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Does Technology make us lazy?

Before I start my discourse, I want you to answer me, Are new technology and devices

making us lazy, dumb and dependent? Technology is time-saving, but we might not know how

to use it wisely, convenience turned into dependency. Technology has made life so convenient

for us we are scared of the fact to spend a day without gadgets for an extended period. Yes we

are under the fact that: Technology makes us lazy, always a common statement.

Over 3.8 billion people use the internet today, which is 40% of the world’s population.

Technology is everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Technology is not only rapidly changing, but

it’s changing so fast that most of us don’t even recognize these changes. We take most of it for

granted, and consider it the norm. Many people have yet to realize just how rapid and profound

the current digital revolution is, or how quickly it’s breaking down old institutions. But the future

is approaching even more quickly that we think. Right now, all the pieces are in place to

completely change the face of products, technologies, organizations, and entrepreneurship over

the next few years. For me, the progress, while not making us lazy, makes human being more

active both physically and mentally. First of all, machines or high technology don’t help people

do less work but help them complete tasks more quickly. Let’s not blame technology for making

us lazy because technologies can’t make decisions for us. What we do during the free time with

technology is entirely left to us. We have to decide on how productively to use them. People are

more and more relying too much on technology to do everything for them, however these sorts

of technology are useful when it is required yet technology sets lots of problems when it comes

to internet we don’t know how long to stay on.

So therefore I conclude that technology helps us in our lives but that doesn’t mean we

should always rely on it. We are the one who is making decisions if we are making ourselves

lazier and dumber and not the technologies. So I ask again: does technology make us lazy? No.

We’ve made ourselves lazy

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