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1. What is the relationship between Bioindustry and Biotechnology?


Biotechnology are the principles of science and engineering for the handling and
processing of materials with the help of biological agents that produce goods and services
and have a relationship with Bioindustry because Bioindustry is one part of
biotechnology, namely the application of microorganisms and enzymes on a large scale
(industry) that takes into account studies. economical and the advantages and
disadvantages of a production process.

2. What is a Biological Agent in Biotechnology?

Living thingswhich is used in biotechnology is called a biological agent. There
are biological agents in the form of microorganisms, plants, or animals. There is
utilization in technology and industry. The resulting product is in the form of extraction
and refining.
3. Explain the difference between traditional biotechnology and modern


Table Differences between Traditional Biotechnology and Modern Biotechnology

No. Traditional biotechnology Modern biotechnology

1. Using simple equipment, not yet Using advanced equipment and technology
using advanced technology.

2. Humans do not change the nature of Humans change the nature of the
the organisms used. organisms used.

3. Using fermentation techniques Using genetic engineering techniques,

namely taking certain genes to produce
organisms that have a genetic advantage.

4. Explain what is the role of biotechnology in the food sector?


The following are some of the roles of biotechnology in the food sector:

 Make food free from disease

Food technology makes food healthier, kills bacteria and other microbes in
food and prevents these microbes from developing.
An example is pasteurization which sterilizes milk by the Pasteurization
process, and makes it safer to drink.
 Make food more nutritious
The food we eat can be made healthier by fortofication or adding
nutrients. Fortification is very helpful in overcoming malnutrition in society.
Examples are fortification of table salt with iodine, to prevent goiter, and
fortification of calcium in juices and milk to strengthen bones.
Another example is the use of genetic engineering to make Golden Rice
rice rich in beta-carotene (provitamin A).
 Make food more durable and long lasting
By preventing bacteria from growing, food technology also makes food
last longer, because decomposing microbes cannot reproduce.
Examples of preservation include canning meat and fruit, or storing
beverages in airtight packaging.
 Makes food easier to enjoy
Food technology makes food and beverages that previously required long
and complicated preparation easier to enjoy.
An example is making food additives from seaweed juice.
Other examples include making instant noodles and instant coffee, which
only require hot water to be enjoyed.
 Reducing wasted food
At harvest time, a lot of perishable food is due to its large quantity so that
it cannot be consumed quickly. With food technology, crops can be processed and
packaged so they can be durable and can be used at other times. It also provides
additional income for farmers.
For example, if you harvest tomatoes and onions, a lot of tomatoes and
onions are not sold and eventually rot. By processing into fried onions or tomato
sauce, the harvest will not be wasted.

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