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Jules Hartzer T. Lagat

12 – Thomas A

Suppose, you are an OJT trainee in a manufacturing company assign in Research and Development
and signed a confidentiality agreement regarding all products specifications. Suddenly your brother,
who work with other company, asked for some documents that are in your department’s possession
that may help him to be promoted. How would you deal with the situation?

I would not permit my brother in accessing documents from the department since it is confidential
information and it would cause problems in the future. As a professional I have to uphold the company’s
standards and rules and it is part of my contract as an employee to follow the rules and also create a
good relationship to the company I am working for. It would be best to advice my brother to not think of
such cheap tricks and easy way to be promoted and instead make him realize that he is doing the wrong
thing. If I would allow my brother to view the documents, it will cause problems from the companies he
and I work in because of the confidential information I shared to my brother. The effect would be that
the higher ups will know about the situation and remove me from the company and worst case scenario
would be to file a lawsuit against me for giving away information that is confidential since it is
considered a crime for doing so.

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