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UID- 21MBA2554

The communication barrier which are being observed are as followed
1. Psychological Barrier- When the sender or receiver is going through an emotional
breakdown, distrust or unhappy emotions that hinders the process of communication is called
Psychological barrier.
2. Physiological Barrier- When the physical condition of either receiver or sender is not well.
When the barrier happens related to the problem of human body like poor eyesight, fever or ill health
or hearing problems etc.
3. Semantic Barrier- This happens when there is a problem with language sign or symbols
which creates misunderstanding in the communication.
The child was crying for no reason because he was hurt. There is a high probablity that the mother
was lying. The mother could've communicated in a better and a proper way.
Ans 2. Technology has been made for people specially abled or blind people like Dot which helps
blind people to see time. 2. Talkitt- For people who are unable to speak. This device translate their
speech and helps them to make the other person. 3. Seasame Phone and UNI are also devices that
help specially disabled people to see and hear and overcome their disablities.
Hearing machines are also avalaible in the market which helps people to hear clearly.

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