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As a middle class boy, came from rural area, as in my childhood, I never thought that I would

become an engineer while playing with car toys. But for my dream that I would become an
automobile engineer, I also became an engineer. After that I also did a job in the manufacturing
sector but I didn't get the spark that I was expecting, that's why I left the job and did UPSC
preparation and along with it did part time lecture job but I probably wanted to do something else in
life. The lockdown that happened since the time of Corona Pandemic brought me an opportunity
that I should think about my life once again.

And that’s when it happened; the spark I was missing ignited instant I clicked played on my
first video of python tutorial for data science. (I mean seriously, how could it not be great when it’s
named after Monty python’s flying circle?)And after that I went down deep in this data science field.
As much as I was entering in this data science field the more I was able to connect with my interest. I
never knew when it became a passion for me to play with the data and find the hidden details inside
the data.

This passion carried me to learn more in this field and the fun I received I never could have
imagined from other things. I studied new languages, algorithms, higher mathematics, and
probability, all with pretty much the same fascination. And it was here that I learned truly how much
there was to learn.

So now in this beautiful industry of data this passion remains with me. There is certainly
more to learn, yet more problems to solve and yet more hidden details of data to find. And for this I
am very much grateful to this industry.

My specialities key including quick learning new skills and programming language, problem
solving, python, r programming, tableau, sql, power bi, Microsoft excel, understanding business
problem, data understanding, data cleansing/preparation, exploratory data analysis, feature
engineering, data mining, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence. Devise and utilise
algorithms and models to mine big data stores, perform data and error analysis to improve models,
and clean and validate data for uniformity and accuracy, Analyse data for trends and patterns and
interpret data with a clear objective in mind.

When I’m not analysing data , I improving an old recipe as I’m good in kitchen also a foodie,
listening audiobooks biographies or reading self helped books, writing my blogs, or thinking about
content for my YouTube channel.

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