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The instance we speak about numbers the word that commonly rushes in our
mind is math. Math is a science that deals with numbers and logic. Some of us find it
difficult while others enjoy it.

Nevertheless, numbers are important for all of us because this helps improve our
mental skills together with critical thinking. Numerous reasons why numbers are
important in our lives is because we always encounter numbers in our everyday life. We
are using them in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing our payments or other
expenses. For instance, if we go to the supermarket or any store, we would not be able
to know the total amount we spent and our change if we don’t learn numbers.

Numbers are used in so many things that it is like the universal language of the
world. Just like how we are unconscious sometimes in breathing because it was a part
of us since we were a child, same as numbers we may think that it is not important or it
is not used in our daily lives but it is a part of us. We are just unconscious of it.

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