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Technology is a product of the

contemporary world that makes our
life easy by its unlimited usage.
Technology is inevitable and that
can help us in our everyday life, just
like our phone, our phone is a
technology that we can use in our
everyday life and help us now that
we're not able to have a face-to-
face interaction, we use our phone
to do our classes and activities.
And because of technology our
form of medication has improved,
one of it is that, it improves the
access to medical information and
data. And one of the biggest
benefits of the digital revolution has
been the ability to store and access
data, so healthcare workers can
now retrieve patient data anywhere.
That is just one of the contributions
of technology in our everyday life,
there are still many things that
technology has contributed to us,
and as technology improves I think
our daily life can be more

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