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I. Title of the Article

- Duterte bats for new constitution that will hold officials more

II. The main idea or the issue of the article (maximum of 6

- The article is about the Philippines to have a possible new constitution
proposed by Duterte, it is an attempt that should hold public officials
more accountable for their actions and for Duterte to lower his powers to
a minimum. Duterte also said that this constitution was part of his desire
to combat corruption that has been plaguing the country for decades. He
also said that he hopes this move will answer all fears or rumors about
Duterte being a dictator or using too much power. According to Duterte,
he said that amending this new constitution will shorten or restrict the
powers of every government officials including the Presidency, and that
this constitution will mandate accountability and a more responsible
government officials.

III. Your ideas or comments regarding the issue

- All that I can say is that I have personally no problem regarding the said
possible new constitution that might be amended. As a critic to the
current Duterte administration, passing this constitution will not only
limit the powers of government officials but I hope that this new rumored
constitution helps our country from the corruption that has been a pain to
our country for decades. I also hope that this constitution, if passed, is to
give birth to more honest and a more trustworthy politicians that has the
capabilities to make change in our nation. It is time the Philippines begin
to replace the ineffective laws regarding politicians because it is evident
that most of them are corrupt and using power to gain popularity, not to
mention our countrymen are being tricked to vote for the wrong person or
being politically empathetic due to the fact that they think that the
politicians in our country are the same as always.


I. Title of the Article

- Duterte vows to fulfill land reform election promise

II. The main idea or the issue of the article (maximum

of 6 sentences)
- The article is about Duterte’s plan for the fulfilment of land
reform that was criticized by farmers for not being implemented
sooner after his election into office, Duterte’s plan is to make it
happen to improve the lives of our farmers. Duterte stated that he
is for land reform and will not back out from it as an attempt to
appease the farmers. He also admitted that the country’s
agriculture is falling behind other sectors, and that by the only
thing to improve it is to prioritize agricultural reform and give
more lands. Duterte also blamed the communists for the sector’s
failure to develop because of communist extortion activities in
agricultural areas. It is also stated that neglecting farmers and to
disregard their plight are one of the reasons of unrest.

III. Your ideas or comments regarding the issue

- All that I can say is that Duterte seriously needs that agrarian
reform bill to be passed. The country is already suffering from
poor land quality for long enough and our farmers are already
discontented with the government. The agricultural reform was
part of Duterte’s election promise but as stated in the article, no
reform was planned until farmers showed discontent towards him
and demanded a reform in agriculture and only that he took action.
The country’s agricultural sector is already suffering due to
negligence and lack of funding, boosting it up might get us back in
position for the better development of the country. There is also the
issue of disregarding farmers of what they need in order to work,
ignoring this reform might see more farmers out of work in the

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