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Personal Philosophy of Special Education Artifact #4

Mikala Miles

July 31,2021

EDU 203- 1001 Introduction to Special Education

Instructor: Constantina Pappas


I have been around Special Education my entire life. Growing up both my parents worked

with people who had special needs. My dad was an SPTA at a school for students with severe

special needs and my mom was a Special Education teacher. I’ve always had a passion for kids

with special needs but it wasn’t until I was an SPTA myself where I saw the true magic behind

Special Education.

Growing up I had an IEP. I always thought that I wasn’t good enough for school because I

struggled. It was my resource teachers who made a difference in my life. Learning all that I have

in EDU 203 these last eight weeks has opened my eyes to so much more. I have gained a greater

understanding, not only of the differences each need has but as well as different strategies to aid

in teaching. I have learned many strategies to help teach students how to learn, how to be a more

purposeful, active, and efficient learner. I’ve learned more about focusing on the individual and

the needs they may have than on the whole group. I have also learned to be able to capitalize on

a student’s strengths and to build self-esteem. Learning more and more I've been able to realize

just how much of a difference my resource teachers made in my life.

I’ve also been able to see more of the lack in some areas of Special Education experiences I

have had in the past. Instances where the students weren’t given time to take a break, refresh, and

reset abounded. I’ve seen how if you look at the entire class the same, that you end up hindering

a huge group of students because not every student learns the same. Based on past experiences

and the knowledge I have gained from this class I feel as though I am more prepared to succeed

not only as a teacher in the future but as an SPTA right now. One major thing that I am going to

take away, and with me into the future is the importance of positive self-esteem. I didn’t realize

how much effect self-esteem plays on a student and their academic success. Knowing that now,

I’m going to keep my eyes and ears open to make sure my students feel valued, supported, and

important. I will also make sure to celebrate their accomplishments no matter how small they

may seem to me, because for them it may be the mountain they have been struggling to climb.

Another thing that I have noted pretty consistently is the importance of communication. Not only

between the student and the teacher but between the teacher and the family of the student, as well

as the teacher and administration of the school. For the teacher to be able to support the student

to the best of their ability, they need to feel as though they have support to do so, as well as

helping the families to feel involved, feel noticed, and cared for.

I would have to say that my philosophy for Special Education is to focus on the individual

always including their needs, self-esteem, and their support system. To help the individual feel

supported not only in school but out of school as well is important. Create a space where the

student feels comfortable yet challenged, where they can take a break if they need one, but also

learn and grow as a person. At the end of the day, the most important thing is the student.

Working with students with special needs has taught me a lot about how I see the world. Being

able to make my world that seems hard and difficult manageable for them is the most important

thing to me. This class has provided me not only with an understanding but with more

knowledge than I expected it to. I am so thankful for all that I have learned and can not wait to be

a Special Education teacher in the future.

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