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Magic Elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire (Full Guide)

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These four elements make up the entire universe. They are the basic creation and base of life itself. In magic, they are complete together
with the fth element – the element of the spirit (Akasha). Every pagan and occult tradition nds its direction in them. Each has its own
magical properties, a magical tool that invokes the element, the side of the world to which it responds.

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Of all other alchemical elements, the most closely related are emotions, the human psyche
and nature. Magical elements have the same importance in astrology and tarot. Many
occultists claim to be human manifestation of the elemental energy emanating from the
astral world. The rest of the world is also made of the same energy, but some parts are more
aware of their true nature than others.

Ancient myths and theories tell us that God and Goddess have sent four divine beings –
ghosts to the face of the earth to bring order to chaos. As the rays from their divine bodies
came into contact with the crystallizing in uence of the lower worlds, they united humanity,
heaven and the supreme deity.

The magic elements are protected by the ghosts – the Elementals. The gnomes thus guard the Earth, Silph rules the air, Salamander
rules the re, Undines the water. The Magical Elements and the Elementals are divided into four sides in a magic circle under the
watchful eye of the Lord – the Old – the Mighty – the Guardians – (Watchtowers, the Mighty Ones, Old Ones, Guardians).

Table of Contents 

Element Earth
This is the rst element evoked during a ritual)

Direction: North ( At the time the element is summoned, face north, the magical tool corresponding to the Earth element is placed in the
magic circle on the north side) Season: winter

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Time of day: midnight

Sensation: touch

Action: Learn

Condition: solid

Arkanđel: Uriel

Magic tools: pentacle, magic wand, salt, broom Stones used to help

with the element: amber, bloodstone, hematite (iron oxide), tiger eye,
obsidian, moss agate, aventurine, onyx, peridot

Color : green, grass color – vibrating, dynamic, vibrant Earth, grass color – well-being, black – pure dead Earth (matter of black holes),
brown, earthy brown – stable Earth – status quo, gray, white

Speci cities: Earth dominates the body, brings growth, healing, is used in magical rituals related to material gain, money, business and
nances of all kinds. It is used in rituals of knowledge, wisdom, strength, growth, well-being

Represents: structure, laws, metal, bones, mountains, elds, rocks: Earth is stability, naturalness, age and wisdom

Herbs that associate with the Earth element: patchouli, wormwood, vertiva, eagle nails, cypress,

Animals: wolf, bear

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Elemental King: Ghob

Metals: iron, lead

Oils: cypress, narcissus oil, patchouli

Incense: Myrtle, American Liquidambar, Sage, Patchouli, Magnolia, Wormwood, Roots

Goddesses: Ceres, Myphyts, Persephone, Prithini, Cerridwin, Riannon, Gaia (Mother Earth), Dememter, Rhea (Mother of All Goddesses)

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arwin, Marduk, Odin (Father of All Gods), Herne (Horned God of the Green Forest), Pan (Joy on Earth)

Thoughts that help:

“With patience I seek holy, ancient knowledge and wisdom, with simplicity I am rich, learning, developing. Through the ceremony I learn
the ancient knowledge of Earth. Through ritual, I support the growth of my soul. I’m learning with Earth symbols. “

Month: New Moon

Goddess: Dark

Elementals – Creatures that Rule the Elements : The Earth is dominated by the Gnomes.

Various types: Dridi, Hamadrids, Elves, Dwarves, Satire, Pan, Brownies, Sylvestres, Goblin, Tree Spirits
Field of work: working with stones, rocks, crystals, metals, plants, bones
Dominated: Gob, Goblins
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Creature personality: distrustful, it’s hard to get their trust, but loyal. They like to eat, to collect things

The technique of connecting to the element Earth – meditation:

To get started you will need to get some things like candles, essential oils, stones and herbs. These things are not necessary, but if
you can, try to get them. The materials used in this technique serve to aid in the conception, concentration and directing of energy.
Take a smaller container of natural material, glass, wooden, or make it yourself out of clay or clay. Initially, a seashell may be used.
Fill it with salt. Also, prepare one pot of soil or sand. If possible stones corresponding to Element Earth but not required. Try to get
something from herbs: (sage, magnolia, patchouli, myrtle, daffodil) either in fresh form or in the form of essential oil.
Buy a green candle, (which is all colored green; make sure it is not colored on the outside only). The candle must be new, unused!
One day, leave it outside, in the sun and moonlight, to clear the candle from the energy it has accumulated during transportation.
For this reason, it is most desirable to make one at home, but to start with, stick to that rule. Immerse it in a salt bath and wash with
one sewing needle. Let it dry. Coat it with a plate to protect against wax leakage. Use a needle to print earth symbols.
Do some spinal and shoulder exercises before meditation. Stretch out. It is important that you do not feel any pressure and that
your spine is in a straight position.
Now that you have everything ready, sit comfortably, straighten your spine, ground and match a candle (do not use a lighter). Drop a
drop of essential oils on the candle (being careful not to drop directly on the ame so that the candle does not go off), and add
some of the plants to the leaf. Make the most of your senses!
Take a pot of earth in your hands, feel its texture, smell, color. In your mind conjure up images of mountains, rocks, rocks, soil, salt,
wood. Pay attention to the weight of your body, bones, teeth, nails, hair and tissue. Usually we perceive these parts as ours, but in
this case it is necessary to remember that each part of the Earth Element comes into us and exits us. We bring it in the form of
food. It ows through us throughout our lives, building our bodies. It is borrowed from nature but never owned. Nature pictures,
large green forests, elds, parks, in short, all solid nature can also help.

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The Earth element is associated with the north (facing north), with night, winter, old age, sky. A time where the sun and moon never
shine. It is a place of darkness and darkness as in the earth’s interior. A time gone by, a time of forgetting, something like going to
sleep. Think of your body as a tree that draws from its interior all that it needs to live, puri es and treats everything unnaturally.

You can write all the associations with Earth during this technique on paper to use later in magical rituals when summoning
elements. Feel free to improvise! Magic is different for each individual. Find the way that works best for you by relaxing and throwing
out anything that bothers or de-concentrates you. Practice this technique for a week, then move on to the next element.

I note that this is a very powerful technique. Many will experience changes in the third week when connecting with the Element of Earth,
such as making important decisions, solving longstanding problems. Let magic do little wonders for you without looking directly for
something. In most cases, a solution that is only offered is a better choice than someone we think we need.

I de nitely recommend getting some stone that corresponds to the Earth element.

Element Water
Direction: west

Seasons: autumn

Time of day: dawn

Day of the week: Monday, Friday

Sensation: taste
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Action: dare

Condition: liquid

Archangel: Gabriel

Magic tools: magic cup, cup, chalice, ball, cup, ring, barrel, all kinds of
silver objects, teapot, shells, brushes,

Gems used to help with the element: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl,

chalcedony, coral, lapis lazuli, marble, moonstone, pearl, sapphire,

Color: silver, purple, white, blue, indigo

Speci cs: used in the rituals and spells of love and romance, psychic powers, astral travels, dream work, meditation, healing, spiritual
gains, birth, death, rebirth, invocation of spirits

Herbs that associate with the element water: coral, blackberry, jasmine, vanilla, lotus, valerian, mullet – yarrow, lily, lees, thistle,
camphor, myrtle – fragrant resin, iris

Animals: sh and other aquatic animals

Elemental King: Necksa

Metals: copper, silver

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Goddesses: Boann, Venus, Cleone, Doris, Fand, Ganga

Gods: Poseidon, Neptune, Lear, Imset, Apo

Goddess: Crone – old lady

Elementals – the beings that rule the elements: Undine

The Water element has a cleaning power. On the spiritual side, it represents aspects of the soul, emotions and subconscious.

Connecting to the Element Water – Meditation:

Get a blue candle. Clean it in salt water, bless and mark with symbols. Take the herbs and gems that correspond to the Water Element.
Take a pot of water and set it in a westerly direction. Facing west, light a candle. Burn a small amount of herbs in the censer. Imagine
scenes with water: sea, rivers, springs, streams, rain. Take a sip of water. Feel it enter your body, purify it. Feel the blood ow through the
veins and ow. Meditate for about 15 minutes.

Element Fire
Direction: south Seasons: summer

Time of day: noon

Day of the week: Sunday

Sensation: vision
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Action: do

Condition: Plasma

Archangel: Michael

Magic tools: magic wand, sword, incense – magic smoke, earrings, pipe,

Stones used to help with the element: amber, indian tear, carneol, citrine,
diamond, quartz, garnet, obsidian, onyx, ruby, tiger eye, topaz

Color: red, gold, yellow, orange,

Speci c uses: used for space cleansing, exorcism, strength, desire, passion, employment, protection, change, courage, anger, refutation
of magic and spells.

Represents: new spiritual beginnings, spiritual rebirth, inner freedom. It represents life and the will to live, the process of destruction but
also puri cation. Its intensity is seen in the ames of candles, bones, sun, desert. Bringing hope into the magic circle brings hope and

Herbs Associated with the Element Fire: Pimento, Basil, Laurel, Cinnamon, Dill, Anise – Fennel, Garlic, Ginseng, Pepper, Rosemary,
Velcro, Wormwood, Tabacco,

Animals: reptiles, amphibians (living above water), lizards, bear, lion

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Elemental King: Djin

Metals: bronze, gold, steel

Goddesses: Yamaya, Brighid, Aine, Maia, Vesta, Pele, Hestia

Gods: Lugh, Agni, Ogun, Vulcan, Govannon

Thoughts that help: “I burn the old and prepare the space for a new life. I have been transformed into light. ”

Goddess: Mother

Elemental beings – beings that rule the elements: Salamander

Fire is the highest vibration element. The only element that has the power of transformation. All other elements have only cleaning

Connecting to the Element of Fire – Meditation:

Take the red candle. Clean it in salt water. Ritually bless, and with a needle, engrave the symbol of re. Collect herbs and gems that
match the Element of Fire. Add small amounts of herbs to censers. Light a candle. Take a meditation position, straighten your spine and
place your feet on the ground. Make a grounding. Take the gems and herbs in your hands. Concentrate on the candle ame, the light it
gives. In your mind conjure up images of re that gradually intensify, the candle ame purifying your body. Pictures of vast deserts and
sunshine. Feel the warmth coming from the candle.

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Element Air
Direction: east – sunrise

Season: spring – fresh season

Time of day: dawn

Day of the week: Wednesday

Feeling: hearing, smell

Action: be quiet, stay quiet

Condition: gaseous

Archangel: Rafael

Air is an element of a new life, a new beginning, new possibilities. You can bring the in uence of the wind into the ritual by using a bell,
magic wand, sword, incense burner, yellow topaz, resin, quartz

Magic tools: magic wand, broom, sword, pen, pen,

Stones used to help with the element: light stones, transparent stones, adventurine, meteors

Color: yellow – color of the sun,

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Speci cities: Sound is the second manifestation of this element. As an element, air is invisible but can be felt (when breathing, blowing
wind). Used for travel rituals and spells, nding lost things, some types of divination and freedom, loyalty, loyalty

Presents: movement, freshness, communication, intelligence, inspiration, knowledge, dreams and desires, mountains, windy shores,
high, mountain peaks, breathing

Herbs associated with the element Air: dill, iris, general leaves, (Eupatorium cannabinum) – hemp, dandelion, hops, lavender, marjoram,
mistletoe, holly, parsley,

Animals: spiders, birds, winged insects

Elemental King: Paralda

Metals: aluminum,

Goddesses: Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania, Oya – Feng Pho-Pho – Nut – All Heavenly Goddesses

Bogovi: Enlil, Kheohera, Mercurym, Shu, Thoth, Ioskeha – Alieon – Aquillo – Boreas -Enlil – Vaya – Zephyrus

Goddess: Maiden – girl

Elementals – the beings that rule the elements: The air is ruled by Sylph

Connecting to the Element Air – Meditation:

Get the green candle. Clean it from impurities it has accumulated during transport, (wash in salt water). Dry the candle and bless
it. Use a needle to carve an air symbol for it.
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Collect as many herbs and gems as are appropriate for Element Air.
Take a pot that will serve as a censer (sand plate, clay pot – any material that does not crack in contact with heat. Avoid glass!) Coat
the pan with a plate. Take charcoal in small quantities if you are working outdoors or burning a cinnamon stick indoors. Add small
amounts of herbs. The smoke should not be too strong but pleasant. In case you overdo it, avoid strong ames.
Take a meditation position. Straighten your spine and place your feet at on the ground. Light a candle. Take stones or herbs in
your hands. Breathe deeply until you are completely relaxed. Ground yourself. Think of wind. Start with the breeze and increase it to
the strength of the tornado. Monitor your breathing, concentrate on the inlet and outlet of air into your lungs. The air from the lungs
enters the bloodstream and enters every small part of your body. Imagine pictures of mountains, mountain peaks and cold winds,
windy shores. Meditate for about 15 minutes. Get out of meditation slowly.

Astennu Sever
Practicing occultist and writer with a particular interest in summoning magic. I conduct summoning rituals for
clients - To learn more about practical magick, get my latest book "The
Psy-Mage Compendium" on Amazon:

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