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Course Syllabus in ELE 160 (Remedial Instruction) CoEd-BSED-A310301

Republic of the Philippines

Fatima, General Santos City

Bachelor in Secondary Education Department

2nd Semester, School Year 2020-2021

University Vision : To be a globally competitive university in Southern Philippines.

University Mission : To provide competent human resources for the development of Southern Mindanao and to help improve the living conditions of Muslims and
Indigenous people.
College Goals : 1. Instruction: Develop highly skilled, competent and globally competitive teachers and educational leaders
2. Research: Generate Science-based information as well as educational technologies and innovations through research and development
3. Extension: Engage proactively with the service communities through high-impact and culturally responsive extension and outreach programs
Program Objectives : 1. Provide critical, analytical and creative secondary school teachers in the fields of Biology, English, Filipino and Mathematics;
2. Hone the theoretical and practical teaching skills of teachers in both content and pedagogy as well as communication and other lifelong skills; and
3. Mold passionate teachers imbued with integrity and professionalism worthy of emulation.
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers should be able to:
A. Develop the students’ ability to organize, design, implement, and evaluate remedial English program in any of the four macro skills. C. conduct a teaching demonstration using
innovative teaching approaches and tasks that are responsive to the students’ linguistic needs.

Course Title : Remedial Instruction

Course Number : ELE 160
Course Credit : 3 units, 3 hours/week (54 hours / 18 weeks)
Prerequisites :
Course Description : Remedial Instruction is a 3-unit course that aims to enhance Pre-Service Teachers’ skills in delivering classroom instruction and in managing
classroom, most especially—remedial. These topics involves, remedial instruction in reading, listening, speaking and writing. The students will also
be exposed to management of instruction, classroom management, assessment and selection of appropriate instructional approaches, methods,
Prepared by: Prof. Ricky Bustos Status: Issue Date: Next review date: Page
Approved by: Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones Version: Effective Date: Document owner: College of Education
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Course Syllabus in ELE 160 (Remedial Instruction) CoEd-BSED-A310301

strategies and materials

Values Integration : Responsibility, Competence, Creativity, Innovation


Learning Objectives Unit Content/Topic Methodology/Strategies Materials/Devices Used Assessment Activities/Tasks Time Allotment
At the end of these weeks, the 1. Remedial Classroom: Organization and Management
preservice teacher (PST) should be
able to: 1. Organization Lecture-Discussion Laptop/PC/Smartphone Online quizzes Week 1 - 2
a. discuss how remedial classroom ▪ Curriculum Case Analysis Internet Connection Case Reportd
work in terms of organization ▪ Instruction Getting to Know Me Activity Google Meet/Zoom Worksheets
management and other remediation ▪ Assessment Shair-Pair-Circle Moodle Interactive Online Games
components 2. Management Hand-outs Formative and Summative
3. Components of Remediation Tests
At the end of these weeks, the pre- 2. Remedial Instruction in READING
service teacher (PST) should be
able to: 1. Correcting Perceptual and Decoding Deficits in Lecture-Discussion Laptop/PC/Smartphone Online quizzes Week 3-4
a. determine the perceptual and Word Recognition Individual Reading Internet Connection Worksheets
decoding, sight-word knowledge, 2. Definition of Terms Small/Big Group Discussion Google Meet/Zoom Interactive Online Games
basic sight vocabulary deficits in 3. Correcting Sight-Word Knowledge Deficit Symposium Moodle Formative and Summative
recognizing words in sentences 4. Correcting Basic Sight Vocabulary Deficit Hand-outs Tests
and passages; 5. Correcting Knowledge on Sound-Symbol Online Trivia Questions
b. analyze the remediation process Correspondence Worksheets
of phonemic awareness and 6. Remediation through Phonemic Awareness
vocabulary instruction. 7. Remedial Vocabulary Instruction
At the end of the unit, the pre- 3. Remedial Instruction in LISTENING
service teacher can: Laptop/PC/Smartphone Audio Recording Materials Week 5-6
a. discuss the internal and external 1. Factors Affecting Students’ Listening Lecture-Discussion Internet Connection Worksheets
factors affecting students’ listening 2. Comprehension Group Dynamics Google Meet/Zoom
habits, comprehension; and 3. Internal Factors Modules Moodle
b. identify ways on how to improve 4. External Factors Audio Listening Hand-outs
students’ listening and 5. How to Improve Students’ Listening Small/Big Group Discussion
comprehension. 6. Comprehension
c. design activities that may
improve listening comprehension.

Prepared by: Prof. Ricky Bustos Status: Issue Date: Next review date: Page
Approved by: Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones Version: Effective Date: Document owner: College of Education
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Course Syllabus in ELE 160 (Remedial Instruction) CoEd-BSED-A310301

At the end of the unit, the pre- 4. Remedial Instruction in SPEAKING

service teacher (PST) can: Online Speaking Games Laptop/PC/Smartphone Online Interactive Games Week 7-8
1. What makes speaking difficult Lecture-Discussion Internet Connection Modular Exercises
a. explain what makes 2. Teaching Pronunciation Modular Activities Google Meet/Zoom Activity/Game Designing
speaking difficult; 3. The Use of Accuracy-based Activities Moodle
b. formulate objectives in 4. Talking to Second Language Learners in Hand-outs
teaching pronunciation; the beginning level
c. design activities to
enhance accuracy and
fluency in speaking

At the end of these weeks, the 5. Remedial Instruction in WRITING

preservice teacher (PST) should be
able to: A. Areas of Difficulty for Students with Writing Lecture Discussion Laptop/PC/Smartphone Compendium Creation Week 9 - 11
Problems Writing Exercises Internet Connection Modular Exercises
a. discuss the areas of B. Qualities of Strong Writing Instruction Brainstorming Google Meet/Zoom Lesson Plan
difficulty for students with C. Adaptations for Struggling Writers Buzz Groups Moodle Demonstration Teaching
writing difficulties; D. Teaching Handwriting Hand-outs
b. identify the qualities of E. Teaching Spelling
strong writing instruction;
c. explain how struggling
writers adapt in various
writing conditions such as
spelling and handwriting.
At the end of the lesson, students 6. Management of Instruction
should be able to: ▪ Objective-Related Principles of Teaching Lecture-Discussion Laptop/PC/Smartphone Lesson Plan
• Define teaching ▪ Selection and Organization of Content Big group discussions Internet Connection Objective Making Week 12 - 15
• Explain the objective-related ▪ Syllabus for Language Teachers Question and Answer Google Meet/Zoom Syllabus Designing
principles and their implications to ▪ Different Approaches and Methods Moodle
teaching ▪ Effective Questioning and Reacting Techniques Hand-outs
• Distinguish among the three
domains of learning objectives
• Write SMART lesson objectives in
the three domains
At the end of the lesson, students 7. Classroom Management
should be able to: ▪ Guiding Principles in Classroom Management Lecture-Discussion Laptop/PC/Smartphone Classroom Management Plan Week 16 - 18
-Discuss the guiding principles of ▪ Management of Time Demonstration Internet Connection Modular Exercises
Prepared by: Prof. Ricky Bustos Status: Issue Date: Next review date: Page
Approved by: Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones Version: Effective Date: Document owner: College of Education
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Course Syllabus in ELE 160 (Remedial Instruction) CoEd-BSED-A310301

classroom management and their ▪ Discipline Reenactments Google Meet/Zoom Case Analysis
implications in the classroom ▪ Managing the Physical Environment Question and Answer Moodle
- State effective techniques to ▪ Establishing Classroom Routine and Transition Hand-outs
maximize instructional time
- Trace some causes of disciplinary
- State ways of preventing
disciplinary problems
- Describe various modes of
establishing classroom discipline
- Judge the acceptability of given
ways of dealing with discipline


Class Attendance
Assessment Activities
Demonstration Teaching
Lesson Plan
Midterm and Final Examination


Performances and Products - 25%
Summative Tests - 15%
Examination - 20%
Demonstration Teaching - 30%
Oral and Written Report - 10%


 Corpuz, B. & Salandanan, G. (2015). Principles of teaching 1. Lorimar Publishing Inc

 Celce-Murcia, M. (1991). Grammar pedagogy in second and foreign language teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 25(3), 459-480.
Prepared by: Prof. Ricky Bustos Status: Issue Date: Next review date: Page
Approved by: Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones Version: Effective Date: Document owner: College of Education
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Course Syllabus in ELE 160 (Remedial Instruction) CoEd-BSED-A310301

 Diane Larsen-Freeman. Teaching and testing grammar. Retrieved from

 Hanse, L. and Keown, K.(2017). Assessing grammar and language convention skills.
 How to teach grammar from
 Larsen-Freeman (2012). The Grammar of choice. Retrieved from Choice+.pdf
 Larsen-Freeman. Teaching grammar. Retrieved from
 Mohamed Benhima (2015). “Grammaring,” The fifth skill in language teaching and learning. Retrieved from
 Nan, C. (2015). Grammar and grammaring: toward modes for English grammar teaching in China. Retrieved from , doi:10.5539/elt.v8n12p79
 Nozadze, A. (2017). How to make the assessment of grammar skills more efficient? Retrieved from
 Purpura, J. (2013). Assessing Grammar. Retrieved from
 Teaching and Assessing Grammar.
 Ways to assess grammar skill.


A. Student Attendance in Class and Other Academic Activities

Student punctuality and attendance is a major policy of the course. Fifteen minutes late coming to class will be considered absent. Absences of at least twenty percent of the class hours allotted for the
course or seven meetings will be subject to drop out. However, special considerations will be granted for missed attendance provided that relevant memorandum, special order, medical certificate or authorized
letters are presented.

B. Schedule of Class
The class will be conducted for two hours every meeting or three hours a week for a total of seventy-two hours in a semester.  It will be held on the official schedule of the course except on legal holidays. In
case of non-attendance of the teacher, special instructions and enhancement activities shall be given to the class. Remedial classes may be conducted if needed. Course orientation shall also  be conducted at
the first day of the class. Schedule of periodical tests for the course will follow the University calendar. Changes in class schedules will be communicated ahead through verbal announcements, online bulletins
or mobile messages.

C. Student Discipline
Students should observe proper decorum. Students are required to wear decent attire with university identification card. 2 x 3 student haircut should be strictly observed among males; outlandish hair, body
piercing and tattoo are prohibited for all students. Wearing of earrings among males and more than a pair of earrings for females are also strongly discouraged. The use of mobile devices should be kept in
silent mode during class hours; laptops are used for note taking purposes only unless needed for enhancement of class activities. Assignments and requirements should be submitted on set deadline; missed
compliance shall be given zero point except for special cases. Students are also encouraged to participate during classroom activities, community immersions, and other specified learning experiences for this
Prepared by: Prof. Ricky Bustos Status: Issue Date: Next review date: Page
Approved by: Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones Version: Effective Date: Document owner: College of Education
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Course Syllabus in ELE 160 (Remedial Instruction) CoEd-BSED-A310301

course. Students who commit any form of cheating in this class will immediately earn a failing mark. Plagiarism or copying words, ideas, or arguments from another person without citation in any of the course
requirements submitted will automatically be given zero.

D. Maintenance of Orderliness and Cleanliness

Seat plan will be followed all throughout the semester. Littering as result of classroom activities is responsibility of the students; trashes should be properly thrown to the garbage bins. Unauthorized pulling
out of chairs and table from the classroom is prohibited.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

Course Adviser BSED Chairperson Dean

Prepared by: Prof. Ricky Bustos Status: Issue Date: Next review date: Page
Approved by: Dr. Maria Theresa P. Pelones Version: Effective Date: Document owner: College of Education
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