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(a Pre-Experimental Study of the Twelfth Grade of SMK Kesehatan Harapan
Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang in the Academic Year 2019/2020)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education





(A Pre-Experimental Study of the Twelfth Grade of SMK Kesehatan Harapan
Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang in the Academic Year 2019/2020)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (Bachelor of Art) in English Education


Rida Azzahra


Approved by:

Advisor I Advisor II

a. a
NIP. 19621010 199103 2 003 NIP. 19840410 201503 2 003








The Examination Committe of the Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that

“Skripsi” (Scientific Paper) entitled “The Influence of using Eclectic Method on
Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge (A Pre-experimental Study at Twelfth Grade of
SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang in the Academic Year
2019/2020)” by Rida Azzahra, student’s registration number 11150140000004, was
examined at examination session of the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islam University Jakarta, by the Committee on ___, 2020. The
“Skripsi” has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for
the degree of “S.Pd” (S-1) in the English Education.

Jakarta, ___, 2020


Date Signature

CHAIRMAN : Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Ph.D ( ) ( )

NIP. 19800730 200912 1 001

SECRETARY : Zaharil An’asy, M.Hum ( ) ( )

NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

EXAMINER I : Zaharil An’asy, M.Hum ( ) ( )

NIP. 19761007 200710 1 002

EXAMINER II : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd ( ) ( )

NIP. 197205011 199903 2 013

Acknowledged by

The Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences

Dr. Sururin, M.Ag.

NIP. 19710319 199803 2 001





‫بسم هللا ال ّرحمن ال ّر حيم‬
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the world, the Almighty God, and there is
no God but Allah, who has given the gracious mercy and very great blessing so the
researcher can accomplish her skripsi entitled “The Influence of using Eclectic
Method on Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge (A Pre-experimental Study at Twelfth
Grade of SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang in the Academic
Year 2019/2020). Peace and salutation may be addressed to the Prophet Muhammad,
Peace be upon him, his family, his companions, and his followers.
Many challenges and obstacles were encountered by the researcher in the
process of finishing this paper. Indeed, it could not be resolved without the help and
support from many important persons, including lecturers, families, friends, and
school institution. The researcher would like to convey her deepest gratitude and
thankfulness for her beloved family, her Bunda, Aat Atiyah, S.Sos., and Hj. Muinah
as the researcher’s grandmother, for every single wonderful and colorful life, every
sweet love and blessing, every moral and financial support and also every single
prayer for the researcher until the researcher could reach this phase. Also, the
researcher would like to thank her beloved siblings, all of her cousins and big family
for cheering the researcher’s life up, for the spirit, helpfulness and additional support
in every single part of the researcher’s life.
The researcher also would like to give her sincere and deepest thanks to her
advisors, Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Zaharil An’asy, M.Hum., who have given


patience for guide, help, comments, motivations and powerful feedback during the
completion of this skripsi.
Furthermore, the researcher also realizes that she will never finish this paper
without help, support and contribution of people around her. Therefore, the
researcher also would like to give and express her sincere gratitude and appreciations
1. Dr. Sururin, M. Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences State
Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
2. Dr. Didin Nuriddin Hidayat, Ph.D., the Head of English Education
3. Zaharil An’asy, M. Hum., the Secretary of English Education Department.
4. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., the Academic Supervisor.
5. All lecturers in the English Education Department for the knowledge,
motivations, advices, and supports during the studies.
6. Nurjanah, S. Pd., the Headmaster of SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3
Kota Tangerang, who had given permission to conduct the research and
giving the researcher suggestions during the research.
7. All students of XII KP who gave their effort to be the participants in this
8. All of her dearest friends of English Education Department 2015, especially
for deeAlova for being the partner in this department and keeping in success
especially who has given the bunch of laughs and supports during this
9. To everyone, whose name cannot be mentioned, thank you for helping and
giving big contribution in completing this research.

May Allah “SubhanallahuWata’ala” reward their good deeds with the

goodness. Finally the researcher realizes that this Skripsi is still far from perfect.
Therefore, if there are some suggestions to make this Skripsi is better the
researcher will accept openly. At last, the researcher hopes that this Skripsi will
give positive impact and be a valuable writing for others. Aameen.


Jakarta, February 2020

Rida Azzahra







This chapter discussed about the background of the study, identification of the
problem, limitation of the study, formulation of the study, objective of the study, and
significance of the study.
A. Background of the Study
Among the many languages people use in the world, not many have
millions or even billions of speakers. One language that has achieved that status
is English. English becomes the most essential language in the world. Susanti
(2007) expressed that almost all the people from many different countries around
the world use it to communicate. Sayekti (2014) claimed that at the present time,
many people consider the importance of mastering other languages rather than
their own languages because knowing other languages has increased the chance
of being able to communicate with other people all over the world. As part of the
global community, many Indonesians also using English to communicate in
various occasions. Many Indonesians learn English because they realize how
important English is.

Indonesian’s eagerness to learn English is fully supported by the

government. The government, by the issuance of the decree of the Minister of
Education and Culture No. 096/1967 as stated in Yunianika (2009) skripsi, has
stipulated that English become the first foreign language and compulsory subject
that should be taught formally to all Indonesian students starting from junior high
school up to universities level. With the government supporting the teaching of
English does not mean the process is free from obstacles. Many obstacles have
been faced by the English teacher in Indonesia. Zakaria (2009) noted for the
reason, in Indonesia English is not a native or even second language but it is a
foreign language.

In order to teach English formally to students, especially in the junior

high school level, teachers must properly introduce the language components:


grammar, pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary. The teacher should teach these
four linguistic aspects to improve students’ language skills.

Of the four linguistic aspects (grammar, pronunciation, spelling and

vocabulary), vocabulary is of great importance in understanding language.
According to Safirah (2016) vocabulary takes an important role in equipping the
students to be able to communicate in English. Vocabulary is present and required
in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Unfortunately, many students still
struggle when learning English vocabulary. Rahmasari (2016) stated that in fact,
children still have difficulties in using English vocabularies both spoken and
written because English vocabulary has different analysis between spelling and
pronunciation. This phenomenon is something the researcher has personally
observed during Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (PLP). The 8 th graders have
lack of vocabulary. The students’ vocabulary skills also differ greatly from one
student to another. Students with low vocabulary skills have problems in
producing even the simplest English sentence.

Based on the researcher’s observation on Pengenalan Lapangan

Persekolahan (PLP), students’ low vocabulary skill was linked to teacher’s lack
of attention to students’ differing characteristics. The teachers only used the
teaching modules provided for K13 rigidly without questioning if the modules fit
the students’ needs. As an effect, many students show deficiency in English skills.
To make matters worse, students’ deficiency in English prohibits them from
participating in class. The result was the students have low motivation in learning
English at school. This case also has been observed by Mwanza (2017). He stated
that “…some learners may also fail to express themselves or participate fully in
communicative activities in class due to their deficiency in English.”

Learning vocabulary takes time and effort especially for EFL learners.
According to Masoudi (2017) improving students’ vocabulary is critical if they
are to develop advanced literacy levels required for success in school and beyond,
in the world of higher education and the workplace. However, Duan (2018) stated

that due to the impossibility of teaching all the words in English, incidental
vocabulary learning has long been brought to the front and become a hot issue in
the field of second or foreign language acquisition.

The researcher’s experience during PLP was contradictory to the

researcher’s experience while being a student on junior and senior high school.
Back then, the English teachers used various ways in teaching English. In
addition to being flexible, the teachers also possessed good knowledge of English
skills and paid attention to each student to accommodate his or her problems in
understanding the lesson so the students feel comfortable in learning English. The
class was active with lively interaction between students and teacher. The
students also did not afraid to express themselves using their limited
vocabularies. The teacher encouraged the use of new words and, as a result, the
number of students’ vocabulary was increasing.

What the researcher’s teacher did by being flexible and attentive to

student’s needs was in line with the eclectic method. According to Popova, as
cited by Sadiqah (2015) different learners learn differently so a teacher has to
adopt such methods that will work for the majority of the learners.English
teachers often use various ways and methods to teach vocabulary in English as a
Foreign Language. They combine old methods with new media or combine
different method in one teaching session. Unknowingly, these teachers have
applied the Eclectic Method in teaching as a result they may not know how to
fully utilize this approach to its full potential.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will do the research to

know the effect in implementing Eclectic Method on students’ vocabulary
knowledge at SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang. Thus, this
title of this research is “The Influence of using Eclectic Method on Students’
Vocabulary Knowledge at SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the problems of the research
could be identified as follows:
1. Students are lacking in terms of vocabulary knowledge.
2. Students are not motivated in learning vocabulary at school.
3. Teachers are rigid in selecting which method to incorporate into the
teaching and learning process.
4. The English teaching in school cannot bolster students in improving the
students’ vocabulary knowledge.

C. Limitation of the Study

The researcher focuses on the problem of the research on the effect of
implementing Eclectic Method on students’ vocabulary knowledge at the twelfth
grade of SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang in academic year

D. Formulation of the Study

Based on the research background, the researcher formulated the problem
statement was “Is there any significant effect of implementing Eclectic Method in
students’ vocabulary knowledge?”

E. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem statement, this study aims to find out the empirical data
about the effectiveness of using Eclectic Method in students’ vocabulary

F. Significance of the Study

After conducting the research, the researcher hopes for the result of the effect
will be useful. The research provides the data of the students’ perception of
Eclectic Method on students’ vocabulary knowledge at SMK Kesehatan Harapan
Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang. Therefore the significance of the research is divided
1. Theoretical Significance

This study may explain the effect of using Eclectic Method in improving
English vocabulary knowledge at SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota
Tangerang. The result of this research is also expected to be one of the
references for the following implementation of Eclectic Method on students’
vocabulary knowledge in lower education.
2. Practical Significance
This study shows how interesting the Eclectic Method on students’
vocabulary knowledge especially on EFL students. The findings are also
expected to help English teachers to develop the teaching materials and
practical activities.


A. Vocabulary Knowledge

1. The Concept of Vocabulary Knowledge

Before the researcher explain about vocabulary knowledge, it is
necessary to know what vocabulary is generally. Vocabulary is words that can
be understand by each other. Vocabulary becomes one of the important
language components in comprehending language. According to Rahman
(2015), vocabulary is the important aspect of language that cannot be neglected
in learning language. Because of that, learning vocabulary should be some
crucial in building sentences. Without having knowledge of word, language
learners cannot understand the meaning of a word especially in teaching and
learning English as a foreign language. For language learners, Askar (2016)
stated that vocabulary knowledge is of great significance when using a foreign
language, while no one can communicate without lexical repertoire.
According to Faraj (2015) a learner of the new language has to
understand the vocabulary knowledge and work on improving it to produce the
language. By knowing a word, students can produce their background of
vocabulary word by word into sentences then they can use it to express
themselves, to write some texts or to create a story, reading some texts or even
novels or books which using English as an introduction language or even to talk
with strangers that usually using English for their basic of communication.
Moreover, Snow, Griffin, & Burns as stated on Habibi's thesis (2017),
vocabulary knowledge is a building process that occurs over time as they make
connections to other words, learn examples and non-examples of the word and
related words, and use the word accurately within the context of the sentence.
The researcher more convinced that students should enrich their vocabulary
knowledge without using repetition words in producing sentence.


After the students have much vocabulary’s knowledge background, the

students get easier to produce a sentence not only use a basic word but also
knowing how to fit the more correct word by a context. Montgomery (2007)
claimed,"Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of a word not
only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world”.

2. Types of Vocabulary
After discussed about the definition about vocabulary, the researcher
wants to put the types of vocabulary. According to Montgomery (2007), there
are four types of vocabulary:

a. Listening Vocabulary
Fetuses in womb can respond to voices and noise while babies are
able to respond to their parents’ speech as they learn the language. Stahl and
Tompkins which mentioned on Montgomery book argue that adulthood will
recognize and understand words close to 50.000 words. Children who are
deaf are exposed to “visual” listening vocabulary in the form of sign
language taught at home or school. Since there is not a sign for every word,
the number of words acquired by deaf children is much less than a hearing
child’s listening vocabulary.
b. Speaking Vocabulary
Speaking vocabulary means if people want to communicate each
other they have to choose many words and that words that we use to speak
is a speaking vocabulary. Most people relatively limited in using their
speaking vocabulary. adults use 5.000 to 10.000 words for all the
conversation and instruction which means this number is less than listening
vocabulary because of the ease of use.
c. Reading Vocabulary
Obviously it is different from speaking vocabulary; the reading
vocabulary is the background knowledge of vocabulary that used if people
want to read a text. Because of its difference, people do not really need to
use their speaking vocabulary in reading. People who interest in reading

much will make this reading vocabulary become a second largest

vocabulary on their vocabulary needs. This thing is contradictory if people
have not any interest in reading then they cannot improve this vocabulary
d. Writing Vocabulary
As the researcher have mentioned before, if the students have enrich
their vocabulary, they can write something that can express their selves.
That is the writing vocabulary mean. Montgomery (2007) added some
details on this book that some people in general think that oral expression is
easier than written expression because using an oral expression they can get
a help from the mimics, body language, intonation of the words to speak
that representative their selves, it is simpler than to think hard to put the
correct or accurate words to express their feelings. What the words we can
spell can be an influence to our writing vocabulary.
To be more excises, this is dependent upon the students’ lexicon or
mental dictionary. The students would not guess a word they did not know.
It cannot functional to the deaf students who want to use auditory memory
to put out a word. The deaf students mostly memorize spelling patterns and
they typically use a reduced variety of words in writing while they are

3. Kinds of Vocabulary
Nation (2001) identified vocabulary into two types; productive
vocabulary and receptive vocabulary.

a. Productive vocabulary is also called as active vocabulary because

learners can produce the words to communicate their ideas by speaking
and writing. It means learners can understand and use the words
constructively to express their thoughts to others. It involves what is
needed for receptive vocabulary.
b. Receptive vocabulary refers to language input that can be received by
learners in the context of reading and listening, but they cannot produce

the words through speaking and writing. It is also known as passive

c. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that productive
vocabulary or also known as the active vocabulary is familiar words that
learners can understand and produce the words correctly through
speaking and writing. Conversely, the receptive or passive vocabulary is
unfamiliar words that learners find difficultly in comprehending words
when speaking and writing so learners could be more active through
reading and listening.

4. The Aspects of Vocabulary

After explaining the concept, types and kinds of vocabulary, the
researcher wants to give more information about the aspects of vocabulary
itself. There are three main aspects for learning vocabulary. Gower,et al
(2017) stated that there are three main aspect to consider: form, meaning,
and use.

a. Form
Each vocabulary can be distinguished from:
1) Word parts: the part of speech of the word, word families, word
formation, etc.
2) Spoken: the pronunciation
3) Written: the syllables and word spelling
b. Meaning
Each word in vocabulary has distinctive meaning for several
people because one word has more than one meaning, it depend on
context or the focus on. Moreover, it also can be distinguished with the
connotation. Learners should study the meaning of words and the part
of speech.

c. Use
Learners should practice the word in context and its usage
because each word has relevant meaning.

To be more excises, the explanation above is in line with Nation

(2001). When measuring vocabulary, teachers need to focus on the three
significant aspects: form, meaning and use.

a. Form
According to Nation (2001) the form of a word involves:
1) Pronunciation (spoken form)
2) Spelling (written form)
3) any word parts on particular item (a prefix, root, and suffix)
b. Meaning
Nation expressed that meaning includes the way that form and
meaning work together. It means when people think the concept and
what items it alludes to and the associations that come to mind about a
particular word.
c. Use
Nation considered that the use requires the grammatical
functions of the word or phrase, collocations that commonly to go with
it, and lastly any constraints on its use, in terms of frequency, level, and

Thornbury (2007) classified the aspects of vocabulary into six parts,

there are word classes, word families, word formation, multi words units,
collocation, and word meaning. One of the important aspects in vocabulary
according to his book is the meaning of the words. The categories of the
word meaning are:

a. Synonym: Synonym is a word or phrase that shares a relative meaning.


Examples of Synonyms

Diligent = Hardworking
Honest = Sincere
About = Approximately
But = Although
Love = Paramour

b. Antonym: Antonym is a word or phrase that have cross from meaning.


Examples of Antonyms

Dead X Alive
Borrow X Lend
Dark X Pale
Believe X Disbelief
Trust X Mistrust

c. -Homonym: Homonym is one of a group of words that sounds the same

as another word but differs in meanings.


Examples of Homonyms

Fall (verb) X Fall (season)

Bear (animal) X Bear (tolerate)
Air (oxygen) X Air (tune)
Mean (average) X Mean (not nice)
Spring (season) X Spring (metal)

Each word presents distinct roles in a text. In the word classes,

Thornbury (2007) appended the classification of words based on their

functional categories that also known as the part of speech. The part of
speech is used to describe words classes and to classify the words based
on it form and its function. The part of speech types based on Yule that
stated on Habibi (2017) are: nouns, articles, adjectives, verbs, adverbs,
preposition, pronoun, and conjunction. These types were contradictory
with the researcher’s background knowledge of part of speech. So the
researcher explored the expert for the part of speech types which in line
with the researcher’s background knowledge of part of speech. According
to Vachula (2000), there are eight categories of word: nouns, pronouns,
verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections .
The part of speech detail will be explained below.

a. Nouns
Generally, noun is a word which gives s name of something (a
thing, a person, an animal, a place or an idea). Examples: Hisoka,
London, table, hope, happiness.
Example on statement: Killua uses a blue pen for his letters.
*the underline words are noun
Noun is divided into four types:
1) The Proper Noun; is used to name a specific item.
For examples: Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia, Jinji.
2) The Collective Noun; is used to refer to a group of nouns.
For examples: Choir, Swarm.
3) The Possessive Noun; is used to show the ownership of
something, it can be identified by using an apostrophe (‘) and an s.
For examples: Killua’s friend, Jinji’s car, Kharis’ family.
4) The Common Noun; is the most simple form of a noun.
For examples: Glass, Pizza.

b. Pronouns
A pronoun is used in place of a noun or noun phrase to avoid
Examples: I, you, himself, we, us, them, those, who.
Example on statement: I love Alluka and I want her to be with me.
*the underline words are pronoun
Pronoun also have different types, they are:
1) The Reflexive Pronoun; is used to refer to self.
For example: himself, themselves.
2) The Indefinite Pronoun; is used to refer to a non-specific item or
For examples: few, everyone, all, someone.
3) The Possessive Pronoun; is used to show possession in owning
For examples: theirs, your, his, yours.
4) The Relative Pronoun; is used to introduce an adjective clause.
For examples: who, that, those, whose.
c. Verbs
Verb is the most important parts of speech and is used to shows
an action or a state of being. It can show what someone is doing or did.
Examples: go, have, speaking, lived, been, is.
Example on statement: Did you hurt anybody?
*the underline word is a verb
The verbs also have three main types which detailed below:
1) The Action Verb; it describes an action.
For example: smiled, tired.
2) The Linking Verb; is used to show a state of being.
For example: feels, am.
3) The Modal Verb; is used to help the main verb. It also can show the
attitude of speaker thoughts about what they said.
For example: can, could, must, might.

d. Adjectives
Adjective is a word which describes, modifies or gives more
information about a noun or pronoun.
Examples: cold, happy, young, two, fun.
Example on statement: The little girl has a black veil.
*the underline words are adjectives
e. Adverbs
Adverb is used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another
adverb. It tells how (often) where, when.
Examples: slowly, very, always, well, too.
Examples on statement: Yesterday, I ate my breakfast quickly.
*the underline words are adverbs
f. Preposition
Preposition is used to shows the relationship of a noun, noun
phrase or pronoun to another word.
Examples: since, upon, except, it, from, with, about.
Examples on statement: I left my wallet on the table for you.
*the underline words are prepositions
g. Conjunctions
Conjunction is used as a way of joining two words, ideas,
phrases together and shows how they are connected.
Examples: so, or, yet, because, until, if, unless, either.
Example on statement: I was sleepy and tired but I still finished my
*the underline words are conjunctions
h. Interjections
Interjection is a word or phrase that expresses a strong emotion.
It also could be thought of as an exclamation.
Examples: ouch!, hey!, gosh!, oh!, ugh!, phew!.
Example on statement: Wow! The scenery is too beautiful.
*the underline words are conjunctions

5. The Dimensions of Vocabulary Knowledge

Vocabulary knowledge has many dimensions as Qian stated on Wan
and Tan (2018), she mentioned two primary dimensions of vocabulary
knowledge: depth and size. But here the researcher wants to explain more
about all the meaning of those three one by one according to Agernäs's
(2014) book:

a. Size or breadth

This dimension can be said as the beginning when deciding what

will count as a word. According to Stæhr on Wan and Tan (2018) found
that vocabulary size to be an instrumental factor for reading success in
L2 and the vocabulary size of learners strongly affected the reading
performance of learners, especially low-level EFL learners. In
vocabulary size, there are two ways to count words: counted as
LEMMAS or counted as a WORD FAMILIES.
1) Lemmas
Lemmas consist of a head word and some of its most
common inflections, and possible reduced forms. Examples of
inflections are the plural, third person singular present tense, past
tense, past participle, present participle, comparative, superlative
and possessive forms.
2) Word Families
Word families are larger units also categorized under a head
word. They include all the forms of a lemma, as well as other
closely related forms, e.g. affixes -ly, -ness and un-. Using lemmas
or word families assumes that learners are familiar with how words
are inflected and constructed in the language; when they see the
word ‘undoubtedly’, they will see the prefix un-, the root word
doubt, the inflection -ed and the suffix -ly, and be able to decipher
the meaning from this information.

The difference between word families and lemmas is that the

lemmas are more transparent, and represent smaller units. Word families
can sometimes become quite large, and research has not proved that
knowing a head word necessarily means knowing all of its derived
forms. Even though it is problematic in some aspects, researchers agree
that using word families or lemmas is a better way to measure
vocabulary than counting each word as a separate unit.
b. Depth
The second dimension of vocabulary knowledge is Depth. It can
be defined as a standard is needed to determine what it means to know a
word. Vocabulary size and depth can be difficult to separate, since
testing one aspect will inevitably test the other and vocabulary depth
can be said to be a function of its size. However, in vocabulary research,
a distinction is typically made between the two, and also between
receptive (passive) and productive (active) vocabulary. Schmitt (2008)
discussed that, learners overall have larger receptive vocabularies than
productive ones. As the researcher have mentioned before in the kind of
vocabulary, the receptive vocabulary required listening and reading
tasks while the speaking and writing tasks would require productive
vocabulary knowledge. Nation (2001) gave the examples of receptive
knowledge of a word is that you can distinguish a certain word in
speech or text, that you know typical collocations and that you are able
to understand a word in a variety of contexts. For it to be part of your
productive vocabulary you would be able to pronounce it intelligibly,
spell it correctly and put it into various syntactically correct sentences,
where the difference nuances of the word are displayed.
c. Fluency and Control
Fluency and vocabulary control is the remaining aspects to
measure vocabulary knowledge. Laufer and Nation as cited in Agernäs's
(2014) book have shown that fluency and speed in a given frequency
level only increased when the learners’ vocabulary knowledge was far

more advanced than the given frequency level. For example, learners
understand the vocabulary in a question, then they can instantly acquire
the question, and they know how to fit one word in the context. This
example was interrelated aspects. There are numerous other facets of
vocabulary measurement that should be taken into account, but the four
aspects specified are foundational.

B. Eclectic Method

1. The Concept of Eclectic Method

Eclectic method is a theory or style of teaching used in teaching
foreign or second languages. The eclectic method can be used in the teaching
and learning process to teach English for the specific purpose and the
learners’ needed by using or combine various methods in one class meeting.
Iscan (2017) stated that the eclectic method is a language teaching method
that combines various approaches and methods to teach the language
depending on the purpose of the course and the ability of the students. It is
method also known as a mixed method.
The eclectic theory is popular because it has a good yield impact
without much pressure on learners. Kumar (2013) expressed an eclectic
theory of language advocating during the 1990 's and because it was
important for the theory of language learning education. The advantage of
this theory is that learners have a clear vision of what they are learning. Some
of the tasks, high interactions, live learning, correlative objectives, and fast
results are the standout features of this method. Some learners go their own
way of communicating strategies, they will become more confident in writing
but most often they fail in speaking.
Freeman and Anderson (2011) began using the terms “The principle of
exclexism”. In her opinion, the principle of eclexism is the preferred method
of language teaching, consistent and pluralistic and an approach that requires
a variety of learning activities depending on the needs of learning. Exclexism
involves the use of various language learning activities, each of which may

have very different characteristics and can be motivated by different

underlying assumptions. This strengthens the work of various language-
learning activities with various features to help teachers and students engage
in holistic composition learning. The use of eclectic methods due to the fact
that there are strengths and weaknesses of single theory-based methods.
Dependence on a single theory of teaching has been criticized for using a
limited number of techniques can become mechanical.
Mwanza (2019) stated that is important to note that an eclectic
approach is not a rigid approach, thus, its characteristics may not be limited to
those presented in this study. However, efforts have been made to cover the
main characteristics in as much detail as possible. Ali Ansari (2012) listed the
following eclecticisms: (a) Teachers are given the opportunity to choose
different types of teaching techniques in each Class Period to achieve the
lesson objectives. (b) There is flexibility in selecting every aspect or method
that the teacher considers suitable for teaching in the classroom. (c) Learners
can see different types of teaching techniques, using different types of props,
which helps to make lessons more stimulating and ensuring a better
understanding of the material on the other. (d) Solving difficulties that may
arise from the presentation of textbook material. (e) Eventually, it saves time
and effort in the presentation of language activities.
Different methods have been introduced by experts but they have
realized that there is no particular method is good enough to be accepted as
the best. Wallace (2001) expressed that every methods have some strengths
and limitations. Wallace also claimed that some popular methods used for
ELT purposes: grammatical translation methods, direct methods, oral
approaches and situational language teaching, lingual audio methods,
communicative language teaching (CLT), Total physical Response (TPR),
language learning Community (CLL). The English teachers used various
methods in teaching and learning process because they realized that there is
no appropriate method to apply in teaching and learning process. All methods

have been used by language teachers, and they have know that no particular
method is suitable for all types of students in the EFL class (Wallace 2001).
It is clear that some methods rely heavily on the previous one. Or
they are trying to fix them by trying to strengthen their weak points. The
ALM case is an example. This is a method that, while adding something new
(a strong justification of behavior and related techniques), is indeed a
combination of different emphasis of two traditional methods: Brown (2002)
wrote the ALM seeks to emphasize the four language skills, unlike the
methods that have preceded it, the grammar-translation method and the direct
In making this combination, the ALM is indeed an eclectic method.
Similarly, the natural approach is seen by some as nothing more than an
extension of the concerns of the direct method, and could in a sense also be
considered eclectic. Wherever someone finds continuity, an argument can be
made to Exclexism: The method one brings to the front of another concern.
And since we can observe the continuities everywhere, it is easy to make the
argument that all methods are eclectic.
Essentially the failure of one of the methods that caused it to create
the next method. Different learners learn differently so that teachers should
adopt those methods that will work for the majority of learners. According to
Freeman and Anderson (2011), when teachers are subscribed to a pluralistic
view the method of choosing and choosing from between methods to create
their own blends, their practice is said to be eclectic. So, the eclectic method
is used when teachers select several methods to apply in the classroom.
Teachers utilizing an eclectic method must be fluent with all
teaching methodologies, knowing fully how the language is studied, and how
and what doctrine is all about. This case also happened on Brown (2002), the
researcher decides to use several techniques of two different methods, audio
language methods and communicative methods. It is used because teaching
skill speaking has inherent difficulties, most teachers have reported that the

methodology, in particular that must be followed has not been sufficiently

tapped for each level of instruction (Kumar 2013).
Students have different types of behaviors during the teaching and
learning process, here is a need for a large number of efforts required to
create an innovative approach for students to learn English. According to
Suleman and Hussain (2016), the eclectic method was proposed as a reaction
to the profusion of teaching methods in the 1970s and 1980s and the
inflexibility often found in the application of these methods. It means this
method is not a new concept in the learning and teaching language class, in
other words, idea of choosing from different methods to fit for one’s teaching
purposes and situations is not a new one. As early as 1929, eclecticism was
seen as a solution to language teaching. Demyen (2013) implied that teachers
realized that no one teaching method could be used in a classroom where
students had different learning styles. Indeed, every learners in this world has
many type of learning styles, for example the researcher, the researcher has
audio and kinesthetic style in learning while some learners has visual and
audio style in learning.
There are no standard methods to use in this eclectic method.
Rivers, as cited in Jebiwot's journal (2014) stated that eclectic method allows
language teachers “to absorb the best techniques of all the well – known
language – teaching methods into their classroom procedures, using them for
the purposes for which they are most appropriate.”. It means that teachers can
use their best teaching techniques in teaching language to learners as long as
the needed of learners so teachers can use it for the certain purposes.

2. The Principles of the Eclectic Method

After finds out the definition of the eclectic method, it is necessary to
know the principles of the eclectic method if teachers want to adjust the
eclectic method in their language teaching. Indonesian language teachers
usually know this method as the mix methods. So the researcher only
discovers one expert that discussed about the tenets of eclectic method

because the eclectic method is still a new term method in Indonesia. There are
10 principles of Eclectic Method according to Barin as stated on Iscan's
journals (2017):
a. Language should be taught in target language. The native language of the
student should also be included when necessary.
b. It should be taken into consideration that there is a relationship between
motivation and the learning of the learner when the language learning is
not desired by the students and is not sufficient in terms of time.
c. Word usage should be started early and words should be used in
sentences. Vocabulary items should be taught in context.
d. So much time should not be spent for mechanical repetitions;
communication-oriented activities should be conducted.
e. Language teaching should be appropriate to the scientific field of the
f. Four language skills should be included together.
g. Language teaching should be vital.
h. Students should be provided with a language learning request.
i. Teaching should be from easy to hard and from concrete to abstract.
j. It should not be forgotten that there are individual differences among the
It can be concluded that applying the eclectic method in language-
learning is neither easy nor difficult but it is effective because more adjusting
the competence of students such as not generalizing the abilities of students
and adjusting in terms of learning time. besides that students can more absorb
the learning given because they use their native language. In this eclectic
method, students prioritize learning vocabulary so that it makes them rich in
English vocabulary. the ten principle above.

3. The Purpose of using Eclectic Method

Every theory must have a purpose for its use as well as this eclectic
method. According to Kumar (2013), the purpose of advocating eclectic

method is to connect life experiences to the ideas presented in learning of the

language. It means that the types of learning activities the language teachers
select in the classroom are often directly related to their experiences in the
real world.

Nsubuga in Jebiwot's journal (2014) discussed there may be many

approaches, interpretations and definitions of how to teach as there may be
school teachers. Everyone learns to use a style that fits with individual skills,
the ability of pupil’s and the hope of the head of teachers and parents.
Nsubuga in Jebiwot's journal (2014) goes on to say that the importance of
various methods is based on the fact that teachers can change the teaching
style to reach pupils in the room and to develop pupils’s knowledge and
understanding to the maximum. The method is very important that must be
owned by a teacher before entering the study room, and must be used by a
teacher. The method is very influential in teaching the grades method can be
good or bad, with the method also learning can succeed or fail, most teachers
who master the material but can fail in learning because they do not get the
right method to understand students.

In a general sense, all teaching methods are used to embed and

develop conceptual ideas and skills in pupils. Methods overlap each other.
Bii, Too, and Mukwa (2018) uttered the methods needed to expose learners to
knowledge and experience help in the development of understanding, critical
thinking, practical skills and interest to be developed through certain subjects.
Activities that have been carried out by students have a very important role,
namely providing opportunities for them to reflect on their experiences in
training by integrating observations and providing feedback in a conceptual
framework and creating mechanisms to transfer learning to relevant external

Nsubuga in Jebiwot's journal (2014) confirmed that it is the teachers

job to find the best method to achieve their lesson goals today. When

preparing methods for achieving lesson goals, teachers should consider the
emotional and mental makeup of the pupils. It is important to think about
what to teach in a particular lesson and the methods to be used as well. It is
important for teachers to be aware of available strategies and methods for the
purpose of making suitable choices when it comes to the instruction. The
eclectic method should be chosen so that the teacher can apply individually
what they feel is appropriate for each child.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages using Eclectic Method

Pros and contra will always exist in a phenomenon, likewise with the
use of method.
a. In this case, students whom used eclectic method in learning language
have a brief goal on studying. Kumar (2013) stated that one advantage of
the eclectic method is learners have clear vision of what they are learning.
Multiple tasks, high interaction, lively learning, objective correlative, and
fast results are the salient features of this method. Some learners go by
their own way of communicating strategy, they will become more
confident in writing but most often they fail in speaking. While the
students have a ‘clear vision’ in learning language, the teacher also can
improve their creativity on his/her teaching learning process. Fuentes,
Alvarenga, and Gamero (2010) added the details that the eclectic method
also help the teacher to encourage creativity when preparing lessons for
beginners because students are starting to acquire a second language and
activities used should be innovative so that students can acquire it easier.
b. Not only has a brief goal on learning language, eclectic method can use in
a big amount of students which means this eclectic methods could make
students’ more attention. In addition, Biloon (2016) said that eclectic
method allows students to receive the individual attention that they need
when there is a large group of students. It means this method could make
students get more attention in the bigger audience in the classroom. Also
it is allowed for the input of much more information in a much shorter

amount of time to obtain the necessary results to progress in language

c. By implementing eclectic method, the teacher could take three benefits
according to the The ministry of education and culture (2016).
1) First, the teacher could achieve the goal of the instruction effectively.
He could divide the different techniques or activities to each indicator
of achieving the goal of the instruction.
2) Second, the teacher could hold the whole class which has different
characteristics and learning style of the students in it. The fact that the
students in a classroom are heterogeneous which means that they have
different abilities and competences in learning are one of some
reasons why the teacher should use some different approaches in
3) An eclectic method also provides a fun learning. It provides an
instruction with some activities. The activities could be game, group
work, drilling, and etc. These different activities could overcome the
boredom in learning for the students.
The strength of the eclectic method lies in its flexibility to be
adaptable in any classroom; however, the challenge is to be able to develop a
lesson which reflects its strengths and not be focus on one method whereby
learners could become confused in the lesson. Demyen (2013) identified the
other weakness of this method is to find qualified and experienced educators
who understand how to incorporate the multiple layers of the eclectic method
in the classroom.
Iscan (2017) added other perspectives that the teachers who want to
apply this method should be very knowledgeable; know all the methods, learn
linguistics and psychology. Otherwise, they will not be able to decide which
aspects of the methods are good, which ones are inadequate and will not be
able to choose the method most convenient for them.

C. Use of Eclectic Method in Improving Vocabulary Knowledge

The Eclectic method is a combination of different learning approaches.
Language teachers can use the eclectic method in any different levels. Floresar in
Jebiwot's journal (2014) stated this method effectively works for pre school and
can be applied to elementary and upper schools as well. In teaching foreign
language skills according to Floresar in Jebiwot's journal (2014)), an eclectic
method allows teachers of language “to absorb the best techniques from all well-
known languages – teaching methods into their class procedures, using them for
the purpose for which they are most appropriate.” It is necessary and important
because teachers are faced with daily tasks helping learners learn a new language
may not be dedicating to any new methods or approaches that come.
The idea of choosing from different methods is appropriate for the
purpose of teaching and the situation. Technology education is now adapted to
the environment so learning will not be boring. In researchers’ experience while
learning Lesson Plan course Mrs. Baker, the visitor lecturer brought various
media to teach and combine the material using PPT or short video then let
students to discuss and state their opinion. Mrs. Baker also allowed us to dance
following the video that she gave, or in one meeting she could just put games and
quizzes to us in explaining the material, so there is no one of us gets bored in her
course because she teaches us with a very well plan.
Learning must be fun and innovative because of the unique nature and
ability of each child. Learners are not expected to have all reached the same level
at the same time. Therefore, teachers need to be creative in using different
approaches to capture the learners’ interest and curiosity. The researcher
remembers what Mrs. Dra. Faridah actually said in the Lesson Plan course
meeting “…in teaching and learning process you could use and apply various
methods in one meeting because you have to see your students while you are
explaining your material. The students could be bored with your one method. So
the more you have preparation method to apply in one meeting, the better
students will interest to comprehend your topics/materials.” Floresar in Jebiwot's
journal (2014)), considers that the most practical approach schools can adopt is

an eclectic method because when “teachers combine different strengths from

different philosophies and where most of the time, they use unique theories their
own. Creativity and Vision.” In the Eclectic approach, teachers play and
communicate with students. This is the way the child has made a sense of the
world in which the child lives, and develops the childs skills – emotional, social,
intellectual and physical. In childrens House International School (CHINS), the
eclectic method is adopted based on the belief that the child should be rewarded
as a unique individual. This method is chosen so that the teacher can apply
individually what they feel is appropriate for each child. Because their curriculum
is creative, innovative and imaginative. Teachers provide a guided opportunity for
learners to explore with their senses as much as possible experience, freeing them
to grow and develop in a natural and positive way.
The methods used for assessing vocabulary depend on the aim in testing
the students’ vocabulary knowledge. One way to assess vocabulary is to ask the
student directly about the definition of a word. A better method of assessing
vocabulary is to ask the students to use a word properly in context. They must be
able to recognize and discern the definition of the words within the given context.
It could be teacher assigns students a list of vocabulary words to learn and then
give them a closed book test in which the students must give the definitions of
the words. This is one of the easiest ways to assess whether students have
mastered new vocabularies.
Sadiqah (2015) claimed that language teachers and experts describe
eclectic method to be one of the successful ELT methods. Accordance with the
advantages above, automatically teachers has the opportunity to use creative
activities to improve students in their language learning process by using eclectic
method. Teachers recognized that it is better to combine several elements from all
teaching methods to provide a more student-centered classroom and enhancing
the learning experience for the students. It is difficult to determine which method
is universally beneficial for teaching. Educators will generally adapt several
methods into their lessons depending on circumstances. However, a successfully
methodology also requires an equally successful accompanying technique

(Sadiqah, 2015). In the eclectic method, the teacher plays and communicates with
the learners. It is the way the child has of making sense of the world in which the
child lives, and of developing the child‟s skills - emotionally, socially,
intellectually and physically. At Children‟s House International School (CHINS),
the eclectic method was adopted based on the belief that children should be
valued as unique individuals. The method was chosen so that teachers can apply
individually what they feel is appropriate for each child. Their curriculum is
therefore creative, innovative and imaginative. Jebiwot (2014) shared that
teachers provide guided opportunities so that learners can explore with their
senses as many experiences as possible, freeing them to grow and develop in a
natural and positive manner.
There are varied approaches and methods used for language teaching in
eclectic method according to Suparman (2017) Grammar-translation Method, 2)
Direct Method, 3) Structural – situational Approach, 4) Audio-lingual/ Audio-
visual method, 5) Bilingual Method, 6) Communicative language teaching, 7)
Total Physical Response, and 8) The Silent Way. Here are the details of the
methods and approaches so the teacher can choose from these different methods
and approaches.
Table 2.3.1
Methods and Approaches of Eclectic Method
METHODS Definitions
1. Grammar-Translation Method Students focus on learning grammatical
(GTM) rules by translating between the target
language and the native language.
2. Direct Method Teacher refrains from using the students’
native language meanwhile the target
language is directly used for teaching
all the four skills.
3. Structural – situational Approach Teacher teaches vocabulary items and
structures through a careful selection,
gradation and presentation based

4. Audio-lingual or Audio-Visual Students are taught through a system of

Method reinforcement. Vocabularies and
grammars are directly taught without the
students’ native language. However,
unlike direct method, this method does
not focus on vocabulary. Instead the
teacher focuses on grammar through
drill and practice.
5. Bilingual Method Teacher teaches the language by giving
mother tongue equivalents of the words
or sentences.
6. Communicative Language Lies emphasis on oral method of
Teaching (CLT) teaching to develop communicative
competence in students.
7. Total Physical Response (TPR) Memory is enhanced through
association with physical response,
based on the theory.
8. The Silent Way Teacher uses a combination of silence
and gestures to focus students’
One of the strategies used by the professor of the lesson was the Flipped
classroom, which supports the Eclectic approach. It is defined by Bishop and
Verleger (2013) as a learning technique where students participate in-group
activities in the classroom and utilize computer resources independently outside
of the classroom. They make the point that this technique is loosely based on the
Constructivism Model, because students must independently find answers and
information on their own. In the authors class the students are meant to gain a
deeper understanding of how and when to use the grammar point by watching
videos and taking time for individual learning outside of the classroom. This
technique individualizes the learning process and helps students feel more
comfortable participating in the classroom by having students work mostly in

groups or pairs to share previously gained knowledge and help each other achieve
a higher understanding of the topic.
Kumar (2013) said English teachers need to focus on special teaching
techniques. There are many English language teaching methods from which an
Eclectic teaching method includes the positive goals of the known methods and
the principle of Eclectic methods which will of course be discussed here. The
Eclectic method is a popular method today because students are heterogeneous
and versatile levels intelligent in class. However, some teachers are very sensitive
using a variety of methods; They find a certain method of comfortable using in
the classroom without taking much trouble. Teachers should use all language
teaching principles including cognition and linguistic objectives.
Country about the nature of activities is the technique of teaching through
an eclectic manner is a rich combination of several activities. Kumar (2013)
added the prominent features of the approach in this study include a) audio
lingual approach b) communicative approaches. In the manufacture of this
combination, the ALM and Communicative methods are indeed elective methods,
because we can observe the continuities everywhere, it is easy to make all the
eclectic methods.

1. Audio Lingual Approaches

The audio language method is an oral-based approach teaching style

used in teaching foreign languages. The learning nature of audio language
emphasizes speech. According to Freeman and Anderson (2011) this
emphasizes not only the acquisition of vocabulary through exposure used in
the situation, but also the exercise of the students in the use of grammatically
sentence patterns. This method differs from the grammar translation method,
the grammatical sentence pattern is clearly explained by the teacher through
the formula. In the audio lingual method language, teachers allow their
students to learn unconsciously through dialogue. Students will slowly
understand and master the grammatical pattern by the drill teacher and
practice that dialogue.

The audio lingual method stands unique in its approach because it

succeeds in the gradual progression of all four language skills; listening,
speaking, reading and writing. Although reading and writing are introduced
only later, the method ensures that learners achieve proficiency in all of this.
Freeman and Anderson (2011) appended there is 4 process on audio lingual

Language Learning Process through Audio Lingual Method

Habit Teachers


Students Avoid the

learn formation

Language learning is the process of habit forming. It is important for

teachers to prevent student mistakes because mistakes can lead to the
formation of bad habits. Students must further learn the sentence pattern of
the target language. Positive reinforcement helps students to develop
righteous habits.
a. Lingual Audio Techniques
Freeman and Anderson (2011) in his book of Techniques and
Principles in Teaching Languages provided an expanded description of
some common/typical techniques closely related to the audio lingual
method. Listing here is in summary form only.
b. Memorization of dialogue.
Students memorize the opening dialogue using mimicry and the
role play applied. A dialogue or short conversation between two people is
usually used to start a new lesson. Usually, students take on the role of

one person in dialogue and teacher in another. After students learn the line
of people, then they exchange roles and memorize the part of others. In
the audio lingual method language, the sentence pattern and grammatical
points are included in the dialog.
c. Backward Build-up (Expansion Drill).
Teachers break the lines into parts; Students repeat each section
starting from the end of the sentence and “expanding “ backwards
through sentences, adding each section in the order. This drill is used
when a long line of dialogue gives students and teachers difficulty
splitting the lines into sections. Then the teacher starts with the part at the
end of the sentence, after which the student expands what they repeat part
by part until they are able to repeat the entire line.
d. Drill repetition.
Students repeat the teacher model as quickly and accurately as possible.
e. Chain Drilling.
Students ask each other and answer one after another in a circular
chain around the class. The teacher begins the chain by greeting a
particular student, or asking him questions. The student responds, the next
turn to the student sitting beside him. Students first ask questions about
the second student and the chain continues.
f. Single slot substitution drill.
The teacher declares a line from the dialogue, then uses the word
or phrase as “gesture “ that the student, when repeating the line, should
switch to the sentence in the correct place. The teacher says a line in the
dialogue. Next, the teacher says a word or phrase is called a cue. Students
must repeat the rows that the teacher has given them, replacing/replacing
the cue into the line in place.
g. Multiple-Slot substitution drill.
Just like a single slot drill, except that there are some cues that will
be replaced into the line. The drill is similar to a single slot substitution
drill. The difference is that the teacher gives a gesture phrase, and it enters

into a different slot in the dialogue line. Then students have to admit what
part of the speech each cue is, where it matches the sentence to make
other changes, such as subject-verb agreements, they then say the line.
h. Drill transformation.
Teachers give a sentence that must be changed into something
else, such as questions that will turn into statements, active sentences to
change into negative statements, etc. Teachers give students a specific
type of sentence pattern, an active sentence for example, students are
required to turn this sentence into a passive sentence etc.
i. Drill Questions and Answers.
Students should answer or ask questions very quickly. This
exercise gives students practice by answering questions. Students should
answer the teacher's question very quickly. This technique gives students
exercises with a pattern of questions.
j. Minimal use of spouse.
Using a contrasting analysis, the teacher selects a pair of words
that sound identical except for one sound that usually poses difficulties for
students to pronounce and distinguish two words.
k. Complete the Dialogue.
The selected word is removed from the lines in the dialogue-
students must find and enter.
l. Grammar Games.
Various games are designed to practice grammar points in context.
Students do that without hesitation, dialogue quickly and perform the
same dialogue as the teacher's model. Teacher smiled and finished class. The
lesson ended for the day, and both teachers and students had worked hard.

2. Communicative Approaches

Communicative approaches are a force in teaching foreign languages.

Freeman and Anderson (2011) stated communicative approaches place
emphasis on the development of communicative competencies. The purpose

of using this communicative approach is to make the students become

accustomed to competent. Communicative competencies involve the ability to
use languages that correspond to a particular social context.
In communicative teaching, Littlewood in Freeman and Anderson
(2011) stated that learners are encouraged to “Consider the language not only
in terms of structure (grammar and vocabulary), but also in terms of
communicative functions that do”. By providing the opportunity to use
language for real communicative purposes teachers help them to develop
strategies for linking language structures to communicative functions they can
perform. Freeman and Anderson (2011) in his book described more about the
purposes of languange in day life.

Language Learning Process through Audio Lingual Method

Communication involves the use of language functions and grammatical

Learning to

Students must express their opinions and share their ideas and feelings

The main purpose of language teaching is to allow students to use

Try to
language to communicate. Communication involvesmake the use of language
functions and grammatical structures. Language is used in social context and
must be appropriate for the arrangement, topic, and participant. Students
should be given the opportunity to negotiate meaning, that is, to try to make
themselves understood. Students should be able to express their opinions and
share their ideas and feelings, which is learning to communicate by

Learning to use the right form of language is an important part of

communicative competence. Communicative approaches, acknowledged that
structure and vocabulary are important. It is important to demonstrate that
communicative approaches often place responsibilities to fulfill the task of
the learners themselves. Teachers create situations and establish activities, but
their role during indirect activities, he can serve as a mentor, advisor or
observer, but the primary responsibility to come to a conclusion lies in his
disciples, that authentic materials can include audio, audiovisual and printed
materials. For example: Teachers can use images from magazines, books and
teachers can use notes from televisions, movies, radios, etc.
According to Freeman and Anderson (2011) there may be aspects of a
communicative approach that you find interesting. This review has been
provided in the event you want to try to use one of the techniques or materials
related to communicative approaches.
a. Authentic materials.
To cope with the usual problems students are unable to divert what
they learn in class to the outside world and to expose students into natural
language in a variety of situations, communicative approaches of
authentic use of material advocates Language. In this lesson we see that
the teacher uses a copy of the original newspaper article. He also assigns
PR students, who need them to listen to Live radio or television
b. Scrambles sentences.
The students are given a section (text) where sentences are in
random order. This may be a passage they have worked on or that they
have never seen before. They are told to outline the sentence so that the
sentence is returned to its original order.
c. Language Games.
The game is often used in communicative approaches. The
students find them enjoyable, and if they are properly designed, they give
students valuable communicative practice.

d. Picture Strip Story.

One student in a small group was given a strip story. He showed
the first picture of the story to another member of his group and guessed
them to predict what the second image would look like. These activities
illustrate examples using problem solving tasks as communication
e. Role-Play.
Role-plays are very important in communicative approaches as
they give students the opportunity to practice communicating in different
social contexts and in different social roles.
In school settings, teachers may opt for some commonly accepted
mechanism used to assess vocabulary in schools such as:
1. Observational data through conversation
2. Vocabulary games
3. Teacher-created tests
4. Word journals (small books where students keep note of the words they
have learned along with the definitions and context)
5. Standardized test

D. Previous Related Study

Several researches have been conducted to find out which method is
preferable according to the students when it comes to vocabulary learning. In this
section, the researcher will describe many relevant studies.

First is come from the study of the Eclectic method performed by Biloon
(2016) in her journal titled The Eclectic Method in an English Language
Classroom for Learning Specific Skills. She took a new look at the old question:
the relationship between teaching practice language and language learning
process effectively.

Mwanza (2019) also conducted research for his journal titled The Eclectic
Approach to Language Teaching: conceptualization and misunderstanding.

Where, he sets out to explain the two sides of the argument. First, he argues for
what an eclectic approach (conception) and second, which often held
misunderstandings about the methods presented and discussed.

Suparman (2017) conducts research for his journal titled The Effectiveness
Of Eclectic Method In Teaching Writing English Of Recount Text For The Eight
Grade Students Of SMPN 1 Keruak. The conclusion of this study was that the
mean score of post-test was higher than the pre-test and the result of t-test by
using paired sample t-test showed that significance value level was lower than
0.05. It means that the eclectic method was significantly effective in writing skill
for the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Keruak in the academic year 2016-2017.

Fuentes, Alvarenga, and Gamero (2010) did research for their journal titled
An Eclectic Method of English collage teaching. They have taken a critical view
of various language teaching approaches, each of which may have the advantages
and disadvantages. By analyzing the approaches and objectives of these college
English teaching, the author tries to develop an eclectic method of language
teaching strategies, which includes formal instruction and enabling
communicative. The roles of each teacher and students are also addressed in their

The next previous related study was conducted by Kasyifaturrohmah

(2011), the title of the research was “Improving Students’ Understanding in
Learning Vocabulary through Pictures”. This study was conducted in state
Islamic university of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. The participants of this study
were 36 students at VII grade of Junior High School Pontang 1 with one class
only. The objective of the study is to improve students’ understanding in learning
vocabulary. The method of this study was a classroom action research by using
pre-test and post-test, observation and interview. The study concluded that
students were more active and interested in learning vocabulary when teachers
were using pictures in the classroom. The reason was because the students could
analyze the charactheristic of the pictures.

The other previous related study also was conducted by Dizon and Tang
(2017), the title of the research was “Comparing the Efficacy of Digital
Flashcards versus Paper Flashcards to Improve Receptive and Productive L2
Vocabulary”. This study was conducted in Himeji Dokkyo University and
Otemae University, Japan. Participants of the research were 52 first-year EFL
students at two private universities in Japan who were enrolled during the spring
semester of 2016. The researchers came into a conclusion that both digital and
paper flashcards were equally effective in improving the vocabulary knowledge
of the participants.

The last previous related study was conducted by Konomi (2013), the title
of the research was “Using Visual Materials in Teaching Vocabulary in English as
a Foreign Language Classrooms with Young Learners”. This study was
conducted at Fan S. Noli University, Albania. The goal of the study was to
examine the extent teachers use visual materials when they teach English
vocabulary. Three instruments were used for the research: questionnaires,
interviews and observation. The data that teacher use visual materials in their
vocabulary teaching at different extent. Young learners also appreciated the use of
visual materials such as pictures, realia, charts, and computers in helping them to
learn English.

There have been several previous studies using an eclectic method as the
subject of their research. Most of them use this method in enhancing students or
English learners whether it is their speaking skills, writing skills, or listening
skills. The effectiveness of this method in teaching English is largely evident in
previous studies.

E. Thinking Framework
Vocabulary knowledge is one of the important skills that students have to
master language especially English as a foreign language that used in Indonesia.
Vocabulary knowledge can help students to express and produce a sentence with
correctly meaning. It can be a crucial thing to students do when they want to
improve their English better and it cannot be denied that every student has

different learning styles. Most of the students have a visual learning style but
some of them also have an audio learning style and few of them also have
kinesthetic learning style.

From knowing the different learning styles that students have which makes
students easily enrich their vocabulary and comprehend the meaning well, it
enforce teachers to understand all of methods in teaching and learning process.
There are several methods that are used in teaching and learning activity, one of
them is eclectic method. Indonesian teachers already comprehend the eclectic
method but they are not familiar with the name of the method that is used in
classroom activity, they usually called this method with mix method. Eclectic
method is a combination from several methods that teachers can apply this
method in one meeting teaching and learning activity. Eclectic method is flexible
because it can adjust the psychology from the classroom activity so the students
do not feel bored and it makes the students easily comprehend the material from
the teacher that suitable for the students.

Every teacher in this world wants to present their best method for their
students so it creates the effective teaching and learning activities. Based on the
cause that explain above, it expected that eclectic method can be an appropriate
method that is used to implement in teaching and learning vocabulary. Even
though there are many effective methods is still considered by the experts, the
researcher hopes the best and better result from others. In this research, the
researcher only focuses on noun and adjective to teach the students. It caused
the researcher used Eclectic Method as method in deliver the lesson to identify
the students in the English Foreign Language words classes.

F. Theoretical Hypothesis
According to the theories and the related studies, it can be assumed that
there is significant effect of using eclectic method on students’ vocabulary


This chapter presented the research design, place and time of the research,
population and sample of the research, instrument, data collection technique,
technique of data analysis, and statistical hypothesis.

A. Research Design
Crewell (2015) defined there are three designs in quantitative research:
experimental, correlation, and survey. To more excise, experimental research
design is divided into three parts: pre-experimental design, true experimental, and
quasi-experimental. The researcher used pre-experimental reserach. According
Sugiyono (2017), there are 3 types of pre-experimental: one-shot case study, one
group pretest and posttest design, and intact-group comparison. In this pre-
experiment research, researcher only used one group (without control group) then
gave the pre-test, the treatment and the post-test to the group; it was done in one
class only. The purpose of this study was to know the effectiveness of the eclectic
method on students’ vocabul1ary knowledge at the twelfth grade of SMK
Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 in the academic year 2019-2020.
The group had been given the pre-test before treatment, and after the
treatment the group have been given post-test to find out the effectiveness of the
treatment. To measure the effect of eclectic method on students’ vocabulary
knowledge is success, the researcher comparing the score of the pre-test and post-
test. If the post-test result was higher than the pre-test after the researcher gave the
treatment, it means the eclectic method has affected on the students’ vocabulary
knowledge. The research design is as follows:

O1 X O2


Table 01
The One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design
Ex = Experimental Group
X = Treatment (The Eclectic Method)
O1 = Pre-Test
O2 = Post-test

T - U A T
R T L T - S


Table 01.1
Pre-experimental Research Design

B. Place and Time of the Research

This research study was conducted at SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3
which is located at Jl. Raden Fatah Kp. Pulo RT 01/04 Sudimara Selatan-Ciledug,
Kota Tangerang, Indonesia. The researcher conducted the research for several
weeks. The research was done by giving pre-test, treatment, and post-test to the
twelfth grade students.

No. Activities 13rd 16th 18th 20th 23rd 25th 27th 30th
Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov.
1. Pre-test
2. Treatment
3. Post-test

Table 01.2
Treatments’ Schedule

B. Population and Sample of the Research

1. Population of the Study

Before doing the research, the researcher got a recommendation

class from ]the English teacher to help the researcher deciding the sample
for this research. The population of this research was the twelfth grade
students of SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang in the
academic year 2019-2020. The number of population 96 students
consisted of one class. This research only applied the eclectic method to
the experimental group that consisted of 28 students.

2. Sample of the Study

The research took only one class as the sample and respondent of
this research. The number of the sample was 28 students in twelfth grade
by using purposive sampling. The sample of the study was taken by using
purposive sampling. (Sugiyono 2010) stated that purposive sampling is a
way of taking subjects, not based on strata, random or specific regions,
but are taken based on the specific purpose. Purposive sampling is needed
to establish the regular instruction to one group. The researcher collected
the data by giving the students pre-test and post-test with 35 questions.

D. Instrument
The instrument consisted of 35 multiple-choice questions adopted from
Vocational High School National Test Prediction (Prediksi Ujian Nasional SMK)
in academic year 2017/2018. In this research, the researcher only focuses on

noun and adjective to teach the students. It caused the researcher used Eclectic
Method as method in deliver the lesson to identify the students in the English
Foreign Language words classes. The questionnaires also tested from ANATES,
the explanation of the questionnaire research could be seen on appendix. The
questionnaires then given to the students individually to fill the questionnaire. The
researcher conducted treatment six meetings by giving eclectic method related to
the topic in school standard at the school. This school use school-based curriculum
(KTSP) in the twelfth-grade for standard curriculum. Therefore, by using
Vocational High School National Test Prediction (Prediksi Ujian Nasional SMK),
with the school-based curriculum (KTSP), also based on the result of ANATES,
the test had the appropriate content validity and reliability.
The instrument used in this research study was test that consists of: pre-test
and post-test. First, students were given the test before using the eclectic method.
The pre-test was given to know the students’ vocabulary knowledge for students
before the learning process begin. In the learning process, all students of the class
were given the treatment. Finally, students were given the post-test in order to
know the significant effect between students who were taught by using eclectic
method and without using eclectic method.

E. Data Collection Technique

After making the instruments, the researcher used the test to collect the
data. The data of the test were used to find out the result of the students’
vocabulary knowledge using eclectic method. The test was given to get the
objectives data of students’ vocabulary knowledge by using eclectic method
treatment. As the researcher has said before, the researcher applied two tests to
collect the data: pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was given in the beginning while
attending class, before the researcher did the treatment. The post-test itself was
given at the end of the treatment or in the last meeting after the researcher has
finished giving the treatment. In short, the researcher conducted several steps:

1. Asking permission to the headmaster of SMK Kesehatan Harapan

Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang to do the experiment that would take 2
weeks, more or less.
2. Giving pre-test to the students before being taught using eclectic method.
3. Teaching vocabulary using eclectic method to examine the response of the
students when they were taught using eclectic method. It took six
4. Giving post-test to find out the data result of the vocabulary knowledge
after being taught by using eclectic method.
5. Comparing the result of pre-test and post-test from doing the research.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Method of analyzing data is a method to process the findings data into a
research. The data which were collected from the research are analyzed to have
the research result. The data come from pre-test and post-test scores session done
by the researcher.
Moreover, after the researcher collected the data, the researcher then
analyzed the result of pre-test and post-test data. After that, the researcher related
both of them (pre-test and post-test) through the t-test. T-test was used to analyze
the data that gained from pretest and posttest. Before using t-test formula, the
researcher had to seek some formulas accordance from Sudijono (2008) below:
1. Determine the mean score of variable formula:
M D=
M D = the average of gained score (mean of difference)
∑ D = sum of gained score
N = number of students
2. Determine the standard deviation score of variable formula:

√ ∑ D2 − ∑ D
N ( )

SDD = standard deviation of gained score

D2 = sum of squared gained score

∑ D = sum of gained score
N = number of students
3. Determine the standard error of the mean score of variable formula:
√ N −1
SEMD = standard error mean of gained score
SDD = standard deviation of gained score
N = number of students
4. Determine the t 0 with the formula:
t 0=
t 0 = t observation
M D = the average of gained score (mean of difference)
SEMD = standard error mean of gained score
5. Determine the degrees of freedom formula:
df =N−1
df = degree of freedom
N = number of the students
Meanwhile, to assess the vocabulary knowledge of the twelfth grade
students of SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang using eclectic
method, the researcher would like to make criteria of the score. The score is
obtained from the sum of the total correct answer, the researcher used:
Score = ( ( T × 20 ) : 7 )
= ( ( 35 ×20 ) :7 )

= 100
Therefore, student who had the lowest score will be zero and student who
had the highest score will be 100. According to Sudijono (2008) there are five
criteria of data description of the students’ test score. The criteria of measuring the
test score is as follows:
Score Category
80-100 Excellent
66-79 Good
56-65 Sufficient
40-55 Low
>40 Poor

G. Statistical Hypothesis
From all the explanation above, the last point that the researcher want to
explain is the statistical hypothesis. The researcher would form null hypotheses
and an alternative hypothesis. Statistically, the hypothesis of the research may be:
Ha : tobserve > ttable
1. If tobserrve > ttable the alternative Ha is accepted and the null hypothesis Ho is
rejected. It means that there is a significant effect of using eclectic method on
students’ vocabulary knowledge between pre-test and post-test score.
Ha : tobserve < ttable
2. Otherwise, Ho is rejected in other value. It means that there no is significant
effect of using eclectic method on students’ vocabulary knowledge between
pre-test and post-test score.


A. Research Finding
1. Data Description

As described previously, this research was conducted by teaching

and learning activity. As a pre-experimental study, this research was held
in SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 at twelfth grade with one class
only. It was done eight times. The participants of this research are 28
students. The researcher took 28 students because that the students
followed the teaching learning process from the first meeting until the last
meeting. The research data was taken from pre-test and post-test given by
the researcher.

The pre-test was done before the researcher gave a treatment to the
students to know students’ basic vocabulary knowledge and the researcher
gave post-test in the last meeting or after the treatment is finished to know
students’ competence after conducting Eclectic Method. The test consist
of 35 questions are multiple choices.

a. Pre-test score
The following table is the result of pre-test score before
implementing Eclectic Method in teaching and learning process.

Table 4.1
The result of pre-test before conducting Eclectic Method
No. Name Pre-test
1 Student1 60
2 Student2 48
3 Student3 62
4 Student4 51
5 Student5 48
6 Student6 48
7 Student7 54


8 Student8 60
9 Student9 51
10 Student10 48
11 Student11 57
12 Student12 45
13 Student13 51
14 Student14 65
15 Student15 48
16 Student16 62
17 Student17 57
18 Student18 45
19 Student19 45
20 Student20 54
21 Student21 42
22 Student22 51
23 Student23 51
24 Student24 48
25 Student25 65
26 Student26 57
27 Student27 60
28 Student28 42
N = 28 ∑ = 1475
Mean Score 52.67
Max. Score 65
Min. Score 42

Based on the table above, the researcher obtained that in pre-

test the lowest score is 42 and the highest score is 65.

b. Post-test score
The following table is the result of the test which is using
Eclectic Method in teaching and learning vocabulary knowledge.

Table 4.2
The result of post-test after implementing Eclectic Method
No. Name Post-test
1 Student1 77
2 Student2 71

3 Student3 68
4 Student4 77
5 Student5 82
6 Student6 74
7 Student7 74
8 Student8 71
9 Student9 74
10 Student10 77
11 Student11 68
12 Student12 74
13 Student13 77
14 Student14 88
15 Student15 74
16 Student16 71
17 Student17 68
18 Student18 71
19 Student19 82
20 Student20 74
21 Student21 71
22 Student22 77
23 Student23 68
24 Student24 77
25 Student25 82
26 Student26 71
27 Student27 68
28 Student28 74
N = 28 ∑ = 2080
Mean Score 74.28
Max. Score 88
Min. Score 68

Based on the table above, the researcher obtained that the lowest
score is 68 and the highest score is 88 which indicate that the post-test
score are higher than pre-test

Table 4.3
Students’ score in pre-test and post-test
No. Name Score

Pre-test Post-test
1 Student1 60 77
2 Student2 48 71
3 Student3 62 68
4 Student4 51 77
5 Student5 48 82
6 Student6 48 74
7 Student7 54 74
8 Student8 60 71
9 Student9 51 74
10 Student10 48 77
11 Student11 57 68
12 Student12 45 74
13 Student13 51 77
14 Student14 65 88
15 Student15 48 74
16 Student16 62 71
17 Student17 57 68
18 Student18 45 71
19 Student19 45 82
20 Student20 54 74
21 Student21 42 71
22 Student22 51 77
23 Student23 51 68
24 Student24 48 77
25 Student25 65 82
26 Student26 57 71
27 Student27 60 68
28 Student28 42 74
N = 28 ∑ = 1475 ∑ = 2080
Mean Score 52.67 74.28
Max. Score 65 88
Min. Score 42 68

Related to the result of the pre-test and post-test above, it can be

seen that in pre-test, the highest score of the pre-test is 65 and the lowest
score is 42. In other words, students’ pre-test score is still very low. Then,
in the post-test, the highest score is 88 and the lowest score is 68. It also

can be said that eclectic method could be a positive way to teach English
especially on vocabulary knowledge. The comparison between pre-test
and post-test result can be seen in the diagram below:

Figure 4.1
The Comparison Diagram of Pre-test and Post-test Average Score
From the figure above, it can be said that the score was increase
significantly between pre-test and post-test session.

B. Data Analysis

Students’ achievement data on vocabulary knowledge in this research

is divided into two types: the data before the students was taught vocabulary
by using eclectic method which is taken from the pre-test and the data after
the students was taught vocabulary by using eclectic method which is gained
significantly from the post-test. In this part, the researcher represented the
data about the students’ achievement on vocabulary knowledge both before
and after using eclectic method.

First, the researcher presented the result of pre-test, post-test and its
differences. Then, the researcher used the formula statistic calculation of t-test

with significance 5% to decide significance of different results on vocabulary

knowledge before and after using eclectic method. In the following table, the
researcher presented the calculation results of tests and its differences to
know the influence of using eclectic method on students’ vocabulary

Table 4.4
Students’ Gained Score
Score Gained Score
No. Name
Pre-test Post-test (D) D2
1 Student1 60 77 17 289
2 Student2 48 71 23 529
3 Student3 62 68 6 36
4 Student4 51 77 26 676
5 Student5 48 82 34 1156
6 Student6 48 74 26 676
7 Student7 54 74 2 4
8 Student8 60 71 11 121
9 Student9 51 74 23 529
Student1 841
10 0 48 77 29
11 Student11 57 68 11 121
Student1 841
12 2 45 74 29
Student1 676
13 3 51 77 26
Student1 529
14 4 65 88 23
Student1 676
15 5 48 74 26
Student1 81
16 6 62 71 9
Student1 121
17 7 57 68 11
Student1 676
18 8 45 71 26
Student1 1369
19 9 45 82 37
20 Student2 54 74 2 4

Student2 841
21 1 42 71 29
Student2 676
22 2 51 77 26
Student2 289
23 3 51 68 17
Student2 841
24 4 48 77 29
Student2 289
25 5 65 82 17
Student2 196
26 6 57 71 14
Student2 64
27 7 60 68 8
Student2 1024
28 8 42 74 32
N = 28 ∑ = 1475 ∑ = 2080 ∑ = 523 ∑ = 14171
Average 52.67 74.28 18.67 506.10
Max. Score 65 88 - -
Min. Score 42 68 - -
Based on the table data above, it can be discussed that the lowest
gained score is 4 and the highest gained score is 37. Meanwhile, the sum of
gained score is 523 and the sum of squared gained score is 14171.

Table 4.4
Interval of Pre-test and Post-test Score
Range f (Pre-test) f (Post-test)
80-100 0 5
66-79 1 23
56-65 10 0
40-55 17 0
>40 0 0
Related to the interval of pre-test and post-test score above, it can be
said that there is 17 students who had lower score of pre-test in a range 40-55,
10 students in a range of pre-test 56-65 and 1 student in highest score of pre-
test in a range 66-79. In other words, students’ range in pre-test score is still
very low. Then, in the post-test, the highest score in a range 80-100 is 5

students and in the range of 66-79 of post-test are 23 students. And the figure
of the interval of pre-test and post-test score could be seen below.

Figure 4.2
Interval of Pre-test and Post-test Score
The researcher used t-test formula to find out the influence of using
eclectic method on students’ vocabulary knowledge after finishing the
calculation of pre-test and post-test. Before using t-test formula, the
researcher sought the differences of mean variables, the standard deviation
scores of variables and the standard error mean of variables. The formula as
1. Determine the mean score of variable
M D=
M D=
M D =18.67
M D = the average of gained score (mean of difference)

∑ D = sum of gained score

N = number of students

2. Determine the standard deviation score of variable


√ ∑ D2 − ∑ D
N ( )N
14171 523
√ 28
− ( )
SD D =√ 506.10−( 18.67 )
SD D =√ 506.10−348.56
SDD =√ 157.54
SD D =12.5
SDD = standard deviation of gained score

D2 = sum of squared gained score

∑ D = sum of gained score
N = number of students
3. Determine the standard error of the mean score of variable
√ N −1
SEMD =2.4
SEMD = standard error mean of gained score
SDD = standard deviation of gained score
N = number of students

4. Determine the t 0
t 0=
t 0=
t 0=7.81
t0 = t observation
MD = the average of gained score (mean of difference)
SEMD = standard error mean of gained score
5. Determine the degrees of freedom
df =N−1
df =28−1
df =27
df = degree of freedom
N = number of the students
ttable → 5% = 2.06

} 7.81 > 2.06

C. Hypothesis Test
The researcher wanted to know the answer of the influence of eclectic
method on students’ vocabulary knowledge by done the hypotheses testing. In
this research, the researcher formulated the null hypothesis (H 0) and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) as follows:
1. If t0 > tt : It means the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. In addition, there is a significant

effect of using Eclectic Method on students’ vocabulary knowledge

between pre-test and post-test score.
2. If t0 < tt : Meanwhile, there is no significant effect of using Eclectic
Method on students’ vocabulary knowledge between the pretest and post-
test score because the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted and the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) is rejected.

The criteria used as follows:

a. The value of t0 is 7.81.
b. The degree of freedom (df) is 27, so the value of t table in the
significance 5% is 2.06.
The researcher summarized that t0 > ttable. It means that the null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. So that
in this research there is a significant difference achievement in learning
vocabulary knowledge before and after taught by using Eclectic Method.
D. Data Interpretation

Based on the result of data analysis using t-test showed the value of t0
is 7.81 with the degree of freedom is 27 and the significant level is 5% =
2.06. It means that to > ttable (to is higher than ttable). Therefore, the null
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Then, the alternative hypothesis (H a) is accepted.
In addition, there is positive effect in using eclectic method in teaching
vocabulary knowledge at twelfth grade students.
The researcher referred to the increasing score between pre-test and
post-test. Before implementing the eclectic method, the students’ score of pre-
test is very low. The highest score in pre-test is 65 and the lower score is 42.
Meanwhile, the highest score in the post-test is 88 and the lower score is 68.
The average score in pre-test is 52 and in the post-test, the average score is
74. All of participants’ score in this research is increased after they have
studied English vocabulary knowledge by using eclectic method.
Based on the analysis of the result in the table above, it proved that
using Eclectic Method is an effective way in teaching vocabulary knowledge.

It is proven that the score of post-test is higher than pre-test. It means that
teaching vocabulary knowledge by using Eclectic Method is better than
teaching without applying Eclectic Method. By using Eclectic Method the
students are more interested and motivated in learning English especially in
learning vocabulary. In short, Eclectic Method is an attractive way in helping
students’ understanding of vocabulary knowledge for the twelfth grade
students of SMK Kesehatan Harapan Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang.


A. Conclusion
Based on the research findings, the researcher concluded that there is
a positive and significant effect of using Eclectic Method in teaching English
vocabulary knowledge for twelfth grade students of SMK Kesehatan Harapan
Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang. The fact can be seen from the students’ score
between pre-test and post-test. The sum of pre-test is 1475 and the sum of
post-test is 2080. The average score in pre-test is 52 and post-test is 74. It
means, the gained score between both is 523. Then, the lowest score of the
pre-test is 42 and the highest score in the post-test is 88.
Based on the results of the data analysis by using Eclectic Method, it
is obtained that ttable is lower than t0 in significant level 5%/2.06. In other
words, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is
accepted. In other words, the Eclectic Method has a significant effect in
influencing students’ vocabulary knowledge.
B. Suggestion
From the conclusion above, the researcher would like to give some
suggestion as follows:
1. For the teacher
After seeing the result of the research, it can be seen there is a
positive impact in using Eclectic Method in teaching English vocabulary
knowledge for twelfth grade students of SMK Kesehatan Harapan
Indonesia 3 Kota Tangerang and the use of it is effective. So, this research
suggests to the teachers who teach English vocabulary to use Eclectic
Method in conducting the teaching and learning activity. The use of
Eclectic Method can help students to increase their vocabulary
knowledge. Also, the teacher should be able to conduct the teaching and
learning activity creatively in gaining students’ learning attention.


However, Eclectic Method is not the only one method which can be
used to teach vocabulary knowledge. The teachers can use any other
media and method which is suitable to students’ needs in their learning
activity. Also, the teachers should be able to cooperate with the students in
teaching and learning activity, so the activity can be done maximally.
2. For the students
For the students, as an important aspect in teaching and learning
activity, who wants to enrich their English vocabulary knowledge they
can use Eclectic Method maximally. Both teacher and learners or students
have to cooperate in learning and teaching activity. The students may have
to pay attention maximally when the teacher explains the vocabularies, so
the cooperation between them can be gained. Then, the students could do
this Eclectic Method in memorizing the vocabularies maximally with
teacher helped to avoid forgetfulness in their vocabulary mastery.
3. For other researchers
For other researchers who need to conduct other research with the
similar topic and sample, this research can be a reference before the
research conducts. However, Eclectic Method is not only to teach English
vocabulary, but Eclectic Method can be used in other subject. Then, it can
give the students’ more attention in learning subject.

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