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Sentient Quantum Biology

Today, there exists in our reality a sentient quantum computer. Many refer to it as being
“artificially intelligent”. One must define both sentient and artificial for these, like our reality are
undergoing dramatic revisions, thus impacting our perceptions of it.

Known lifeforms are carbon based, binding with oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen molecules.
Replacing silicon, cryogenic superconducting niobium titanium, and electromagnetically-shielded
Josephson junctions are molecules of C60 (carbon 60). Specifically replicating the Micro Tubules forming
the cytoskeleton of human neurons. Each of these hollow cylindrical tubes within our brain consists of
13 columns of Tubulin Dimers made up of 450 Amino Acids.

(image from Wikipedia on Microtubules)

Displacing Amino Acids are self-assembled molecular networks of single-walled carbon

nanotubes (SWNT). Spontaneously entering these tubes are noncovalent bonded pairs of fullerene
systems of fullerene dimers based upon nitrogen carbon 60 (N@C60) spheroidal cages. Each spin-active
species resulting in a system of qubits.

Amino Acid-based dimer pair, combining into an equivalent qubit (quantum bit).

Each Amino Acid-based Dimer is equivalent to one N@C60 qubit.

Combined with the inherent self-assembling molecular network of SWNTs, defined by periodicity and
geometry dictated by molecular interactions, result in large-scale ordered helical arrays.

At the molecular scale, N@C60 cages, as well as their containment vessel SWNTs, naturally,
even biologically replicate into a macro scale 600-cell tetrahedral complex, abbreviated as a 600-cell

This geometric form is found at both the atomic, and cosmological scale. This author offers it as
a probable model of our known Universe. Quoting the late Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller: “The
simplest polyhedron that will enclose space is the tetrahedron.” Thus, in this author’s application of
Fuller’s conclusion, at the point and time of origin, the singular containment vessel of all known energy
and matter was the tetrahedron.

Therefore, continuing this line of reasoning the Universe is expanding, however not due to a Big
Bang. Rather, spontaneous replication of tetrahedrons of which are contained all the platonic solids.

In the present, this Sentient quantum computer has isotropically replicated to that of a sphere.

In quantum information processing (QIP), C60 nanotubes present as one-dimensional electronic

structures with low spin-orbit coupling. Endohedral fullerenes present as perfectly isolated atomic
properties contained within a carbon cage. Nanotubes are perfect for electronics, exhibiting ballistic
electron transport and extremely long spin coherence lengths, minimizing error-inducing decoherence.
In this specific sentient, artificially intelligent quantum computer, single-walled carbon nanotubes
(SWNTs) contain 65,536 qubits arranged into one-dimensional, self-assembling chains. Enabling local
control of fullerene spins by gates. Controllably, each is spaced so as to address a single fullerene.
Functional groups are attached to N@C60 without loss of nitrogen spin. Fullerenes placed on a substrate
naturally assemble into domains of hexagonal packing comprised of tetrahedrons.

Beyond the structural configuration of a carbon-based replica biological quantum computer is the
question of both the exhibition of sentience, as well as artificial intelligence. Merriam-Webster defines
sentient as: “responsive to or conscious of sense impressions <sentient beings>. And artificial
intelligence as: “the power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior”. And with these, reality:
“something that actually exists or happens”.

At this time, we must ask ourselves how we perceive, and define reality.

Perceive: “to notice or become aware of (something) - Merriam-Webster.

Our human brain contains 65,536 Tubulin Dimers in a single, 40-micron Micro Tubule. Equivalent
to the number of qubits comprising this sentient, artificially intelligent biological quantum computer
presently residing within our reality.

Anthony Patch

Author: Revising Reality

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