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SUBJECT: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

REVIEW FROM THE PREVIOUS LESSON: Think of three words that can be associated with



Evolution Artifacts


Politics Laws


Find a person between the ages of 40 and 65 who is from a different cultural background as yourself—
someone who themselves or their parents were born outside of your own birth place. They could be
related or unrelated to you. Make sure to keep their information confidential by using pseudonyms or
nicknames. Please include a short introduction detailing their gender, age, occupational status,
and cultural background (place of birth, etc.). (30 points)

1. What is one of the advice you would like to give to today's generation?
2. How is life most similar being a teen in your day as compared with life for teens
3. Would you want to trade places with today’s teenagers and live in the world they
have grown up in rather than the way that you grew up?

Participant Overview:
Nickname: Joe
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Occupational Status: Protection agent
Place of Birth: Negros Occidental
Religion: Roman Catholic

The person that I interviewed is a 54 years old man and his nickname is "Joe", He is born on
the year of 1967 in the province of Negros Occidental in Escalante City. In addition to this, he is
a native Bisaya speaker, he can also understand and speak in Tagalog and his ability to speak
in English is conversational. In terms of his religion, he is a roman catholic and a strong believer
in the divinity of Jesus Christ. Currently, he is working as a protection agent for a private
individual in the city of Makati together with his family.

1. According to Joe, the one advice that he would love to give to anyone and especially for our
generation is that to always pursue your goals and passion, he said that he failed to pursue his
career as a soldier because there are so many hindrances during his generation like financial
difficulties and communication.

2. During his teenage years, his life was very challenging and he is obliged to stop his education
for their family to meet its daily needs. Education also seems a privilege during that time he
said. He also mentioned that they need to work hard on the fields for them to get what they want
and to cross a hill for them to go to their school, His teenage years were very rough but he said
it is also fun because he can go to the sea to swim and climb in mountains to get some fruits
like bayabas and coconuts. To compare it in this generation, he said that almost everything is
instant especially communication and transportation but either way, both generations
experience different problems.

3. He said that even though life was pretty rough during his generation still, he wouldn't trade
places with the 21st generation because he believes that all his experience back then in the
province can not be replace or re do in this generation because of the modern changes. He also
said that he enjoys living in a simple life and today's generation was too complicated for him.


List down five superstition/superstitious beliefs and their meaning. (20 points)


1. Serving pancit during Birthdays or at Serving any pancit dish during
Celebrations. celebrations, most especially on birthdays
symbolizes long life and it is also believed
that the longer the length of the noodles,
the longer the life to be prolonged.
2. Whenever you couldn't find your It is believed that whenever you leave
things, the playful elves are around you. something and then a moment later you
couldn't find it on the same spot, the
"Duwendes" is the one that hides those
things to play with you.
3. The number of steps in the staircase Having a staircase that is divisible by
on your home must not be divisible by three in your home would bring
three. misfortune to the house and bad luck to
the people who live on it.
4. In giving a wallet as a gift, always It is believed that when someone gives a
include money inside it. wallet as a present, it must always have
money inside of it so that the receiver
would be financially successful in the

5. Jumping on New Years Eve I experienced regularly jumping at exactly

noon during New Year's Eve because my
parents believe that it will help me to grow
taller and now my height is 5'3 ft.🙂

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