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Escalona, John Michael E.

- BTVTed 1
Daina Mae valdevieso


Activity 1.1: Define why do we need Physical Activities

Muscles and bones are strengthened by regular exercise and physical activity. It boosts
your respiratory, cardiovascular, and general wellness. Maintaining a healthy weight, lowering
your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and various malignancies can all be aided by being

Activity 1.2: The three common models of Health

Environmental health is the study of how the environment affects our health. The
following definitions are used: Environmental health refers to elements of human health (such as
quality of life) that are influenced by environmental variables such as physical, chemical,
biological, social, and psychological factors.


We established a contemporary health-evaluation method based on the following
principles: A holistic approach to health is founded on the recognition of a person's physical,
mental, and spiritual essences as one. The organism and its surroundings are intertwined and
have reciprocal impacts.


The medical model of health argues that disease is found and identified by a systematic
process of observation, description, and distinction, using commonly approved methods such
medical examinations, tests, or a set of symptom descriptions.
Activity 1.3: Health Poem

I am special, so you are

When I look in the mirror, what do I see?

My face, my smile, my hair- just me.
No one walks the way I walk
No one talk the way I talk.

Together we can laugh and play,

But you do thing your own true way.
I like to sing, we like to run
That’s the meaning of having fun

I help you to join me to song

You help me to jog me along
I am special, so you are.
And we are friends, through and through.
Activity 1.4: Where they are belonging?

Controllable Uncontrollable

Flu Measles Colds Leukemia Intellectual Dwarfism Eye color

Fever Cough Anemia Asthma Body Odor
Sun Burn High Blood Rushes
Nose Bleed Heart Disease
Cancer Pimple Covid

Activity 1.5: Interview

Stay safe if COVID-19 is spreading in your community by using basic precautions
including physical separation, wearing a mask, keeping rooms properly aired, avoiding crowds,
hand washing, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. Inquire about local guidance in the area
where you live and work.
Escalona, John Michael E.
BTVTed 1

Activity 2.1: Essay Writing


My everyday habits have a significant influence on my health. I've recently started tracking what
I consume, completely unrelated to this writing assignment. This realization came about as a
result of my family and friends constantly telling me that I am too thin and that I should eat
more. Previous chapters on health and fitness, nutrition, and weight management, to mention a
few, have made me understand how vital it is to keep track of what you put into your body. That
being stated, my lifestyle allows me to consume the required nutrients to be healthy. I enjoy
being active during the week.
Living off campus (last year) has had a significant influence on my nutrition. Not
only do I have to keep track of what I eat, but I also have to keep track of how much money I
spend. The most crucial component of keeping a balanced diet is time management. I need to
schedule time for food shopping, dinner preparation, and dishwashing. Every day, consuming
three healthy meals requires a significant amount of my time. When I'm lazy or in a hurry, I have
to turn to inexpensive manufactured meals. Processed foods are unhealthy for one's health since
they are high in sugar and artificial substances like preservatives. It also lacks vitamins, minerals,
and antioxidants, among other essentials. Many healthful behaviours should be maintained. I, for
one, will continue to consume just water and milk. Every week, I will schedule a terrific exercise
at the gym. I'm also trying to avoid processed meals as much as possible.


Of course, the lifestyle I desire for myself in the future is one that is bright and
cheerful. I want to live a stress-free life without ever having to worry about money. I dream of
having my own house in San Francisco, one that is outdoor-looking, gorgeous, and elegant, with
four to five rooms. I understand that owning a home of that calibre will be prohibitively
expensive. To do so, I'd have to earn a substantial sum of money. Hopefully, I'll be able to make
around $50 per hour. This may add eighty thousand to a hundred thousand dollars to your annual
income. I'd say that's plenty for me, since I'd like to start a family and hope that my spouse earns
more than me, so we can work together to achieve our objectives and live the lifestyle we desire
as a family. I want to be able to have everything I want whenever I want it and never be reliant
on others, and I don't want to have to rely on my partners for financial support. I'd want to have a
family of two to three children, and I'd like to be able to provide all of their requirements.
Activity 2.2: Do you have a healthy Life-style?
The Most Important Things Healthy People Do Every Day and New Year's Resolutions
for a Balanced Lifestyle Exercise. The advantages of maintaining a regular exercise program go
far beyond weight reduction. Sleep, eat healthily, and Stay hydrated. Take use of your free time
and be aware of your risk factors and take control of your health.

Activity 2.3: Tell whether the statement is…

1) PA
2) PA
3) PE
4) PE
5) PE
6) PE
7) PE
8) PE
9) PA
10) PE

Activity 2.5: Photo Collage

Escalona, John Michael E.
BTVTed 1

Activity 3.1: Make your own Aerobic Exercise

Activity 3.2: The weekly Activity

After One week

You can burn calories by walking. In the first week of this exercise, burning calories can
help you maintain or lose weight. The number of calories you burn will be determined by various
factors, including: Walking pace distance covered terrain (walking uphill burns more calories
than walking on a level surface).

After Two week

Overuse ailments, such as tendinitis and stress fractures, are more common in those who
over exercise. Repetitive trauma causes those injuries. O our immune system may also be
harmed. Excessive exercise might actually decrease our immune system, whereas moderate
activity can boost it.

Activity 3.3: Site some importance

Aerobic activity raises students' heart rates to a healthy range, resulting in better
health and mental arousal. As a result, including aerobic activity into the classroom should
improve student learning. The COVID-19 epidemic is having a significant influence on people's
lives, particularly young people's lives. Schools and institutions are closed, examinations and
activities have been postponed, health information services are limited and mingling with friends
and family is discouraged, if not outright prohibited in certain locations. For young people's
social, physical, and emotional well-being, living in these conditions may be difficult. This new
COVID-19 Youth Guide is a compilation of information, connections, and resources that can
help young people manage their lives during these trying times and motivate them to become
leaders in the face of the pandemic's uncertainty.

Activity 3.4: Aerobic Dance Exercise

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