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Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional I)

Hoja de Práctica
TEMA: Multi-word verbs

Sección : ………………………..………………... Apellidos : ………………………..……………….

Docente : Miriam Quispe Chuquillanqui Nombres : ………………………………………….
Unidad : I Communication Skills Fecha : .…../……/………
Semana : …………… Duración : 20 minutos

Instrucciones: Lee detenidamente cada actividad y desarrolla adecuadamente.

I. Propósito: Reconocen Multi-word verbs en expresiones.

II. Actividad o tareas a desarrollar:

Choose the correct multi-word verbs to fill the blanks.

fill in throw away get on try on look for

believe in switch on put out take off turn down

1. Quick! ____________ the bus. It's ready to leave.

2. I don't know where my book is. I have to _____________ it.
3. It's dark inside. Can you ____________ the light, please?
4. ____________ the form, please.
5. I need some new clothes. Why don't you ____________ these jeans?
6. It's warm inside. ____________ your coat.
7. This pencil is really old. You can ____________ it ____________.
8. It's so loud here. Can you ____________ the radio a little.
9. The firemen were able to ____________ the fire in Church Street.
10. Does your little brother ____________ ghosts?

Match the multi-word verbs with their definitions.

1. Break down ( 4) Fabricate, invent

2. Go over ( 9 ) Die
3. Put off ( ) Pospone
4. Find out (7 ) Organize
5. Make up (1 ) Continue
6. Pick out ( 8 ) Defend or support
7. Set up ( ) Stop working
8. Stand by ( ) Discover
9. Pass away ( 6) Choose
10. Keep up ( ) Review

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