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Summer Reading Assignment

Xavier Brown
AP Euro

1. eviscerated -verb- to remove the entrails of; disembowel. ex. The hunter

eviscerated the deer he had caught earlier that day.

2. emasculated -verb- to castrate, remove the testes of. ex. Young boys in an opera

were emasculated to keep their voices high and to play female roles.

3. misogyny –noun- hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women. ex. The once mighty king

now had misogyny, due to his now more powerful wife.

4. invested –verb- to surround (a place) with military force. ex. The ruler then had

the city invested, so no one could escape.

5. cupidity –noun- eager or excessive desire, esp. to possess something; greed;

avarice. ex. The man had cupidity for wealth and power and would do anything to

achieve it.

6. satyrical –noun- indicating sexual interest. ex. The young man was acting very

satyrical toward the girl sitting next to him.

7. admixture –noun- the act of mixing; state of being mixed. ex. The women felt an

admixture of feelings, both anger and sadness.

8. comity –noun- mutual courtesy; civility; also called the comity of nations,

courtesy between nations as in respect shown by one country for the laws,

judicial decisions, and institutions of another. ex. Portugal sowed comity toward

Spain despite their arguments and disputes.

9. speciosity –noun/adj.- state of being specious; pleasing to the eye but deceptive.

ex. The speciosity of the Popes and the church was very great during the fourteenth


10. vituperative –adj.- using, containing, or marked by harshly; abusive; censure. ex.

The father was very vituperative toward his son after he had destroyed their crops.

11. apostasy –noun- a total desertion of or departure from one’s religion, principles,

party, cause, etc. ex. Apostasy was a very hard thing to do after having faith in

something for so long.

12. parricide –noun- the act of killing one’s father, mother, or other close relative. ex.

The malicious son committed parricide on his father for abusing him .

13. irascible –adj.- easily provoked to anger; very irritable. ex. My uncle is extremely

irascible when it comes to watching football.

14. salubrious –adj.- favorable to or promoting health. ex. Eating all your vegetable is

very salubrious.

15. crepitation –verb- to make a crackling sound; crackle. ex. The man’s crepitation

was so loud it could be heard from outside.

16. derogating –verb- to disparage or belittle. ex. As the bully was derogation the

younger children, he did not see the teacher right behind him.

17. sophistry –noun- a plausible but misleading or fallacious argument. ex. The

scientist’s idea was genius but full of sophistry.

18. prerogative –noun- privilege , a power, immunity, exercised by virtue of rank,

office, or the like. ex. The prerogative felt more important and above all others.
19. panjandrums –noun- a self-important or pretentious official. ex. The

panjandrums stopped to wave to all the onlookers because of their prestige.

20. venery –noun- indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity; the act of sexual

intercourse. ex. Popes of medieval times practiced venery much to often during

their time.

21. obloquy –noun- discredit, disagree, or bad repute resulting from public blame,

abuse, or denunciation. ex. The obloquy was scorned and was pointed at as he

passed through the streets.

22. indefatigable –adj.- incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring.

ex. Knights of the medieval times were indefatigable and too proud to be stopped.

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