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(OV I-2)


Technology is one of the essential parts of our life which makes this world easier to live and give us more
freedom and a lot of ways to live differently. Technology bring skills, knowledge, process, technique, and
tools together for solving problems of human beings, making their life secure and easier. Humans use
technology to travel, to communicate, to learn, to do business and to live in comfort. Technology can
decrease the time it takes to accomplish a task, which can ultimately save money and increase
productivity. Communication speed also increases. Instead of sending a message by postal mail, using
email or fax can deliver it instantaneously. Technology can also speed up various manufacturing
processes, as machines and computers can do work that was once performed by humans, more quickly
and efficiently.

Today, technology has a special importance in everyone's life because its not only helps in the
development of the individual but also plays an important role in the development of the country and
the world. Everything related to life has been connected with technology, which has not only improved
the standard of living but has also given a new direction to development.

In conclusion, technology is boon as long as we know how to use it properly. Everything is harmless as
long as we know how to limit ourselves and use technology moderately. We should always put in mind
that we are the master and technology is our slave, not the other way around. As a human beings, we
have a brain to think what's right and wrong, and we can control anything. Technology whether bane or
boon, it depends on how you act upon it.

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