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Technology is a boon as long as it is our slave. It's when we let it become a master, that it becomes a
bane. Mind you on it's own, technology can never be your master. We are light years away from robots
who can control humans and artificial intelligence, so lets not even go there first. These can help
students to make lessons fun, interesting, and more effective. Using technology reduces the work load
and helps students to understand subject better. Essentially it is also driving the way that teachers teach
and students learn. Technology is inevitable in our everyday lives. This is because life without technology
is pointless in today's dynamic world. Technology, which brings together tools to promote development,
use and information exchange, has as its main objective of making tasks easier and the solving of many
problems of mankind. Due to technology, social system of backward industrial economies also helps in
improving. Today, everything related to life has been connected with technology, which has not only
improved the standard of living but has also given a new direction to development. Technology helps
them do their activities easier and it gives them freedom. As a result, they are more empowered,
confident, and hopeful. Technology can do so much for many people. It's not just about being “cool.”
Using the latest technology can also make lives easier.

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