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1. Explica lo tratado en los videos sobre there is y there are.

There is and there are, may be translated as "have" and are used to say that
something exists or introduce a new topic in a conversation.

The forms there is and there are, may be used to speak in the present tense. The
peculiarity of this type of sentence is that the subject of the sentence is not there,
but the complement that follows it. Therefore, we must be careful and make sure
that they match in number.

We use there is when the subject is singular and there are when the subject is plural.
To transform these sentences into interrogatives we just have to reverse the order.
First the verb and then there.

We already told you that it is interesting to work there is and there are when we are
studying about the countable and uncountable and the determinants like some and

In this type of sentence, we use some with uncountable or with countable in plural
when we do not want to specify a specific amount. As in the previous example we
use There is some tea. On the contrary, we use any in negative and interrogative
sentences, with uncountable nouns or with countable plural nouns.

2. Completa con There is o There are

1) There are some pens on the table.
2) There are two glasses on the shelf.
3) There are lot of people in the bus.
4) There is a problem with my car.
5) There is one bottle of milk in the fridge.
6) There are eleven players in a football team.
7) There is an error in this English exercise.
8) There are three televisions in my house.
9) There are ten questions in this test.
10) There is a hundred centimetres in a metre.
3. Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo is o are:

 There is a fly in your soup.

 There is a man reading in the car.
 There is some coffee shops in this area.
 Is there any tea?
 There are more than twenty people waiting to see Beyoncé

4. Transforma las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en oraciones interrogativ

 There is a toilet on this train. Is there a toilet on this train?

 There is a man waiting for you outside. Is there a man waiting for you outside?
 There are two women in the shop. Are there two women in the shop?
 There are ten children in the class. Are there ten children in the class?

4.1 A continuación, os proponemos unos ejercicios para aprender a usar

el there is, there are, some y any. Completa las siguientes oraciones con la
forma verbal que corresponda acompañada de some o any:

 There is some milk in the fridge.

 There isn´t some coffee. (Negativa)
 There are any people in the office.
 There is some money in my wallet.
 There is some information about technology in the library.

4.2. En este caso transforma las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en

interrogativas prestando atención a some y any

 Are there some dogs barking outside?

 Is there some information about the trip to Costa Rica on the web page?
 Is there some time to go fishing?

5. Subraya la opción correcta:

1. There isn’t a pencil case in the box
a) Hay un estuche en la caja
b) No hay un sacapuntas en la caja
c) No hay un estuche en la caja
2. There are two clowns here
a) Hay dos payasos aquí
b) Hay unos payasos aquí
c) Hay dos payasos ah
3. Is there a spider on the ceiling?
a) ¿Hay arañas en el suelo?
b) ¿Hay una araña en el suelo?
c) ¿Hay una araña en el techo?
4. There aren’t fourteen boys in that school
a) No hay cuarenta niños en ese colegio
b) No hay catorce niños en este colegio
c) No hay catorce niños en ese colegio

6. Completa las frases. Usa There’s o There are.

 There is a café opposite our school.
 There are two sports centres in our town.
 There is a gym in our school.
 There are a lots of big football stadiums in London.
 There are pandas in China.
 There is a big shop next to the school.

7. Completa las frases. Usa there isn’t o there aren’t.

 There isn´t a café opposite our house.
 There aren´t any tigers in Africa.
 There isn´t. a tennis racket in the bedroom.
 There aren´t any exams next week.
 There aren´t any polar bears in the Antartic.
 There isn´t. an Internet café in our town.
8. Completa la descripción de la clase. Usa there’s / there are, en afirmativa
o negativa.
(1) there are thirty desks in the classroom and (2) there are thirty chairs. (3) there´s
one teacher’s desk and (4) there´s a blackboard. (5)there anren´t any notebooks on
the teacher’s desk, but (6) there are two red pens. (7) there aren´t any posters on
the wall. (8) there´s a CD player, but our teacher has got a cassette recorder.
9. Escribe preguntas y respuestas cortas.
 Are there any books on the table? Yes, there are.
 Is there a library near here? No, there isn´t.
 Are there any police officers in the police station?: No, there aren´t.
 Are there any cars in the streets? Yes, there are.
 Is there a bus stop in front of the museum? Yes, there is.
 Are there any newspapers under the bed? No, there aren´t.
 Is there a café in your street? No, there aren´t.

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