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Student Lama abdulaziz Alshehri Ward#16 TA name:

names Date:30-3-2021 RN.siti

Date/Time Progress Notes Sig

8:00 Received patient on bed awake , alert and conscious, with
GCS 15/15 , Picc line right arm , ambulatory; voiding freely
and passed stool , saturation well on room air , on regular
diet , applied safety precautions
8 :30 Vital sign taken as follows : Pb 167/64 mmHg , HR 58b/m ,
RR19 b/m , T 37.5 C
9:00 Take patient weight 49.9 , BMI 20.42 ; recheck patient weight after and
before hemodialysis and recheck vital sign every 1 hour while hemodialysis

9:05 Administer medication with primary nurse heparin 6000

IU to prevent clotting
10:00 Observe patient reaction while hemodialysis treatment
2:00 Hemodialysis completed, neddles removed , pressure
dressing applied

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