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Positive impact of technology

One of the signs of the development of the times is the existence of technology that is
starting to be massively used. The development of increasingly advanced technology is
influenced by the development of science that is getting better.

Manuel Castells explains that technology is a collection of tools, rules and procedures
which are the application of scientific knowledge to a particular job under conditions
that allow repetition.1

Benefits Technology in everyday life provides many benefits from all fields. First, make it
easier to receive information. With the modernization of technology, all forms of
information can be accessed quickly and easily, therefore this is a positive advantage
for its users. Second, facilitate communication between humans. Nowadays humans
have no more difficulty in managing work schedules, school and daily activities, many
communication applications allow communication quickly. Third, make learning more
effective and efficient. Accessing various sources of knowledge is very easy, even now
without going to the library We can easily access knowledge And make class schedules
And online learning can be easy with technology. Fourth, facilitate financial

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada zaman dahulu berkomunikasi sangat sulit, berbeda
dengan zaman sekarang ini. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi sangat pesat dan
sangat mudah. Hampir semua orang sekarang dapat berkomunikasi dengan cepat dan
mudah. Sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman teknologi komunikasi semakin
berkembang dan terus berkembang. Dengan adanya perkembangan yang semakin
canggih kita dapat mudah terhubung dengan daerah – daerah lain dengan cepat dan

And technology is the same as a knife that can take humans in two different directions,
the first can bring humans to a good path with all the sophistication it has making
humans get convenience in all fields (positive impact) while the second can bring
humans into misery. which is caused by the misuse of technological progress itself

Siti Nur Aeni 2022 "Understanding Technology, Types, Examples, and Benefits",
(negative impact) therefore technological advances can have a positive impact and can
also have a negative impact, depending on which direction we run it.

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