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We have not thought
through what AI, IoT,
big data, social media,
cloud, ICT, genome
editing, could possibly
do. Gerd Leonhard
compares it to the
invention of the atomic
bomb. Things were a lot
less fast in those days.
We are dealing with a
digital nuclear bomb,
and it might explode
before we realise what
we have gotten
ourselves into.
Technology vs Humanity: The coming
clash between man and machine
Peter Diamandis’ 4Ds
Dependency — Leaving our thinking to software and algorithms
because it’s just so much more convenient and fast.
Confusion — Not knowing if it was the intended human who
replied to my emails, or her AI assistant. Or even not knowing if I
made my own decision or if I was manipulated by my IDA.
Loss of control — Not having a way of knowing if the AI’s
anticipation was correct or not, as we could not possibly track the
system’s logic or even comprehend the workings of a quantum
computing-fueled, machine-learning system. In other words, we
would need to either trust it completely or not at all, similar to the
dilemma that some airplane pilots are already facing with their
autopilot systems.
Abdication — Being tempted to leave more tasks to systems that
would handle them for us, whether it is coordinating personal
Technology is going
internal separating us
from the world,
disconnecting us from
human experiences.
We are already
starting to confuse the
magic of the tools
with the drug-like
effect of constant
Is technology also robbing us of our humanity, those qualities that
make us humane and kind?

There can be good and bad to most

things in life. It all depends on what path
you follow. Some of the world’s tech
giants are starting to pay more attention
to the good, exploring the humanity their
innovations can enhance.
We should look at how
technology can help us
achieve our dreams and
goals, and then look at
technology not as the goal,
but rather a supporting tool
we need to achieve our goal.

People always remain the primary

focus of any technology decisions we
make for ourselves or others!
Technology is just a means of
convenience and productivity, It’s just
a time saver, It’s not the purpose, not
the goal, it’s a tool.
Pros of technological progress
 Thanks to technological progress humans live longer and much more comfortable lives.
The medical advancements have helped us develop vaccines and treatment for diseases
which were previously lethal. Giving birth is not as dangerous as it used to be.
Technological progress has allowed develop new techniques for diagnosis and
mitigation of diseases and other conditions. Scientific research has improved our
understanding of nutrition and contributed to healthier lifestyles.
 Technology has allowed humans to travel faster and trade goods all over the world.
Crossing the Atlantic was historically an adventure that would take weeks. Now in just
a few hours you can travel from New York to London or Paris. Thanks to technology
we can have holidays in remote locations and capture these moments through pictures.
We can now buy and consume goods produced far away. In the same supermarket you
can find French cheeses, South African wines, Spanish olive oils, Brazilian coffees, and
Japanese fish.
 Without technology we would still be nomads hunting and gathering fruits and
vegetables. Industrial societies heavily rely on technological progress. We can feed a
fast growing world population thanks to the continuous innovation in production
 Genetically modified foods (GMO) may help fight hunger and ensure that world
population continues to be fed. Genetic modification techniques contribute to produce
more food and to maintain agricultural production at affordable prices.
 The Internet, computers and mobile phones illustrate the role of technology in
improving society. Efficiency has skyrocketed thanks to these inventions. Our work
and social lives have been transformed. People can now work from home and
collaborate with teams located in other towns, countries or even continents. We can
keep a fluid communication and relationship with friends and family living abroad.
News of events cross the globe in seconds. Social netwoks such as facebook and
twitter are extremely useful. Thanks to technology grandparents get to see and chat
with their grandchildren much more often. People today get to meet others sharing
similar hobbies or interests.
 Thanks to new technologies, alternative forms of entertainment and art have
developed during the last century. Photography, radio, movies, television shows,
music and video games occupy a central spot in people's lives. There are new forms
of entertainment at our doorstep, such as virtual reality. Additionally, IT is facilitating
the work of creators and help increase the quality of entertainment.
 The importance of technology in the delopment of renewable energies is evident.
 Human sciences attempt to expand and enlighten the human
being’s purpose, knowledge of their existence and well-being.
 Psychology includes subjects as diverse as social interaction,
learning, parent child attachment, the sense of self, psych
development, and information processing.
 Philosophy is concerned with a wide range of questions
including ethics, moral, knowledge and the nature of mind.
 Technology is the collection of tools, techniques, skills, methods
and processes used in the production of goods or services.
Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and
the like, or it can be embedded in machines which can be
operated without detailed knowledge of their workings.
• By the words of Bill Gates: “Technology
is just a tool. It’s a powerful tool, but it’s
just a tool. Deep human connection is
very different. It’s not a tool. It’s not a
means to an end. It is the end — the
purpose and the result of a meaningful
life, and it will inspire the most amazing
acts of love, generosity, and humanity.”
• The whole point being
that technology is not the
center of the focus. The
person using the
technology is. We forgot
the People; the Human for
whom we make the
tools/technology with
great User experiences,
A good life is not the use of more
and more technology.

Technology is just a means of

convenience and productivity, It’s
just a time saver, It’s not the
purpose, not the goal, it’s a tool.
Life Without Technology
Technology is a distraction
You find more things to do
You can communicate better
You can enjoy life more
The invention of It is visible at the
technology is a product present how
technology has taken
of an inquisitive mind
over a lot of work
and the continuous which normally
search for solutions in humans can only do
making people's life before today's digital
easy. Hence, age. A lot of works
which are unloaded
technology, before it is
from humans, hence,
even invented, has a people's tasks or
purpose already, to works have become

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