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BBC News I'm John Shea the UN is holding a conference in

Geneva in the hope of Raising more than a 600 million of

emergency aid for Afghanistan the secretary-general Antonio
guterres has called the humanitarian crisis there a looming
catastrophe several million afghans are now displaced by drought
or by the recent political turmoil the you and human rights
Michelle bachelet those involved in any kind of Human Rights
abuse should be held to account halsteads use the inference with
the Taliban to encourage your human rights with special attention
to the rights of women and girls as well as members of ethnic
killings and other human rights abuses should be made with
immediate motability including for individuals ordering and
directing such a taxi. It's been announced at the Israeli Prime
Minister naftali Bennett we'll have talks today and Egypt with
Fattah el-sisi it'll be the first such official trip to the country by
Israel's had a government for a decade Middle East analyst Alan
Johnston has more details.
This meeting between the Israeli and Egyptian leaders was
expected, but it's actually when it would happen was kept quiet
for security reasons and today's talks were only announced hours
before due to start when they get going in the Egyptian resort
town of Sharm el-Sheikh tensions surrounding the Gaza strip and
likely to dominate the discussions Egypt has always played a key
role in efforts to mediate between Israel and the Palestinian
militants in the strip officials in Nigeria kogi state say 240
prisoners have escaped gunmen attacked the facility light on
Sunday there are unconfirmed reports that two security officers
were killed our Africa regional editor will Ross reports Nigerian
prisons service how much number of heavily armed attackers For
Fears Gun Battle with the guards at the facility and Cody state,
it's not the first time that vast numbers of inmates have been set
free in April gunmen, attacked the prison in.
Eastern town of a weary 1800 people got away the authorities
blame separatists president muhammadu buhari is government
appears overwhelmed by security challenges including a jihadist
conflict in the North and the frequent kidnapping of students the
authorities in zamfara state saved dozens of boys and girls who
were seized earlier this month was writing exams have now been
set free presumably in exchange for a ransom.
The UN says the Philippines is the only country in the world
where all schools remain closed because of the pandemic it said
this was having a detrimental effect on 27 million Filipino pupils
until recently for other nations by The Dash Kuwait Saudi Arabia
and Venezuela wearing the same position. This is the latest world
news from the BBC lebanon's new government has held its first
meeting since it was appointed last week after a year of political
Deadlock during which the country enjoyed a disastrous economic
collapse the cabinet ministers have formed the draught a policy
plan, which will then be put before Parliament it is hoped that the
establishment of the government will make it possible to attract
extensive support from the international monetary fund former
leader of the front Basque separatist group data is known as your
suit an error is due in court in Paris to appeal against a conviction
for membership of a terrorist group the church.
relates to a four-year period when his lawyers say he was
preparing for Peace talks in Geneva
Prosecutors in Italy have started a kidnapping investigation after
the only survivor of a cable car crash in May was taken to Israel
by his grandfather 8 on beer and have been living in Italy with his
paternal aunt since the crash which killed all of his immediate
family on Rome correspondent Mark Lowen reports a family
tragedy has turned into a bitter family battle on Saturday
morning. I'm well. Peg took his 6-year old grandson 8 and be ran
out allegedly to buy toys in Northern Italy where the boy has
been living with an arms since his parents brother and two great-
grandparents were killed in the cable car crash but instead the
grandfather is believed to have taken into Switzerland and then
by private jet to Israel to family who claimed they had been
denied access and that he was not receiving adequate care
prosecutors and now investigating swell peg-4 abduction.
Pope Francis is holding talks with Jewish leaders in Slovakia on
the first full day visit that they'll meet at the Holocaust memorial
in Bratislava which was erected 25 years ago took more than
100000 Slovakian Jews killed by the Nazis in the second world
war and that's the latest BBC World News

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