathematics is more than just the formula and
problems found in academic books, it goes beyond that. It’s both method to analyze
abstract phenomena and nature through detected patterns and regularities. Predicting the
size, location, and timing of natural hazards is virtually impossible, but because of the
help of Mathematics we are able to forecast calamities such as hurricanes, floods,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and landslides etc.
Using mathematical tools we create models which correspond to what we can
measure and observe in the world of reality. Such as calamities, volcanic Eruption,
hurricane, earthquake, flood, landslide. Based on my researched this is the field called
Mathematical Modelling. An example would be the whole field of Physics, from
Newton's Laws of Motion, to Electromagnetic Equations, these are all mathematical in
nature. What happens is, researchers observe nature and phenomena and try to make a
mathematical model that works for their observation, and makes sense. Basically, they try
to generalize, or find a rule, for what they observe. After that, these models can be used
for simulations which help predict what will happen. As stated, models can be
probabilistic, so Math cannot always actually determine phenomena. But, it can give
probabilities, or benchmarks. One researcher said that they could not predict when
earthquakes would happen, but that they could give probabilities.

 It gives us a way to understand patterns, to quantify relationships, and to

predict the future. Math helps us understand the world and we use the world to
understand math. The world is interconnected. Everyday math shows these
connections and possibilities. The earlier young learners can put these skills to
practice, the more likely we will remain an innovation society and economy. 

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