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Why am I a fan of modern technology?

Modern technology is something that everybody uses. We use it for work, healthcare, for our own
joy and much more. Nowadays people use modern technology in their everyday life and I don’t
think it’s something bad if you are not addicted to it. Yes, technology can lead to some sort of
addiction. For example there are many people that are addicted to video games or social media
but that’s a thing which depends on how much time you spend in front of the screen so we should
be careful about how much time we spend online.

That was only the negative part of modern technology of course. I actually think that modern
technology has a bigger positive side than a negative one. If you think a little bit you will
understand that modern technology gives us fast transport, helps people and saves lives.

In the past people didn’t have any technology and their lives were much harder to live than ours.
They couldn’t take care of sick or injured people with good medical treatment because they didn’t
have this modern technology as we have now.

That is why I’m a fan of modern technology. Because it can help everyone around the world.

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