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Klein - T2 (Tomatoes)


Dạng 1

Cấu trúc

● Paragraph 1 – Introduction

1. Paraphrase Question

2. Give opinion + Outline main points

● Paragraph 2 – Supporting Paragraph 1

3. Topic sentence

4. Explanation 1

5. Explanation 2

6. Example

● Paragraph 3 – Supporting Paragraph 2

7. Topic sentence

8. Explanation 1

9. Explanation 2

10. Example

● Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

11. Summary + Opinion (paraphrase sentence 2)

Bản công thức

1. [Paraphrasing] ....................
2. I agree with this idea because .................... and ....................

3. ....................
4. ....................
5. ....................
6. For example,

7. Another reason why ....................

8. ....................
9. ....................
10. For instance,

11. In conclusion, .................... and I therefore believe that ....................

Bài tập minh họa

The best way to improve health is to exercise daily. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?


Currently, daily physical activity is the best way to help us improve our health. I agree
with this idea because doing exercise can help me to control weight and reduce stress
after school time and taking exercise helps to reduce the risk of some diseases.

Doing exercise is crucial for maintaining good health because it effectively controls our
weight. Taking exercise helps us control weight by burning the extra fat and reducing
obesity in our body. Besides, my mind feels relaxed when I go to the gym after a long
time of studying at my high school. For example, for a long time ago, my sister was
very confident in herself because she was very fat. After several years of regular
exercise every day, she has lost 25 kg, she is ecstatic about that.

Another reason why the importance of exercise is to reduce the risk of some diseases.
Not doing exercise causes some dangerous diseases like cancer, diabetes and obese.
In addition, not only avoid risks of diseases, but doing exercise also helps us to
improve our resistance .For instance, 9 years ago, my brother had awful physical
health so he caught obese. After 2 years of going to the gym, he is healthy and has a
well body.

In conclusion, daily exercise is the best way to help us improve our health and I
therefore believe that taking physical activity can help us to control weight and reduce
stress after school time and reduce the risk of some diseases.

Currently, daily physical activity is CONSIDERED the best way to help us improve our
health. I agree with this idea because doing exercise can help me to control weight
and reduce stress after school time and taking exercise helps to reduce the risk of
some diseases.


Doing exercise is crucial for maintaining good health because it effectively controls our
weight. Taking exercise helps us control weight by burning the extra fat and reducing
obesity in our body. Besides, my mind PEOPLE TEND TO FEEL MORE feels relaxed
when I AFTER goING to the gym after a long time of studying at my high school. For
example, for a long time ago, my sister was very confident in herself because she was
After several years of regular exercise every day, she has lost 25 kg, she is ecstatic
about that.

Another reason why the importance of exercise is to reduce the risk of some diseases.
Not doing exercise causes some dangerous diseases like cancer, diabetes and
OBESITY obese. In addition, not only avoid risks of diseases, but doing exercise also
helps us to improve our resistance (ĐOẠN NÀY EM GIỚI THIỆU LÀ GIẢM NGUY CƠ
GÌ VỀ VIỆC CẢI THIỆN SỨC BỀN).For instance, 9 years ago, my brother had awful
physical health so he caught obese. After 2 years of going to the gym, he is healthy and
has a well body. (ví dụ này không đúng, ở đây là giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh (tức là chưa
mắc), chứ không phải là chữa bệnh. Mắc rồi xong >tập thể dục> khỏi bệnh)

In conclusion, daily exercise is the best way to help us improve our health CHỖ NÀY E
PHẢI NÓI LẠI 2 CÁI REASONS E VIẾT Ở TRÊN and I therefore believe that taking
physical activity can help us to control weight and reduce stress after school time and
reduce the risk of some diseases. BELIEVE LÀ EXERCISE IS THE BEST

Corrected by harry 2101120835


Daily physical activity is considered the best way to help the hamlet improve our
health. I agree with this idea because doing exercise can help yourself to control
weight and reduce stress after working for a long time and taking exercise helps
to reduce the risk of some diseases.

Doing exercise is crucial for maintaining good health because it effectively

controls our weight. Next, taking exercise helps the public control weight by
burning the extra fat and reducing the risk from obesity in one’s body. Besides,
individuals tend to feel more relaxed after going to the gym after a long time of
studying at their high school. For example, after several years of regular exercise
every day, the neighbor next to my house has lost 25kg and he is ecstatic about

Another reason why the importance of exercise is to reduce the risk of some
diseases. Not doing exercise causes some dangerous diseases like cancer,
diabetes and obesity. In addition, it has been researched that people who do
exercise regularly are unlikely to caught diseases than those who do not .For
instance, my uncle who usually doing cardio workout so he does not have sick
than other people who has the same age has the risk from obesity while the
neighbor who live in the head of the road is a busy person, that lead to the
cancer of her.

In conclusion, daily exercise is the best way to help the community maintain good
health and reduce the risk of some diseases. and I therefore believe that doing
exercise is the best.

Some people think books are losing importance as a source of information and
entertainment. To what extent do you agree?

1. [Paraphrasing] ....................
2. I agree with this idea because reading books seems outdated and I am
attracted by the diversity of the internet.

3. Không còn quan trọng bởi vì bị thay thế bằng app trong thời đại số 4.0
4. Xét về mặt giải trí, Việc đọc Book thậm phải mua những với việc giải trí
trên internet hoàn toàn là miễn phí, chẳng hạn như lướt FB đọc tin đồ thì miễn
5. The information from the book is not up-to-date compared to online stuff
6. For example,

7. Another reason why I was attracted to the internet like social media, because of
the diversity of that.
8. Finding some information with one click.
9. The diversity of social media.
10. For instance, một khảo sát đưa ra … ( phân tích theo hướng bảo vệ
luận điểm theo ý 8 và 9 )

11. In conclusion, the information from the book is not up-to-date compared to online
stuff and I was attracted by the diversity of the internet. I therefore believe that books
are losing importance as a source of information and entertainment.

Nowadays, most people think that books no longer appeal as a source of news. I agree
with this idea due to the fact that reading books is just as outdated and i was attractive
by the diversity of the internet

Reading books seems outdated as it has been replaced by a lot of apps from the phone
such as Facebook, Netflix, Instagram and it is no longer important in the 4.0 era. The
information from the book is not up-to-date compared to online stuff such as news of the
day, weather of the week and even the latest information about the Corona virus.
Besides, If we consider it for entertainment, to read books, we have to buy them but
compared to entertainment on the internet, it's free, like watching a lot of game shows
on Youtube, surfing the newsfeed on Facebook. For example, teenagers nowadays
rarely spend money to buy books, they use the app and on their phones to read books,
such as Ebooks. My friend said, "I use Ebooks because it's free!".

Another reason why I was attracted to the internet like social media, because of the
diversity of that. In order to get information from the book, I have to read the book while
I can find information with clicks from the internet such as Google. In addition, I am
attracted to the internet by the diversity of social media such as Facebook, Instagram.
At here, I am entertained by texting with friends, commenting on posts, learning ielts
and especially reading news from forums to update information as quickly as possible
without wasting time to watch news on VTV3. For instance, a recent survey shows that
it is impossible for young people to spend a lot of time reading. Most of them spend their
free time surfing the newsfeed on Facebook, watching Youtube and very few of them
spend time reading books.

In conclusion, reading books is just as outdated and I was attracted by the diversity of
the internet. I therefore believe that books are losing importance as a source of
information and entertainment.

Nowadays, most people think that books no longer appeal as a source of news. I agree
with this idea due to the fact that reading books is just as ARE outdated and i was
READERS ARE USUALLY ATTRACTED attractive by the diversity of the internet

Reading books seems outdated as it has been replaced by a lot of apps from the phone
such as Facebook, Netflix, Instagram and it is no longer important in the 4.0 era. The
information from the bookS is not up-to-date compared to online stuff such as news of
the day, weather of the week and even the latest information LIKE about the Corona
virus. Besides, If we consider it for entertainment, to read books, we have to buy them
but compared to entertainment on the internet, it's free, like watching a lot of game
shows on Youtube, surfing the newsfeed on Facebook. (ĐÂY LÀ 1 IDEA KHÔNG LIÊN
nowadays rarely spend money to buy books, they use the FREE app and on their
phones to read books, such as Ebooks. My friend said, "I use Ebooks because it's


Another reason why I was PEOPLE attracted to the internet like social media,
because of the diversity of that. In order to get information from the book, I PEOPLE
have to read the book, WHICH IS NOT ALWAYS AVAILABLE, while I can find
information with clicks from the internet such as Google. In addition, I am attracted to
the internet by the diversity of social media such as Facebook, Instagram. At here, IN
THOSE PLATFORM, READERS I am entertained by texting with friends, commenting
on posts, learning ielts and especially reading news from forums to update information
as quickly as possible without wasting time to watch news on VTV3 (CÁI NÀY KHÔNG
LIÊN QUAN GÌ TỚI BOOKS). For instance, a recent survey shows that it is impossible
for young people to spend a lot of time reading. Most of them spend their free time
surfing the newsfeed on Facebook, watching Youtube and very few of them spend time


In conclusion, reading books is just as outdated and I was attracted by the diversity of
the internet. I therefore believe that books are losing importance as a source of
information and entertainment.

CHECKED by harry 2101181459

Nowadays, most people think that books no longer appeal as a source of news. I
agree with this idea due to the fact that reading books are outdated and readers
are usually attracted by the diversity of the internet
Reading books seems outdated as it has been replaced by a lot of apps from the
phone such as Facebook, Netflix, Instagram and it is no longer important in the
4.0 era. The information from books is not up-to-date compared to online stuff
such as news of the day, weather of the week and even the latest information like
the Corona virus, AIDS and H5N1. Besides, books are becoming more and more
expensive because of the needs of everyone reading. For example, teenagers
nowadays rarely spend money to buy books, they use the free app and on their
phones to read books, such as Ebooks.
Another reason why people are attracted to the internet like social media,
because of the diversity of that. In order to get information from the book, citizens
have to read the book which is not always available, while I can find information
with clicks from the internet such as Google. In addition, I am attracted to the
internet by the diversity of social media such as Facebook, Instagram. On those
platforms, readers are entertained by texting with friends, commenting on posts,
learning ielts and especially reading news from forums to update information as
quickly as possible. For instance, a recent survey shows that books become
increasingly diverse in genres such as science fiction, horror, comic, romance,
In conclusion, reading books is just as outdated and I was attracted by the
diversity of the internet. I therefore believe that books are losing importance as a
source of information and entertainment.

Dạng 2

Cấu trúc

● Paragraph 1 – Introduction

1. Paraphrase Question

2. Outline both sides + Give Opinion

● Paragraph 2 – Negative Viewpoint

3. Topic sentence

4. Explanation

5. Example

6. State that you disagree

● Paragraph 3 – Positive Viewpoint

7. Topic sentence

8. Explanation

9. Example

10. State that you agree

● Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

11. Summary main points + Opinion (paraphrase sentence 2)

Bản công thức

1. Some would argue that ……………….., while others say ………………..

2. While ……………….., I believe that ………………..

3. On the one hand, ………………..

4. ………………..
5. For example,
6. However, I disagree with this ………………..

7. On the other hand, ………………..

8. ………………..
9. For instance,
10. I agree with this

11. In conclusion, although ………………..

Bài tập minh họa

Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in
some areas whereas others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism
will have no benefits.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

1. Some would argue that ……………….., while others say ………………..

2. While change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits, I believe that
tourism should be banned in some areas.

7. On the other hand that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no
8. Cung cấp nguồn thu nhập lớn về tài chính cho founder (em viết chung chung là tot
hon) và tạo điều kiện cho người dân địa phương có việc kiểu như tuyển nhân viên từ
địa phương.
9. For instance, cái khu du lịch ABC mới vừa xây dựng ở HKhánh và nó đã tạo điều
kiện cho rất nhiều người dân thất nghiệp cũng như sinh viên kiếm thêm nguồn thu
10. I believe this

3. On the one hand, tourism should be banned in some areas.
4. Chưa có ý thức về việc giữ gìn mấy cái di tích chẳng hạn như tượng tạc tại mấy khu
5. For example, mấy đứa con của mấy người du khách còn nhỏ, chưa có ý thức giữ gìn
hiện vật cổ nên kiểu như phá
6. However, I believe that ………………..

11. In conclusion, although ………………..


Some would argue that keeping the area culture unchanged, some specific parts should
be separated from tourism, while others say the change is an absolute thing so the
tourism banning is superfluous. While change is inevitable and banning tourism will
have no benefits, I believe that tourism should be banned in some areas.

On the other hand that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits.
The citizens said that banning tourism from all over is not beneficial because they have
provided a lot of money to the local founders, in addition to creating more job
opportunities for local peoples and undergraduate students. For instance,
TheKietuanguyen Park built last year in Son Tra has created opportunities for
unemployed people and undergraduate students studying nearby to earn more living
expenses and school fees. I believe this ...

On the other hand, tourism should be banned in some areas. The public said that the
government should prohibit tours to go to ancient, stately places such as temples,
pagodas and memorials because they do not have a respectful attitude when visiting
those places. For example, their children are young so they are very naughty so they do
not know how to preserve ancient artifacts, so they broke statues or laughed at temples
and pagodas. However, I believe that ...

In conclusion, I believe both the arguments have their merits. I can not disclaim the
huge impact that tourism brings, however, I just have to agree with prohibiting them
from some specific places.

Some would argue that keeping the area culture unchanged, some specific parts should
be separated from tourism, while others say the change is an absolute thing so the
tourism banning is superfluous. EM VIẾT THIẾU CÂU 2

On the other hand that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits.
The citizens said that banning tourism from all over is not beneficial because they have
provided a lot of money to the local founders, in addition to creating more job
opportunities for local peoples and undergraduate students. For instance,
TheKietuanguyen Park built last year in Son Tra has created opportunities for
unemployed people and undergraduate students studying nearby to earn more living
expenses and school fees. I believe this X.

On the other hand, tourism should be banned in some areas. The public said that the
government should prohibit tours to go to ancient, stately places such as temples,
pagodas and memorials because they do not have a respectful attitude when visiting
those places. For example, their children are young so they are very naughty so they do
not know how to preserve ancient artifacts, so they broke statues or laughed at temples
and pagodas. However, I believe that X

In conclusion, I believe both the arguments have their merits. I can not disclaim the
huge impact that tourism brings, however, I just have to agree with prohibiting them
from some specific places.
CHECKED by harry 2101261458

Some would argue that keeping the area culture unchanged, some specific parts
should be separated from tourism, while others say the change is an absolute
thing so the tourism banning is superfluous. While change is inevitable and
banning tourism will have no benefits, I believe that tourism should be banned in
some areas.

On the other hand, that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no
benefits because citizens think . The citizens said that banning tourism from all
over is not beneficial because they have provided a lot of money to the local
founders, in addition to creating more job opportunities for local peoples and
undergraduate students. For instance, TheKietuanguyen Park built last year in
Son Tra has created opportunities for unemployed people and undergraduate
students studying nearby to earn more living expenses and school fees.
However, i disagree with this statement because

On the other hand, tourism should be banned in some areas because the public
thinks that . The public said that the government should prohibit tours to go to
ancient, stately places such as temples, pagodas and memorials because they
do not have a respectful attitude when visiting those places. For example, their
children are young so they are very naughty so they do not know how to
preserve ancient artifacts, so they broke statues or laughed at temples and
pagodas. I agree with this idea because

In conclusion, I believe both the arguments have their merits. I can not disclaim
the huge impact that tourism brings, however, I just have to agree with prohibiting
them from some specific places.

Some people think that in order to deal with the problem of congestion in cities,
privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers, while others consider
this to be an unrealistic solution.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


The public thinks to solve the problem of overcrowding in urban areas, personal
transport users should be prohibited in metropolitan areas, while other individuals say
that it is an impossible solution. While others consider this to be an unrealistic solution,
I believe that privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers.

On the one hand, others consider this to be an unrealistic solution. If the government
prohibits private vehicles, local people have nothing to move in the city. If citizens walk
in the urban area, it will be far and time consuming. While individuals use public
transport, there is no safety and privacy, even many places like countries which are far
from the city center do not have public transport such as buses. For example, in Da
Nang, the government used to forbid public transport. Nowaday, the administration is
unable to interdict because of the demand for travel and the decline in turnovers from
traffic smart services like Grab, Uber, inDriver should no longer ban it. However, I
believe that to be an unrealistic solution.

On the other hand, privately owned vehicles should be banned in urban areas. If
privately owned vehicles are not banned, people will be forced to use buses or trains
which do not contribute to traffic jams, and the number of vehicles at rush hours will
decrease. For instance, Hoi An is an ancient city in Da Nang which is famous for some
beautiful scenes. The number of tourists here is increasingly crowded, which has led to
the government banning people from using motorbikes for visiting, but instead having to
use bicycles for sightseeing during peak hour. I believe that privately owned vehicles
should be banned in city centers.

In conclusion, although others consider this to be an unrealistic solution, I believe that

privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers.

The public thinks to solve the problem of overcrowding (cái này là từ dùng để nói về
dân số) TRAFFIC in urban areas, personal transport users (EM CẤM XE CHỨ KHÔNG
CẤM NGƯỜI) should be prohibited in metropolitan areas, while other individuals say
that it is an impossible solution. (CÁI NÀY BỊ LẶP LẠI CỦA CÁI WHILE Ở ĐẰNG SAU
RỒI) While others consider this to be an unrealistic solution, I believe that privately
owned vehicles should be banned in city centers.

On the one hand, others consider this to be an unrealistic solution. (em paraphrase lại
nge; lặp từ qá) If the government prohibits private vehicles, local people have nothing to
move AROUND in the city. If citizens walk in the urban area, it will be far and time
consuming. While EVEN IF individuals use public transport, there is no safety and
privacy, even many places like countries COUNTRYSIDES which are far from the city
center do not have public transport such as buses OR TRAINS SO COMMUTERS
CANNOT TRAVEL TO CITY FOR WORK. For example, in Da Nang, the government
used to forbid CARS public transport. Nowaday, the administration is unable to interdict
because of the demand for travel and the decline in turnovers from traffic smart services
like Grab, Uber, inDriver should no longer (cái hậu qả này không rõ ràng lắm - anh
không hiểu) ban it. However, I believe that to be an unrealistic solution. (EM PHẢI

On the other hand, privately owned vehicles should be banned in urban areas. If
privately owned vehicles are not banned, people will be forced to use buses or trains
which do not contribute to traffic jams, and the number of vehicles at rush hours will
decrease DIRECTLY AND QUICKLY. For instance, Hoi An is an ancient city in Da
Nang which is famous for some beautiful scenes. The number of tourists here is
increasingly crowded, which has led to the government banning people from using
motorbikes for visiting, but instead having to use bicycles for sightseeing during peak
hour. I believe that privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers.

In conclusion, although others consider this to be an unrealistic solution, I believe that

privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers.



CHECKED by harry 2102041639


The public thinks to solve the problem of traffic in urban areas, personal transport
should be prohibited in metropolitan areas. While others consider this to be an
unrealistic solution, I believe that privately owned vehicles should be banned in city
centers. ok

On the one hand, many hamlets PEOPLE think solving the problem of traffic in urban
areas is an unrealistic solution(REASON CỦA EM LÀ GÌ???) . If the government
prohibits private vehicles, local people have nothing to move around in the city. If
citizens walk in the urban area, it will be far and time consuming. While even if
residentials use public transport, there is no safety and privacy, even many places like
countrysides which are far from the city center do not have public transport such as
buses or trains so commuters can not travel to the city for work. For example, in Da
Nang, the government used to forbid cars. NowadayS, the administration is unable to
interdict because of the demand for travel. However, I believe that is not an unrealistic

On the other hand, privately owned vehicles should be banned in urban areas(REASON
CỦA EM LÀ GÌ???) . If privately owned vehicles are banned, people will be forced to
use buses or trains which do not contribute to traffic jams, and the number of vehicles at
rush hours will decrease directly and quickly. For instance, Hoi An is an ancient city in
Da Nang which is famous for some beautiful scenes. (KO LIEN QUAN)The number of
tourists here is increasingly crowded, which has led to the government banning people
from using motorbikes for visiting, but instead having to use bicycles for sightseeing
during peak hour. I believe that privately owned vehicles should be banned in city
centers.(REASON CỦA EM LÀ GÌ???)

In conclusion, although others consider this to be an unrealistic solution, I believe that

privately owned vehicles should be forbidden in city centers.

The public thinks to solve the problem of traffic in downtown, personal transport should
be prohibited in metropolitan areas. While others consider this to be an unrealistic
solution, I believe that privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers.

Sentence 1
● While people think VIEW 1, other people think VIEW 2

● People have different views about whether VIEW CHUNG

People have different views about whether the government should ban personal
vehicles in the downtown areas.
Sentence 2
While people think VIEW 1, I think VIEW 2

Sau whether là 2 options

Whether A or B
Whether A = Whether A or not
I wonder whether I should buy a Mercedes (or not buy a mercedes)

On the one hand, many people think solving the problem of traffic in metropolitan areas
is an unrealistic solution because it is very hard to solve that problem. If the government
prohibits private vehicles, local people have nothing to move around in the city, it will be
far and time consuming. While even if residentials use public transport, there is no
safety and privacy, even many places like countrysides which are far from the city
center do not have public transport such as buses or trains so commuters can not go to
the city for work. For example, in Da Nang, the government used to forbid cars.
Nowadays, the administration is unable to interdict because of the demand for travel.
However, I disagree with this statement that it is not an unrealistic solution because not
all cities have alternatives to private cars such as a well-organized public transport

On the other hand, privately owned vehicles should be banned in urban areas because
it has caused a lot of serious traffic jams in the globe. If privately owned vehicles are
banned, people will be forced to use buses or trains which do not contribute to traffic
jams, and the number of vehicles at rush hours will decrease directly and quickly. For
instance, Hoi An is an ancient city in Da Nang. The number of tourists here is
increasingly crowded, which has led to the government banning people from using
motorbikes for visiting, but instead having to use bicycles for sightseeing during peak
hour. I believe that privately owned vehicles should be banned in city centers. I agree
with this reason that owned vehicles should be banned because I think in metropolitan
areas, people want more space to park their owned cars.

In conclusion, although others consider this to be an unrealistic solution, I believe that

privately owned vehicles should be forbidden in city centers.
Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and
having more free time.
Discuss both views and state your opinion.

1. Some would argue that having more money and less free time is better, while
others say earning less money and having more free time.
2. Nowaday, while individuals have more money and less freetime, I believe
that earning less money and having more freetime is better

3. On the one hand, citizens think that having more money and less freetime.
4. Sẽ ko vui và thoải mái để làm mọi thứ chẳng hạn như những mối quan
hệ xã hội, bạn bè.
Không có thời gian sẽ không có thời gian chăm sóc bản thân -> bị bệnh.
5. For example, ông hàng xóm có nhiều tiền và ít thời gian nên 31 tuổi vẫn
chưa có ny và bị bệnh sl.:)))))))))
6. However, I believe that having less money and more freetime is better.

7. On the other hand, the public earn less money and have more freetime.
8. Dành thời gian cho gia đình bằng du lịch.
9. For instance, ông giáo tui quen ko giàu nhưng có đủ tiền đi đó đây.
10. I believe that earning more money and having less freetime is better.

11. In conclusion, although ………………..

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, inhabitants are often more concerned with
quality of life than personal income. While individuals want to have a high salary and
less spare time, I believe that having a low revenue source but spending more leisure
time with family and yourself is better.

On the one hand, citizens think that having more money and less free time is the current
trend. Having high personal income helps agents be happy and buy whatever they want
but not have more spare time to do anything such as make friends and have more
social relationships. Besides, employees will have less leisure time to look after
themselves, that leads to physical imbalance such as obesity. For example, my
neighbor's uncle, his name is Tiger Tran. He is a millionaire who has a lot of currency.
But until now, the wealthy man is 31 year old but he still has not had a lover and he
even has obesity. However, I believe that having less income and more spare time is

On the other hand, the public wants to earn more leisure time and have less coins. A
successful businessman will not always think about work. Ronaldo, who is a famous
soccer player said that workers can not go to work to age without spending time with
their family. People should take the time to enjoy life with themselves by traveling with
family members and making new friends. For example, the Ielts teacher that I know,
although his income is not high but it is enough for him to have a happy life with his
family and travel everywhere with family members. However, I believe that having less
coinage and more free time is better.

In conclusion, although clerks want to have more greenbacks and less free time, I
believe that earning less asset and having more free time is better.
Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, inhabitants are often more concerned with
quality of life than personal income. While individuals want to have a high salary
SALARIES and less spare time, I believe that having a low revenue source EARNINGS
but spending more leisure time with family and yourself is better.

On the one hand, citizens PEOPLE think that having more money and less free time is
the current trend(REASON CỦA EM LÀ GÌ???) . Having high personal income helps
agents (AGENTS WHO???) be happy and buy whatever they want but not have more
spare time to do anything such as make friends and have more social relationships.
Besides, employees will have less leisure time to look after themselves, that leads to
physical imbalance such as obesity. For example, my neighbor's uncle, his name is
Tiger Tran,. He is a millionaire who has a lot of currency. , But until now, the wealthy
man is 31 year old but he still has not had a lover and he even has obesity (:))))))))).
However, I believe that having less income and more spare time is better.(REASON

On the other hand, the public TEND TO PREFER wants to earn more leisure time and
have less coins (reason????). A successful businessman will not always think about
work. (WHY; VÀ CÂU NÀY GIẢI THÍCH GÌ CHO CÂU TRÊN ???) Ronaldo, who is a
famous soccer player said that workers can not go to work to age without spending time
with their family. People should take the time to enjoy life with themselves by traveling
with family members and making new friends. (PHẦN GIẢI THÍCH NÀY LÀ E ĐƯA RA
teacher that I know,(SAD) although his income is not high but it is enough for him to
have a happy life with his family and travel everywhere with family members. However, I
believe that having less coinage and more free time is better.(REASON CỦA EM LÀ

In conclusion, although clerks (??? why clerk) want to have more greenbacks MONEY
and less free time, I believe that earning less asset POSSESSIONS and having more
free time is better.

Em đừng có paraphrasing bằng cách thay từ synonym

CHECKED by harry 2102090822


Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, inhabitants are often more concerned with
quality of life than personal income. While individuals want to have high salaries and
less spare time, I believe that having low earnings but spending more leisure time with
family and yourself is better.

On the one hand, people think that having more money and less free time is the current
trend because that gives people a comfortable and classy life. Having high personal
income helps people be happy and buy whatever they want but not have more spare
time to do anything such as make friends and have more social relationships. Besides,
employees will have less leisure time to look after themselves, that leads to physical
imbalance such as obesity. For example, my neighbor's uncle, his name is Harry Le, a
millionaire. But until now, the wealthy man is 31 year old but he still has not had a lover
and he even has delusions. However, i disagree with this statement because if i have a
little time, i will not have enough time to enjoy my life with my family.

On the other hand, the public tends to prefer to earn more leisure time and have less
coins because they want to exercise for good health . Workers can not go to work to
age without spending time with their family. People should take the time to enjoy life
with themselves by traveling with family members and making new friends. For
example, the Ielts teacher I know shows that although his income is not high, it is
enough for him to have a happy life with his family and travel everywhere with family
members. However, i agree with this idea. In the 4.0 era, humans should not work to
earn a lot of money. instead taking care of their health by constant physical training.

In conclusion, although people want to have more money and less free time, I believe
that earning less possessions and having more free time is better.

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, inhabitants are often more concerned with
quality of life than personal income. While individuals want to have high salaries and
less spare time, I believe that having low earnings but spending more leisure time with
family and yourself is better.

Sentence 1
● While people think VIEW 1, other people think VIEW 2

● People have different views about whether VIEW CHUNG

People have different views about whether money or time is more important in their
Sentence 2
While people think VIEW 1, I think VIEW 2

On the one hand, people think that having more money and less free time is the current
trend because that gives people a comfortable and classy life. Having high personal
income helps people be happy and buy whatever they want but not have more spare
time to do anything such as make friends and have more social relationships. (cái này
không giải thích gì cho câu trên hết) Besides, employees will have less leisure time to
look after themselves, that leads to physical imbalance such as obesity. (cái này không
tạo ra comfortable life) For example, my neighbor's uncle, his name is Harry Le, a
millionaire. But until now, the wealthy man is 31 year old but he still has not had a lover
and he even has delusions. However, i disagree with this statement because if i have a
little time, i will not have enough time to enjoy my life with my family.
Vấn đề => kết qả
Vì răng Vấn đề => buy anything=> kết qả
On the other hand, the public tends to prefer to earn more leisure time and have less
coins because they want to exercise for good health . Workers can not go to work to
age without spending time with their family. People should take the time to enjoy life
with themselves by traveling with family members and making new friends. (CÁI NI LÀ
Ielts teacher I know shows that although his income is not high, it is enough for him to
have a happy life with his family and travel everywhere with family members.(VÍ DỤ OK)
However, i agree with this idea. In the 4.0 era, humans should not work to earn a lot of
money. instead taking care of their health by constant physical training.

Cách giải thích 1 vấn đề trong 1 đoạn

A xảy ra => kết qả là C
Trong phần giải thích e phải nói tại sao
Ví dụ
A xảy ra sẽ tạo ra B; B xảy ra sẽ tạo ra B’; B’ xảy ra sẽ tạo ra B’’; B’’ sẽ tạo ra C.

Nhiều tiền (A) => gái mê (C)

Câu giải thích
NHiều tiền (A) => mua qa thoải mái (B) => tặng thoải mái ko suy nghĩ (B’) => sau 1 thời
gian dài có cảm tình vs người tặn (B’’) => mê anh nhiều tiền ©

Nhiều tiền (A) => CS thoải mái (C)

NHiều tiền (A) => mua mọi thứ thoải mái (B) => ít cảm thấy stress; mỗi khi buồn sẽ có
niềm vui (B’) => ít suy nghĩ về cuộc đời (mà cái việc này hay gây ra stress) => cs thoải
mái (C)

In conclusion, although people want to have more money and less free time, I believe
that earning less possessions and having more free time is better.

Ielts 6.5 (A) => tương lai tươi sáng (C)

Some people believe that children should not be given homework every day,
while others believe that they must get homework every day in order to be
successful at school.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion..
Para Some people believe that children should not be given homework every day,
while others believe that they must get homework every day in order to be
successful at school. While people think that children should not be given
homework every day, i believe that they must get homework every day in order to
be successful at school.
Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, many parents think that students should not
be given homework every day while some adults believe that they must get homework.
While individuals think not to give homework everyday for students, I believe that they
must get homework everyday in school in order to be successful at school.

On the one hand, people believe that children should not be given homework
every day because that makes students stress. Giving homework every day =>
DON’T HAVE LEISURE TIME TO SOCIALIZE => don't have many friends => feel
lonely => stress.
Tui k đồng ý vì Giving homework everyday vì nếu biết sắp xếp thời gian hợp lý thì
vẫn có thể đi chơi bình thường, và học ở trên lớp thì vẫn có thể kết bạn bình
Many parents think that students should not be given homework every day because
giving them daily exercises will make them stress. Giving homework everyday will not
have time for children to join many social activities. This leads not to have many friends
to play together and the result is feeling lonely and being a stressful person.
However, I disagree with this statement that giving homework everyday will make them
stress. In my opinion, i think if students know how to arrange their time properly, they
can participate in social activities such as going to the cinema with their friends and
hanging out with them.

On the other hand, they must get homework every day by their teacher because
IN CLASS. getting homework every day => học giỏi => học lực vượt trội =>IT
Tui đồng ý với public vì getting homework every day giúp hs được mọi người yêu
quý, có nhiều bgai chú ý=))))))))))))) EM KHÔNG THỂ KHÔNG ĐỒNG Ý VỚI CẢ 2

On the other hand, students must get homework every day from their teacher because it
helps people understand faster and deeper than just studying in school. Getting
homework every day
In conclusion, mặc dầu people think that children should not be given homework
every day, i believe that they must get homework every day in order to be
successful at school.

In conclusion, while individuals think not to give homework everyday for students, I
believe that they must get homework everyday in school in order to be successful at

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, many parents think that students should not
be given homework every day while some adults believe that they must get homework.
While individuals think not to give homework everyday for students, I believe that they
must get homework everyday in school in order to be successful at school.

On the one hand, many parents think that students should not be given homework
every day because giving them daily exercises will make them stress. Giving homework
everyday will not have time for children to join many social activities. This leads not to
have many friends to play together and the result is feeling lonely and being a stressful
However, I disagree with this statement that giving homework everyday will make them
stress. In my opinion, i think if students know how to arrange their time properly, they
can participate in social activities such as going to the cinema with their friends and
hanging out with them.

On the other hand, students must get homework every day from their teacher because it
helps people understand faster and deeper than just studying in school. Getting
homework every day …. . This leads to … .

I agree with this idea that giving homework helps people understand faster and deeper
than just studying in school. In my view, i think if teacher gives more homework for
students, student will

In conclusion, while individuals think not to give homework everyday for students, I
believe that they must get homework everyday in school in order to be successful at

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, many parents think that students should not
be given homework every day while some adults believe that they must get homework.
While individuals OTHERS think TEACHERS SHOULD not to give homework everyday
EVERY DAY for students, I believe that they must get homework everyday in school in
order to be successful at school.

On the one hand, many parents think that students should not be given homework
every day because giving them daily exercises will make them stressED. Giving
homework everyday will not ALLOW CHILDREN TO have time for children to join many
social activities. This leads not to NOT HAVING have many friends to play together and
the result is MIGHT BE feeling lonely and being a stressful STRESSED person.
However, I disagree with this statement that giving homework everyday will make them
stress. In my opinion, i think if students know how to arrange their time properly, they
can participate in social activities such as going to the cinema with their friends and
hanging out with them.

On the other hand, students must get homework every day from their teacher because it
helps people understand faster and deeper than just studying in school. Getting


I agree with this idea that giving homework helps people understand faster and deeper
than just studying in school. In my view, i think if teacher gives more homework for
students, student will

In conclusion, while individuals think not to give homework everyday for students, I
believe that they must get homework everyday in school in order to be successful at
#210223 - Causes and solutions

Dạng 3

Cấu trúc

● Paragraph 1 – Introduction

1. Paraphrase Question

2. State the problem and solution

● Paragraph 2 – a problem/a cause

3. State problem

4. Explanation 1

5. Explanation 2

6. Example

● Paragraph 3 – a solution for above problem

7. State solution

8. Explanation 1

9. Explanation 2

10. Example

● Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

11. Summary + Opinion (paraphrase sentence 2)

Bản công thức

1. [Paraphrasing] ....................
2. The main problem this causes is .................... and the most viable
solution is ....................

3. The principal problem associated with ....................

4. ....................
5. The result of this is ....................
6. For example,

7. To tackle this problem ....................

8. ....................
9. ....................
10. For instance,

11. In conclusion, .................... is a major issue that can result in .................... ,

however it can be addressed through....................
Bài tập minh họa

More and more children are accessing the internet unsupervised and at a
younger age. This can sometimes put children at risk.

What problems do you think parents face when dealing with their children using
the internet ? How can this problem be solved ?


Nowadays, with the rapidly changing social network, using the internet is increasingly
popular in our life. However for teenagers, especially for kids, using the internet without
control of parents will put their families at risk.The main problem of this cause is the
spoilage of the children and the most viable solution is parents should spend a lot of
time with their children.

Vì sao e viết 3 câu cho intro ???

The principal problem associated with using the internet unsupervised the spoilage of
the children. They are easily affected by inappropriate content on social networks such
as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, … and then, they will imitate the bad behaviors or
habits of some celebrities. This leads to bad behaviours toward families and friends. If
this imitation happens usually, it will affect the personality of the children and make
them become spoiled childrens. As a consequence, they might become a dangerous
criminal in the community. For example about my neighbor. Casiot who used social
networks early and he had a negative influence from Huấn Hoa Cúc - a famous
gangster in Vietnam such as lying to his parents, stealing money from everyone and
killing his teacher. That leads him to become a dangerous criminal in Danang - a city in

To tackle this problem, parents should spend a lot of time helping them choose and
read the good content on social networks. Parents should teach the kids how to pick
good news to read such as reading more information about education, sport, music and
culture then give and take with them that not to follow and avoid information about
violence information such as information about dangerous gangsters such as Huấn Hoa
Cúc, Ry Một Ngón and Khá Là Bảnh if they do not want to become a bad kid. That
leads to widening their knowledge about education, sport, music, culture and becoming
a good person such as doctors, teachers, scientists. For instance about my friend,
although Anderson used social networks early but with the information selected by his
parents , he knew a lot about education, sports, music, culture and became a teacher
who learned very well in math. (CÁI NÀY LIÊN QUAN GÌ ĐẾN VIỆC DÙNG
FACEBOOK???) That has earned him a lot of income and a happy life. the result of
this example that he earned a lot of income and has a happy life.

In conclusion, using the internet is a major issue that can result in the bad kids, however
it can be addressed by parents who should spend a lot of time to help them choose and
read the good information on social networks.

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing social network, using the internet is increasingly
popular in our life. However for teenagers, especially for kids, using the internet without
control of parents will put their families at risk.The main problem of this cause is the
spoilage of the children and the most viable solution is parents should spend a lot of
time with their children.

Vì sao e viết 3 câu cho intro ???

The principal problem associated with USING THE INTERNET UNSUPERVISED the
spoilage of the children. They are easily affected by bad INAPPROPRIATE contents on
social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, … and then, they will imitate the
bad gestures BEHAVIORS OR HABITS of SOME celebrities. This leads to bad
behaviours toward families and friends. If this imitation happens usually, it will affect the
personality of the children and make them become bad SPOILED childrens, moreover,
AS A CONSEQUENCE, they MIGHT become a robber, a dangerous criminal in the
community. For example about my neighbor. Casiot who used social networks early and
he had a negative influence from Huấn Hoa Cúc - a famous gangster in Vietnam such
as lying to his parents, stealing money from everyone and killing his teacher. That leads
to becoming a dangerous criminal (AI BECOME CRIMINAL???) in Danang - a city of

To tackle this problem, parents should spend a lot of time to help them choose and read
the good information CONTENT on social networks. Parents should let the kids select
good information and realize TEACH THE KIDS HOW TO PICK which good news to
read such as reading more information about education, sport, music and culture then
give and take with them that not to follow and avoid information about violence
information such as information about dangerous gangsters such as Huấn Hoa Cúc, Ry
Một Ngón and Khá Là Bảnh if they do not want to become a bad kid. That leads to
widening their knowledge about social knowledge about education, sport, music, culture
and becoming a good person such as doctors, teachers, scientists. For instance about
my friend. (SAU MỖI CÁI VÍ DỤ SAO E LẠI CHẤM CÂU) Although Anderson used
social networks early but with the information selection of SELECTED BY his parents ,
he knew a lot about education, sports, music, culture and became a teacher who
learned very well in math. (CÁI NÀY LIÊN QUAN GÌ ĐẾN VIỆC DÙNG
FACEBOOK???) That has earned him a lot of income and a happy life. the result of
this example that he earned a lot of income and has a happy life.


In conclusion, using the internet is a major issue that can result in the bad kids, however
it can be addressed by parents who should spend a lot of time to help them choose and
read the good information on social networks.
#210218 - Advantages and disadvantages - Type 1

[Statement]. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Dạng 4

Cấu trúc Type 1

● Paragraph 1 – Introduction

1. Paraphrasing

2. Outline advantages and disadvantages

● Paragraph 2 – an advantage

3. Topic sentence – state the advantage

4. Explanation 1

5. Explanation 2

6. Example

● Paragraph 3 – a disadvantage

7. Topic sentence – state the disadvantage

8. Explanation 1

9. Explanation 2

10. Example

● Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

11. Summarize main points (paraphrase sentence 2)

Bản công thức Type 1

1. [Paraphrasing] ....................
2. While .................... is the biggest benefit, .................... is an important

3. One evident benefit to ....................

4. ....................
5. ....................
6. For example, ....................

7. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to ....................

8. ....................
9. ....................
10. For instance, ....................

11. In conclusion, .................... can be very advantageous if.................... , however,

it is important to pay attention to ....................


11. In conclusion, while .................... is the biggest benefit, .................... is an

important disadvantage.
Bài tập minh họa Type 1

Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages


Para : computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons.

While thuận lợi trong việc học trên trường is the biggest benefit, mất tập trung học
hành is an important disadvantage.

One evident benefit to viercj học thuận lợi. Học thú vị hơn nhờ slide vì có ảnh và video
minh hoạ. Tra cứu thông tin nhanh ngay tại trường. For example,

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to về việc mất tập trung học hành.
Xao nhan trong tiet hoc vi co nhieu pmem khac chay song song tren may ma ko tap
trung vao viec hoc such as chatting and playing video games together. For instance,

In conclusion, while thuận lợi trong việc học trên trường is the biggest benefit, mất
tập trung học hành is an important disadvantage.

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, people must be changed. Technology plays
an important role in teachers' teaching, in everyone's meetings and it helps students
learn better. While studying more interesting is the biggest benefit, the distraction in
school lessons is an important disadvantage.

One evident benefit to studying better. Learning in school is more and more interesting
by the presentation with videos and pictures in PowerPoint. It helps students to find
information quickly in the school. The benefit of that is increased good interaction
between teacher and student in teaching, learning and studying. For example, a recent
survey shows that the successful after applying that in learning, the number of excellent
students at Nguyen Hue secondary school has increased and the number of bad
students has decreased.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage is the distractive in school. Students are
distracted in class because there are many other applications on computers such as
Facebook, Messenger, Instagram. They are chatting together, playing video games with
each other and even watching movies on many websites. Next to that, the distraction of
students is happening because of the ease of the question in their exercise at school. In
fact, nowaday, a number of students access the websites in order to find the question
from that but they do not try to do their exercise. For instance, at an early age in my
class, my friends often stayed together and played video games - Among Us instead of
studying in all information technology lessons.

In conclusion, while studying more interesting is the biggest benefit, the distraction in
school lessons is an important disadvantage.

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, people must be changed. (em viết câu này
làm gì???) Technology plays an important role in teachers' teaching, in everyone's
meetings (cái này lạc đề rồi; học nói là school lessons thôi) and it helps students learn
better. nient và smooth không phải là interesting) Learn While studying smoothly is the
biggest benefit, the distraction in school lessons is an important disadvantage. (2 cái
ideas của e nói ngược nhau vậy?

One evident benefit to studying conveniently. (conveng in school is more and more
interesting by the presentation with videos and pictures in PowerPoint. It helps students
to find information quickly in the school. The benefit of that is increased good
interaction between teacher and student in teaching, learning and studying. For
example, a recent survey shows that the successful after applying that in learning, the
number of excellent students at Nguyen Hue secondary school has increased and the
number of bad students has decreased.

On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages to distractive in school.

Students are distracted in class because there are many other applications on
computers such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram. They are chatting (why used hiện
tại tiếp diễn) together, playing video games with each other and even watching movies
on many websites. Students become lazy with their homework because the answers
are available on the internet. For instance, at an early age in my class, my friends often
stayed together and played the video game - Among Us instead of studying in all
information technology lessons.

3-idea paragraph ???

In conclusion, while studying smoothly is the biggest benefit, the distraction in school
lessons is an important disadvantage.
Corrected #120321

Technology plays an important role in teachers' teaching, in everyone's meetings and it

helps students learn better. While studying more interesting is the biggest benefit, the
distraction in school lessons is an important disadvantage.

One evident benefit to studying with computers is the lesson will be more interesting.
Learning in school is more and more interesting by the presentations with videos and
pictures in PowerPoint. It helps students get more interested in learning in class. The
benefit of that is increased good interaction between teacher and student in teaching,
learning and studying. For example, a recent survey shows that the successful after
applying that in learning, the number of excellent students at Nguyen Hue secondary
school has increased and the number of bad students has decreased.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage is the distraction while using computers in
school. Students are distracted in class because there are many other applications on
computers such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram. They might chat with each other,
playing video games with each other and even watching movies on many websites.
Next to that, the distraction of students is happening because of the ease of the
question in their exercise at school. In fact, nowadays, a number of students access the
websites in order to find the question from that but they do not try to do their exercise.
For instance, in the past, Tran Phu high school was a famous school for the quality of
good students. After installing computer networks in the school, the teacher found that
many students were playing games instead of concentrating on studying.

In conclusion, while studying more interesting is the biggest benefit, the distraction in
school lessons is an important disadvantage.
Original vaCorrected

Technology plays an important role in teachers' teaching, in everyone's meetings and it

helps students learn better. While studying more interesting is the biggest benefit, the
distraction in school lessons is an important disadvantage.

One evident benefit to studying WITH COMPUTERS IS better as the lesson will be
more interesting. Learning in school is more and more interesting by the presentationS
with videos and pictures in PowerPoint. It helps students to find information quickly in
the school. (CÁI NÀY LIÊN QUAN GÌ ĐẾN CÁI POWERPOINT) The benefit of that is
increased good interaction between teacher and student in teaching, learning and
studying. For example, a recent survey shows that the successful after applying that in
learning, the number of excellent students at Nguyen Hue secondary school has
increased and the number of bad students has decreased. (OK)

On the other hand, the main disadvantage is the distraction while using computers in
school. Students are distracted in class because there are many other applications on
computers such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram. They are chatting MIGHT CHAT
WITH EACH OTHER together, playing video games with each other and even watching
movies on many websites. Next to that, the distraction of students is happening
because of the ease of the question in their exercise at school. In fact, nowadayS, a
number of students access the websites in order to find the question from that but they
do not try to do their exercise. For instance, in the past, Tran Phu high school was a
famous school for the quality of good students (=))))))))))))))). After installing computer
networks in the school, the teacher found that many students were playing games
instead of concentrating on studying. (GOOD)

In conclusion, while studying more interesting is the biggest benefit, the distraction in
school lessons is an important disadvantage.

CHECKED BY harry 2103091624

It is becoming increasingly popular to have a year off between finishing school
and going to university.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this

have a year off between finishing school and going to university = gap year


Having a gap year after graduating from highschool then going to university is also a
choice that has more and more students to pick. While widening their knowledge is the
biggest benefit, being delayed for a year to go to university is an important

One evident benefit to widen their knowledge about the world such as learning culture
among developed nations in the world, learn more information about geography, enjoy
delicious dishes, find more beautiful tourist destinations and besides, that helps
travelers make friends with local peoples. For example, my brother lives in the United
States who has a year off after finishing high school to travel around the world such as
Maldives, Hawaii and Phuket to collect some information about that. That lead to his
success in hospitality management.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to being delayed for a year to go
to university than their friends. This has resulted in a delay in everything than their
friends studying in university such as forgetting high school lessons which will support
university subjects such as advanced mathematical and mathematical economics. This
leads to the loss of opportunities to study at university and that causes missed job
opportunities than their friends. For instance, this statement about my brother living in
Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam, who has a year off after finishing high school term and the
plans of him is going to school after a gap year to travel around the world. But in
Vietnam, many universities did not accept a gap year for traveling so he could not go to
university for study. Eventually, he joined the army in DakLak - a province of Vietnam.

In conclusion, while widening their knowledge is the biggest benefit, being delayed
for a year to go to university is an important disadvantage.
Corrected #120321

Having a gap year after graduating from highschool then going to university is also a
choice that has more and more students choose to do. While widening their knowledge
is the biggest benefit, being delayed for university is an important disadvantage.

One evident benefit to widen their knowledge about the world such as learning culture
among developed nations in the world, learn more information about geography, enjoy
delicious dishes, find more beautiful tourist destinations and besides, that helps
travelers make friends with local peoples.(PHẦN EXPLANATIONS CỦA EM ĐÂU???)
For example, my brother lives in the United States who has a year off after finishing
high school to travel around the world such as Maldives, Hawaii and Phuket to collect
some information about that. That later lead to his success in hospitality management.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to being delayed for a year to go
to university than their friends. This has resulted in a delay in everything than their
friends studying in university such as forgetting high school lessons which will support
university subjects such as advanced mathematical and mathematical economics. This
leads to the loss of opportunities to study at top university because many do not accepts
students with did not attempt the latest entrance exam and that causes missed job
opportunities than their friends. For instance, this statement about my brother living in
Ho Chi Minh city in Vietnam, who has a year off after finishing high school term and the
plans of him is going to school after a gap year to travel around the world. But in
Vietnam, many universities did not accept a gap year for traveling so he could not go to
university for study. Eventually, he had to join the army in DakLak - a province of

In conclusion, while widening their knowledge is the biggest benefit, being delayed
for a year to go to university is an important disadvantage.

CHECKED by harry 2103091620


Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household

energy in many countries around the world. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of solar energy?
Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment.
What causes global warming?
What solutions are there to this problem?

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, global warming is one of the biggest
problems in our environment. The main cause of this is the number of cars on the
streets is growing and the most viable solution is to reduce the number of vehicles in the

Principal problems associated with rising temperature because of the exhaust smoke
and dust, especially CO2 gas is released when people use private transport. CO2 is a
special chemical when combined with sun light that creates a substance that the
temperature on the surface of the Earth. As a result of the increase in temperature, the
melting of polar ice cubes, the sea level will rise and flooding and droughts may become
common. For example about a recent survey in the United State and China, the number
of private transport moving in the city accounts for 80% of the global traffic. This leads
to global warming and rising sea levels in the north pole.

Tackle this problem by reducing the number of vehicles in the city. Because of this
serious problem, the government should encourage local people to use public transport
and introduce laws that banning private transport in the city by increasing taxes when
people buy private transport. The result of this is local people will not have money to
buy a car and use the public transport to go business such as buses. For instance,

In conclusion, global warming is a major issue that can result in the number of cars on
the streets growing, however it can be addressed through reducing the number of
vehicles in the city.
Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world,(KHÔNG LIÊN QUAN) global warming is
one of the biggest problems in our environment. The main cause of this is the number of
cars on the streets is growing and the most viable solution is to reduce the number of
Principal problems associated with rising temperature because of the exhaust smoke
and dust, especially CO2 gas is released when people use private transport. CO2 is a
special chemical when combined with sun light that creates a substance that is the
temperature on the surface of the Earth. As a result of the increase in temperature, the
melting of polar ice cubes, the sea level will rise and flooding and droughts may become
common. For example about a recent survey in the United State and China, the number
of private transport moving in the city accounts for 80% of the global traffic. This leads
to global warming and rising sea levels in the north pole. (A KO THẤY CÓ SỰ LIÊN
Tackle this problem by reducing the number of vehicles in the city. Because of this
serious problem, the government should encourage local people to use public transport
and introduce laws that banning private transport in the city by increasing taxes when
people buy private transport. The result of this is local people will not have money to
the public transport to go business such as buses. For instance,
In conclusion, global warming is a major issue that can result in the number of cars on
the streets growing, however it can be addressed through reducing the number of
vehicles in the city.
CHECKED BY harry 2103091609

Many people leave the countryside for the greater opportunities which are offered
by cities. This move is not without disadvantages for both people and the

What are some benefits and drawbacks of urbanization?



Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, more employees choose to leave the rural
areas and go to urban areas to find more job opportunities. While having more job
opportunities to change their life is the biggest benefit, health effects are an important

One evident benefit to having the opportunity to change their life because in rural areas
do not have many job opportunities for people. Many developing cities such as Ho Chi
Minh city attracted many international companies and it will make many job
opportunities for students and employees. Employees can easily apply for jobs in
international companies which have a high salary, it will help them have a high income
to buy everything and change their life. For example about my sister, Amee. She has
left the countryside which is Quang Nam is 50km away from Da Nang city to go to Ho
Chi Minh city to find a job. In the past, she was from a poor farmer but now she is
successful and wealthy with many villas and luxury cars in Ho Chi Minh city.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to their health because of contact
with CO2. In the city because of high living standards, local people do not have money
to buy transports that run by electricity so they choose to use transport which runs by
fuel-increasing. The large number of waste smoke from the transport which runs by fuel-
increasing such as CO2 fuel will cause environmental pollution and this will seriously
affect their health such as pneumonia and even more lung cancer. For instance about
my brother, Sew. He went to Hanoi city for 10 years to start up his project. Although
earning a lot of money, he didn't care about his health and the results of this was he had
lung cancer.

In conclusion, while having the opportunity to change life is the biggest benefit, health
effects are an important disadvantage.

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, more employees choose to leave the rural
areas and go to urban areas to find more job opportunities. While having more job
opportunities to change their life is the biggest benefit, health effects are an important

One evident benefit to having the opportunity to change their life because in rural areas
do not have many job opportunities for people. Many developing BIG cities such as Ho
Chi Minh city attracted many international companies and it will make many job
opportunities for students, GRADUATES, and UNEMPLOYED employees. Employees
can easily apply for jobs in international companies which have a high salary, it will help
them have a high income to buy everything and change their life. For example about my
sister, Amee. She has left the countryside which is Quang Nam is 50km away from Da
Nang city to go to Ho Chi Minh city to find a job. In the past, she was from a poor farmer
but now she is successful and wealthy with many villas and luxury cars in Ho Chi Minh

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to their (THEIR Ở ĐÂY LÀ AI?? KO
RÕ RÀNG) health because of POLLUTION contact with CO2 (CO2 Ở ĐÂU CŨNG CÓ).
In the city because of high living standards, local people do not have money to buy
transports that run by electricity so they choose to use transport which runs by fuel-



The large number of waste smoke from the transport which runs by fuel-increasing such
as CO2 fuel will cause environmental pollution and this will seriously affect their health
such as pneumonia and even more lung cancer. For instance about my brother, Sew.
He went to Hanoi city for 10 years to start up his project. Although earning a lot of
money, he didn't care about his health and the results of this was he had lung cancer

In conclusion, while having the opportunity to change life is the biggest benefit, health
effects are an important disadvantage.

CHECKED by harry 2103161547

Nowadays, with the rapidly changing world, more employees choose to leave the rural
areas and go to urban areas to find more job opportunities. While having more job
opportunities to change their life is the biggest benefit, health effects are an important

One evident benefit to having the opportunity to change their life because in rural areas
do not have many job opportunities for people. Many big cities such as Ho Chi Minh city
attracted many international companies and it will make many job opportunities for
students, graduates, and unemployed. Employees can easily apply for jobs in
international companies which have a high salary, it will help them have a high income
to buy everything and change their life. For example about my sister, Amee. She has
left the countryside which is Quang Nam is 50km away from Da Nang city to go to Ho
Chi Minh city to find a job. In the past, she was from a poor farmer but now she is
successful and wealthy with many villas and luxury cars in Ho Chi Minh city. (CÁI VÍ DỤ

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to people health because of pollution
contact with CO2 (CO2 Ở ĐÂU CŨNG CÓ). Due to the large population, cities always
have large amounts of traffic which inevitably lead to severe pollution. The large number
of waste smoke from the transport which runs by fuel-increasing such as CO2 fuel will
cause environmental pollution and this will seriously affect their health such as
pneumonia and even more lung cancer. For instance about my brother, Sew. He went
to Hanoi city for 10 years to start up his project. Although earning a lot of money, he
didn't care about his health and the results of this was he had lung cancer as he lived in
the industrial zones for years

In conclusion, while having the opportunity to change life is the biggest benefit, health
effects are an important disadvantage.

Public libraries will soon now longer be housed in a building as all facilities and
books will be available online for all to access.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public libraries only existing

Nowadays, with the advancement of science, technology and the internet, people have
created ebooks and they use them instead of going to the public library to read books.
While environmental protection is the biggest benefit, causing eye problems is an
important disadvantage.

One evident benefit to protecting the environment because people will cut down trees
less that helps protect the environment. Ebooks will be available in many websites like
Hoc24, HocMai, ... for all to access and people don't need to go to the library to read
books. This will lead to a decrease in the number of libraries in the city and a decrease
in the number of books produced. As a result, people will cut down trees less to make
books and that helps to preserve the environment. For example,

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages about causing eye problems.
Using the ebook is very convenient, but when people use it for a long time, it will cause
eye strain. As a result, they can be nearsighted and even blind forever. For instance
about my brother, Sew. He has been using the ebook for 2 years since the ebook was
released. Because he spends a lot of time to read documentaries from the internet, now
he gets nearsighted.

In conclusion, while environmental protection is the biggest benefit, causing eye

problems is an important disadvantage.

Nowadays, with the advancement of science, technology and the internet, people have
created ebooks and they use them instead of (cái này là em nói về ebooks chứ không
phải là việc libraries go online) going to the public library to read books. While
environmental protection is the biggest benefit, causing eye problems is an important

One evident benefit to protecting the environment because people will cut down trees
less that helps protect the environment. Ebooks will be available in many websites like
Hoc24, HocMai, ... for all to access and people don't need to go to the library to read
books. This will lead to a decrease in the number of libraries in the city and a decrease
in the number of books produced. As a result, people will cut down trees less to make
books and that helps to preserve the environment. For example,

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages about causing eye problems.
Using the ebook is very convenient, but when people use it for a long time, it will cause
eye strain. As a result, they can be nearsighted and even blind forever. For instance
about my brother, Sew. He has been using the ebook for 2 years since the ebook was
released. Because he spends a lot of time to read documentaries from the internet, now
he gets nearsighted.

In conclusion, while environmental protection is the biggest benefit, causing eye

problems is an important disadvantage.

227 words - qá ngắn

Bài này em hoàn toàn lạc đề - em đang so sánh ebooks vs physical books chứ
không phải libraries với online libraries
#2103231957 Advantages And Disadvantages Essays - Type 1
[Statement]. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ____________ and
give your own opinion.?

Cấu trúc Type 2

● Paragraph 1 – Introduction

1. Paraphrasing

2. Outline advantages and disadvantages

● Paragraph 2 – an advantage

3. Topic sentence

4. Explain advantages

5. Example

6. Say if you agree or not

● Paragraph 3 – a disadvantage

7. Topic sentence

8. Explain disadvantages

9. Example

10. Say if you agree or not

● Paragraph 4 – Conclusion

11. Summarize your points and give your opinion

Bản công thức Type 2

1. [Paraphrasing] ____________

2. The main advantage of this is that ____________and the main drawback

is____________and I will argue that overall this is a negative/positive
____________ development.

3. [Topic sentence 1] ______lợi______

4. That is to say that ____________

5. For example, ____________

6. However, _______ quan điểm của mình về việc có hại nếu ở trên chọn
negative _______

7. [Topic sentence 2] _____hại_______

8. This is a problem because____________

9. For instance, ____________

10. I therefore believe that ______ quan điểm của mình về việc có hại nếu ở
trên chọn negative _______

11. In conclusion, although _____hại_______, this does not overcome the fact

Bài tập minh họa Type 2

Many teenagers now have their own smart phone. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of this and give your own opinion.

An increasing number of teens now possess a mobile phone. The main

advantage of this is that it allows teenagers to stay in touch with their families
and the main drawback is they waste too much time using apps, and I will argue
that overall this is a negative development.

Smart mobiles devices enable parents to keep track of their children and this
keeps them safe. That is to say that young people can send their parents an email
or call to let them know where they are. Even if the child is devious and tells their
parents a lie, there are apps that can tell the adults exactly where they are. For
example, the app KidCheck uses GPS to tell guardians where their loves ones are
at all times, thus enabling them to find their young one quickly in an emergency.
However, having an iPhone or Android phone can also lead to screen addiction.

The main issue is that teenagers spend too much time staring at a screen instead
of actually interacting with other people or studying. This is a problem because
most apps do not teach teenagers anything useful, but instead encourage them
to passively consume useless information. For instance, social networking apps
like SnapChat or Facebook, have mostly gossip on them and are a complete
waste of time compared to reading a book or having a real conversation. I
therefore believe that smart phones are dangerous and teenagers should be
discouraged from using them.

In conclusion, although mobiles allow parents to keep tabs on teenagers, this

does not overcome the fact that teens are wasting too many hours looking at a
display when they should be living their life.
Computers are becoming an essential part of education. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

Technology plays an important role in teachers' teaching, in everyone's meetings and it

helps students learn better. The main advantage of this is that helping students studying
more and more is interesting MORE EASILY AND FASTER and the main drawback is
the distraction in school lessons and I will argue that overall this is a negative

One evident benefit to studying with computers is the lesson will be more interesting.
That is to say that learning in school is more and more interesting by the presentations
with videos and pictures in PowerPoint OR FROM AN ONLINE SOURCE. That leads to
increasing good interaction between teacher and student in teaching, learning and
studying. For example, a recent survey shows that the successful (SCHOOL???) after
applying that in learning, the number of excellent students at Ahuhu secondary school
has increased and the number of bad students has decreased. However, it can also
lead to screen addiction.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage is the distraction while using computers in
school lessons. This is a problem because there are many other applications on
computers such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram. Students might chat with each
other, play video games with each other and even watch movies on many websites
INSTEAD OF CONCENTRATE ON THE LESSONS. Next to that, the distraction of
students is happening because of the ease of the question in their exercise at school. In
fact, nowadays, a number of students access the AVAILABLE websites ON THE WEB
in order to find the question from that but they do not try to do their exercise. For
instance, in the past, AHIHI high school was a famous school for the quality of good
students. After installing computer networks in the school, the teacher found that many
students were playing games instead of concentrating on studying. I therefore believe
that it is time consuming to use harmful applications in school lessons.

In conclusion, although the distraction in school lessons is an important disadvantage,

this does not overcome the fact that studying more and more is interesting.


CHECKED by harry 2103232100


Technology plays an important role in teachers' teaching, in everyone's meetings and it

helps students learn better. The main advantage of this is that (cái này không có chủ
ngữ a k hiểu e nói gì) more easily and faster and the main drawback is the distraction in
school lessons and I will argue that overall this is a negative development.

One evident benefit to studying with computers is the lesson will be more interesting.
That is to say that learning in school is more and more interesting (attractive) by the
presentations with videos and pictures in PowerPoint or from an online source. That
leads to increasing good interaction between teacher and student in teaching, learning
and studying. For example, a recent survey shows that the successful (SCHOOL???)
after applying that in learning, the number of excellent students at Ahuhu secondary
school has increased and the number of bad students has decreased (ví dụ của em
không thể hiện dc lợi ích của computers). FOR EXAMPLE, AT TRAN PHU HIGH
CONTRIBUTE it can also lead to screen addiction.

On the other hand, the main disadvantage is the distraction while using computers in
school lessons. This is a problem because there are many other applications on
computers such as Facebook, Messenger, Instagram. Students might chat with each
other, play video games with each other and even watch movies on many websites
instead of concentrating on the lessons. Next to that, the distraction of students is
happening because of the ease of the question in their exerciseS at school. In fact,
nowadays, a number of students access the available websites on the web in order to
find the question from that but they do not try to do their exercise. For instance, in the
past, AHIHI high school was a famous school for the quality of good students. After
installing computer networks in the school, the teacher found that many students were
playing games instead of concentrating on studying. (CÁI VÍ DỤ NÀY NÓ GIỐNG Y CÁI
BÊN TRÊN QUÁ) I therefore believe that it is time consuming to use harmful
applications in school lessons.

In conclusion, although the distraction in school lessons is an important disadvantage,

this does not overcome the fact that studying more and more is interesting.

Checked by harry 2104051534

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides
cheap and clean energy.
Do you think the benefits of nuclear technology outweigh the disadvantages?
Nowadays, with the advancement of science technology, many types of energy have
been invented such as nuclear power which keeps the nations of the world peaceful and
it is clean for the environment. While the cheap and clean is the biggest benefit of
nuclear power, the release of this is an important disadvantage.
One evident benefit of nuclear power is clean as it does not affect the environment. The
process to produce nuclear energy is clean because it does not release dust and smoke
like other factories and then it does not pollute the environment. Besides, using nuclear
energy is the choice of many big companies because it saves them costs because a
little of radium can be used for many years. An example of this is about submarines.
Traveling by submarines, 1 kilogram of nuclear power can be used for more than 50
years without the use of any other energy such as gas or oil. Even though nuclear
power is safe and clean, if it explodes, it could cause a huge amount of air pollution for
the big area.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of nuclear is unsafety. If nuclear
energy is not preserved carefully, it will explode. When it explodes, radiation is released
from the nuclear energy and if the human inhaled radiation, it will cause respiratory
disease or even death. For example about the Chernobyl event. Nuclear energy from
the factory was released into the air, at that time, the governments required local people
to move to another city. Nowadays, people had gone to other places and schools and
hospitals at that place had been abandoned for a long time. Even if it explodes, it could
cause a huge amount of radiation to the big area.

In conclusion, although the cheap and clean is the biggest benefit of nuclear power, the
release of this is an important disadvantage.
Nowadays, with the advancement of science technology, many types of energy have
been invented such as nuclear power which keeps the nations of the world peaceful IS
POWERFUL and it is clean for the environment. While the cheap and clean is the
biggest benefit of nuclear power, the release of this is an important disadvantage. (IDEA
One evident benefit of nuclear power is clean as it does not affect the environment. The
process to produce nuclear energy is clean because it does not release dust and smoke
like other factories and then it does not pollute the environment. Besides, using nuclear
energy is the choice of many big companies because it saves them costs because a
little of radium can be used for many years. An example of this is about submarines.
Traveling by submarines, 1 kilogram of nuclear power can be used for more than 50
years without the use of any other energy such as gas or oil. (TOPIC SENTENCE E
nuclear power is safe and clean, if it explodes, it could cause a huge DISASTER FOR
YEARS OVER A LARGE AREA. amount of air pollution for the big area.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of nuclear is unsafety. If nuclear
energy is not preserved carefully, it will explode. When it explodes, radiation is released
from the nuclear energy and if the humanS WILL BE SERIOUSLY AFFECTED inhaled
radiation, it will cause MANY SEVERE DISEASES respiratory disease or even death.
For example about the Chernobyl event (EM PHẢI GIẢI THÍCH SỰ KIỆN NÀY RA).
Nuclear energy from the factory was released into the air, at that time, the governments
required local people to move to another city. Nowadays, people had gone to other
places and schools and hospitals at that place had THE ENTIRE CITY HAS been
abandoned for a long time. Even if it explodes, it could cause a huge amount of
radiation to the big area. (CÂU NI VỚI CÂU 6 Y CHANG RỚ EM)

In conclusion, although the cheap and clean is the biggest benefit of nuclear power, the
release of this is an important disadvantage.


Checked by harry 2104061701


Finding job satisfaction is considered to be a luxury in many developing


What do you think that is?

Do you think job satisfaction is important?

In today's modern world, people in many developing countries think that finding job
satisfaction is considered to be a luxury.

3. The principal problem associated with ....................

4. ....................
5. The result of this is ....................
6. For example,

Another reason why job satisfaction is important as money. Job satisfaction comes from
the professional achievement, the skills people learn, the position they reach rather than
instance, my classmate in the university has left his job as an engineer in Sámung, one
of the top rank companies with a high salary. Then he followed his dream job, which
built up his own startup and got success. NẾU KO SUCCESS THÌ CÓ ĐÚNG KO???

In conclusion,

No submission checked by harry 2104190731

Scientists predict that all people will choose to talk the same global language in
the future.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

1. [Paraphrasing] Scientists predict that all people will choose to talk the same
global language in the future.

2. I agree with this idea because choosing to talk the same global language
will make it easier for people to cooperate in countries and it helps better
relations between countries.

3. I think choosing to talk the same global language will make it easier for people
to cooperate because there will be no language barrier.
4. Businesses will easily communicate and exchange information in many
important meetings.
5. Besides, when using the same language, international tourists traveling
will easily communicate and not get lost in the countries.
6. For example, …

7. Another reason why people choose to talk the same global language is
because it helps better relations between countries.
8. Transportation of product became easier to buy and sell between
9. That lead to the economies around the world will grow.
10. For instance, ...

11. In conclusion, choosing to talk the same global language will make it easier
for people to cooperate in countries and it helps better relations between
No submission checked by harry 2104190731
Từ thay thế

Nowaday = modern-day = present-day

People = the public = individuals = citizens = mortal = association = hamlet = residents

= community = humankind = inhabitants /con người/

Statement = reason = idea /lí lẽ/

City center = urban area = metropolitan area = downtown /trung tâm thành phố/

The young = youth = juveniles = youngsters = people who fall into 20 to 40 age group
/người trẻ/

The old = elderly = senior citizens = the aged = during the old age /người già/

Workers = employees = staff = clerks = agents /nhân viên/

Opponent = rival = competitor = adversary = contender /đối thủ/

Feature = trait = attribute = characteristic = quality /đặc điểm/

Result = outcome = consequence /kết quả/

Lack = shortage = insufficiency /sự thiếu hụt/

Standard = benchmark = criterion /tiêu chuẩn/

Enormous = considerable /nhiều, đáng kể/

Practical = feasible = workable = usable /thiết thực, khả thi/

Important = essential = crucial = critical = key = pivotal /quan trọng/

Create = produce = generate = trigger = pose = engender /sản xuất/

Solve = settle = tackle = handle = deal with cope with /xử lí, giải quyết/

Use = utilise = employ = exploit = harness /sử dụng/

Support = sponsor = back up = subsidy /hỗ trợ/

Improve = promote = enhance = strengthen = facilitate = boost /cải thiện/

Change = transform = alter = shift = convert /thay đổi/

Highlight = emphasise = underline = underscore = pay/draw attention to /nhấn mạnh/

Ignore = neglect = overlook = underestimate /bỏ qua/

Daily = each day /hằng ngày/

Daily exercise = constant physical training /tập thể dục hằng ngày/

Exercise = cardio workout /bài tập thể dục/

Because = due to the fact that /bởi vì/

Be just as = seem /dường như/

All over /khắp nơi/

Unemployed people /người thất nghiệp/

Các từ thay thế cho cụm #veryX

Very bad = awful

Very beautiful = gorgeous

Very busy = swamped

Very easy = effortless

Very big = massive

Very happy = ecstatic

Very important = crucial

Very exciting = exhilarating

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