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Nasdasia Anim

Period 6

Guided Questions Evolution 200 years of Medicine

Directions: In your table groups (meaning 6 per table, unless people are absent) answer the
following questions. I have provided time stamp for certain points in the video, you still need
to watch information before or after it to get your answer. Divide up the work: who will
watch what, who will answer what, work as a group. One paper will be submitted and make
sure you put the person’s name next to what they did, first name is fine.

Surgery: beginning to 12:55 min.

Name 5 old methods and 5 advancements about Surgery.

- 5 old methods about surgery are as follows.

- Lobotomy which involved breaking connections in the prefrontal lobe of the brain using an
icepick-like instrument, Rhinoplasty which was a sexually transmitted disease, Lithotomy which
was a procedure to remove bladder stones, Bloodletting which was one of the most common
procedures used by surgeons, and Trepanation which was the drilling or scraping a hole in the
skull. It was the oldest form of surgery we know of.
- 5 advancements about surgery are as follows.

- Anesthesia which makes a person unconscious during surgery so they will not feel pain, instead
of making one large incision, a surgeon will make several smaller ones to take detailed pictures
of a patient's insides, Robotic surgery which uses small tools attached to a robotic arm, which a
surgeon controls with a computer that mirrors his or her movements, Radiological Technologies,
and better Safety Standards during the procedure of surgery.

What's the purpose of the surgery checklist and the surgical team introducing themselves?

- The purpose of the surgery checklist is to ensure that the teams follow the correct safety
procedure to make sure that the patent and staff are safe.
- The purpose of the surgical team introducing themselves is to create a positive patient-physician
connection and offer great medical treatment.
Why are the instruments counted at the end of the surgical procedure?

- The instruments are counted to make sure nothing is left in a patents body and to make sure
nothing is lost.

Cancer: Leukemia: beginning 13:24 min

1. Why were diagnosis of cancer always grim in the past?
- Diagnosis of cancer was grim in the past because there wasn’t any proper way of diagnosing it
without killing the patient.
2. Who pioneered killing only the cancer cells?
- Sidney Farber pioneered killing only the cancer cells.
3. Why did controversy occur about using folic acid for children's leukemia?
- Controversy occurred because the folic acid only stimulated the cells.
4. Name 1 new cancer drug and 1 pro and 1 con of the drug?
- Aminopteroyl. A pro is that it massively destroyed the leukemia. A con is that the patients all
5. What new hospital evolved in Memphis Tennessee?
- St. Jude Hospital evolved in Memphis Tennessee.
6. What steps occurred that led to progress of killing the cancer cells initially?
- Doctors tried longer chemotherapy, added cranial radiation, and gave methotrexate directly into
the spinal cord.
7. How do genetics help in the advancements in cancer treatment?
- Genetics help in the advancements in cancer treatment because they reveal hundreds of
variations in every kind of cancer.
8. What kind of grant was the doctor given to help with Judy's cancer?
- He was given a translational grant to help with her cancer.
9. Did it work and how do we know it worked for Judy? (22:38)
- Yes, it worked because of the interferon being able to get her down to 60% Philadelphia

The Plague beginning 26: 17 min.

1. How did Sherry Lewis find out she was positive for HIV?
- She was diagnosed HIV positive after a routine blood test for her marriage license.
2. What did the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report indicate to Dr. Fauci?
- They indicated that 5 gay men were sick with a pneumonia that we only see in people that are
3. Why were the Doctor's initially afraid of the HIV/AIDs patient?
- They were afraid because they thought the patient was carrying the smallpox.
4. What social stigma did AIDs/HIV carry?
- AIDs/HIV carried a social stigma because it was most likely seen in gay men and IV drug users.
5. 28:34 min - look at the patient in the wheelchair and list observable signs that a patient that
has AIDs/HIV display.
- Purplish spots on his skin, bruises on skin, and swollen lymph nodes.
6. What did the Doctor's discover was the cause of AIDs/HIV?
- The cause of AIDs/HIV was a retrovirus called human immunodiffiency virus that attached into
the immune system.
7. What did the blood test about AIDs/HIV show?
- The blood test showed that the virus could lay dormant for years.

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