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Leukemia Cutis

 Synonyms: Cutaneous leukemia, extramedullary myeloid tumor

 Etiology: Unknown
 Associations: Systemic leukemia
 Clinical: Erythematous patches, papules, nodules, hemorrhagic and
purpuric lesions, blue-green nodules
 Histology: Malignant immature hematopoietic precursor cells in
dermis, diffusely or in patchy distribution
 IHC repertoire: Lymphocyte surface markers and/or markers of specific
granules rarely necessary
 Staging: Systemic work-up required
 Prognosis: Poor, except for CLL
 Adverse variables: Histologic subtype of high-grade leukemias
 Treatment: No local therapy; systemic chemotherapy

Leukemia cutis is an uncommon cutaneous eruption that rarely seen in patients with chronic lymphocytic leuke-
may be difficult to diagnose. In the vast majority of mia. Tumor nodules may occur in patients with any
patients, there is a known history of leukemia at the time subtype of leukemia, but are most commonly seen in
of the skin manifestations. However, leukemia may have those with chronic myelogenous leukemia (Figure 5.1). In
its initial manifestation in the skin, in some cases with other patients, diffuse erythematous papules and nodules
simultaneous bone marrow involvement, or less com- correlate with diffuse infiltrates of neoplastic cells
monly, in the absence of simultaneous marrow involve- throughout the dermis. The etiology for bullae that have
ment. (In these cases, the cutaneous eruptions have been been reported in rare patients is less well understood.
called extramedullary myeloid tumors (1)). In one series, Some types of leukemia have more specific findings, such
approximately 38% of patients had cutaneous findings at as gingival hyperplasia associated with acute myelomo-
the time of bone marrow diagnosis (2). In other series, nocytic leukemia.
anywhere from 3% to 7% of patients had cutaneous lesions The histologic findings in leukemia cutis are varied. In
prior to detection of marrow involvement (3). Patients most cases, there is a diffuse infiltrate of atypical hema-
with all types of leukemia may demonstrate cutaneous topoietic cells throughout the dermis (Figure 5.2).
lesions. It has been reported in 2% to 3% of patients with In some cases, the neoplastic cells appear in such den-
acute myelogenous leukemia (4). Cutaneous involvement sity as to form dermal tumor nodules. More commonly,
is less common in patients with acute lymphoblastic leu- however, the cells are dispersed individually throughout
kemia (5). Chronic myelogenous leukemia patients have the dermis. The cells show little tendency for cohesion and
skin manifestations in 6% to 20% of cases (6). The inci- percolate between splayed collagen bundles. In some cases,
dence ranges from 4% to 20% in patients with chronic there is a predilection for aggregates of leukemic cells sur-
lymphocytic leukemia (7). rounding the peri-eccrine vascular spaces (8).
The clinical manifestations of leukemia cutis are The cytologic features of the infiltrating cells vary with
protean. In some cases, the disparate clinical appearances the type of leukemia. In acute myeloid leukemias, large,
correlate with the subtypes of leukemia involved and the immature precursor cells are present (Figure 5.3).
systemic complications caused by these types of leukemia. These cells are readily identified with routine sections
For instance, hemorrhagic lesions are commonly found in in most cases. In some cases, a chloroacetate esterase stain
the subtypes of leukemia that are associated with coagu- or the use of an anti-myeloperoxidase antibody may be
lopathies (such as acute promyelocytic leukemia), but are helpful in identifying characteristic cytoplasmic granules.
5. Leukemia Cutis 25

FIGURE 5.1. Widely scattered viola-

ceous nodules of leukemia cutis.

Similarly, the chronic myeloid leukemias feature imma- throughout the dermis. Abundant mitotic activity and
ture myeloid forms coursing throughout the dermis. individual cell necrosis are commonly seen. These cells
In these types of leukemia, abundant mitoses and indi- are very difficult to classify based upon routine sections
vidual cell necrosis are common features. This subtype or special stains; however, correlation with cytometric
of leukemia is usually straightforward to recognize in studies is helpful, and in most cases, the patient’s prior
the skin. history makes the diagnosis straightforward. Chronic
The lymphoid leukemias are more difficult to recognize lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) may also occur in the skin,
as involving the skin. In acute lymphoblastic leukemia both in patients with long-standing disease, and as an
(ALL), large and atypical immature cells are present initial manifestation. In these cases, a de novo diagnosis is
difficult to make. The histologic findings include only a
monomorphous population of relatively small and unre-
markable lymphocytes within the dermis. The key obser-
vation is that the usual heterogeneity of cell type is absent,
as is the usual variation in lymphocyte size and shape.
Clonality can be ascertained in most cases, if the diagnosis
is entertained based upon routine sectioning. Some inves-
tigators have noted a tendency for the neoplastic lympho-
cytes in CLL to comprise the immune response underlying
primary keratinocytic neoplasms or infectious processes
(9,10). This may be the first clue to the diagnosis in some
The prognosis for patients with cutaneous involvement
by leukemia is generally poor. It suggests widely dissemi-
nated disease in most cases. However, for patients with
CLL, there is no evidence that the presence of neoplastic
lymphocytes within the dermis serves as any type of
adverse marker and long-term survival has been seen in
FIGURE 5.2. Low power photomicrograph of dense dermal infil- these patients.
trate in leukemia cutis. Note the Grenz zone typical of this There is no specific treatment for the cutaneous leuke-
condition. mia other than palliation and symptomatic relief. Aggres-

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