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Deep Breathing Exercise Steps

1. Check the patient’s chart and his or her condition to identify the appropriate
2. Wash hands to prevent the spread of microorganisms.
3. Identify the correct patient and explain the procedure that will be performed.
4. Place patient in a comfortable position or may sit up on bed, or may be in semi- or
high-Fowler’s position to facilitate lung expansion.
5. Instruct the patient to place palms on the abdominal area, but not pushing, to feel
the abdomen rise as he/she breathes in and lower down as he/she breathes out.
6. Instruct the patient to breath in slowly through the nose for about 3 seconds, and
let air fill the abdomen. Then, allow slowly breathing out through the mouth, in a
pursed lip way, for about 3 seconds.
7. Instruct the patient not to hold the breath at the end of inhales or exhales. It is
advised for breathing to be smooth and continuous.
8. Demonstrate the deep breathing exercise, and let the patient follow afterwards.
9. Advise the patient to repeat the exercise for at least three times.
10. Assess how the patient responds after doing the exercise.
11. Again perform proper hand hygiene.
12. Document the procedure as well as the patient’s response.

Source: Barbara Bolen, P. (n.d.). How to relax your whole body anytime for stress
relief. Retrieved April 06, 2021, from

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