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Fundamentals of Electronics Technology

Learning Module
Learning Outcomes
 Give the relationship between Voltage, current and resistance in an electrical
 Solve for the missing unit using the formula being stated in the Ohm’s law

Pre- Test
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Lesson proper

Chapter 1:
Ohm’s Law: Current, Voltage and resistance

What is Ohm’s Law?

Ohm's Law is a formula used to calculate the relationship between voltage, current and
resistance in an electrical circuit.
To students of electronics, Ohm's Law (E = IR) is as fundamentally important as Einstein's
Relativity equation (E = mc²) is to physicists.

When spelled out, it means voltage = current x resistance, or volts = amps x ohms, or V = A x Ω.
Named for German physicist Georg Ohm (1789-1854), Ohm's Law addresses the key quantities
at work in circuits.

Ohm's Law Unit of measure

Quantity Role in circuits In case you're wonderin
symbol (abbreviation)

Voltage E Volt (V) Pressure that triggers electron flow E = electromotive force (o

Current I Ampere, amp (A) Rate of electron flow I = intensity

Resistance R Ohm (Ω) Flow inhibitor Ω = Greek letter omega

If two of these values are known, technicians can reconfigure Ohm's Law to calculate the third.
Just modify the pyramid as follows:
How to reconfigure Ohm’s Law formula.

Voltage (E) and resistance (R) are known. What is the current in the

Voltage (E) and current (I) are known. What is the resistance created by the lamp?
Current (I) and resistance (R) are known. What is the voltage? What is the voltage in
the circuit?

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