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The sSecrets to Wwealth Ccreation from the Eagle, the Ant, and the Spider

If you want to become wealthy, the best piece of advice I can give you is to study and learn from
the wisdom of the Eagle, the Ant, and the Spider. They will show you the surest path to

The sSecret of the Eagle

But you may ask: But Hhow can I learn to become a millionaire from an eEagle? you may ask.

The answer is simple: Sspeaking of the Eagle, Job, in Job 39: 27- 28 said She dwelleth and
abidedd on the rock …[f]rom thence she seeked sought the prey, and her eyes behold afar off1.
The advantage of the eagle rests in its eye’s highly developed ability. The eagle can see the
smallest detail from miles away. The muscles and curvature of its eyes constantly adjust to
magnify any target long distances from its location. The eagle uses, to its complete advantage, a
superior magnifying glass, trained to detect the faintest outlines of its prey. For optimum
advantage, it chooses the highest point from which to overlook its surroundings. It deliberately
chooses to fly at stunning heights and always selects the best place that allows it to see as far into
the distance as possible. The higher it flies, the better it sees, and the further it sees, the more
prey it finds. It wants nothing to block its vision because it is its vision that points to its

If humans could exchange their eyes for an eagle’s they could see an ant crawling on the ground
from the top of a nine-storey building. Eagles see four to eight times farther than humans and so
the investor who can act like the eagle is on the surest path to wealth creation. The would-be
millionaire must therefore develop eyes like an eagle. He must be able to see what those around
him cannot see. He must see well into the future. That is the only skill that guarantees the
would-be millionaire an unshakeable advantage over his peers.

But, not being a prophet means he must use the tools at his disposal to glimpse into the future.
The key tools are the information and insights he can gather about new and emerging trends that
are sustainable over the long run. So the prospective millionaire must develop a keen awareness
of where science, politics, commerce, technology, and the economy are heading.

The eagle-eyed investor simply needs to be perceptive and must think deeper than his peers.
Information and news he receives on a daily basisdaily should not simply be treated as a current
affairs. He thinks about the implications and asks himself the following questions:

1. Does this bit of news hold implications for the future?

2. Is this development significant?
3. Why is it significant?
4. How can I analysze this in the context of what I already know in order to determine if this
is a fad or a trend?

Job 39:27-30 (KJV)
5. How sustainable is this trend?
6. What do the statistics show about this new development’s potential?
7. Is society embracing this new trend?
8. How valuable is it to people’s lives?
9. Is it a revolutionary solution to a societal problem?
10. Who will benefit financially or economically from this?
11. How can I participate by investing in this trend financially in return for a profit?

Anyone can master this approach to investing. The beauty of this method is that it is democratic.
The amateur investor has the same advantage as the expert. Anyone with access to newspapers,
books, and the internet has all the tools at his disposal to analyzse the future and enjoy significant

Information is no longer available only to Wall Street bankers, financial analysts, and academics.
Social media and search engines place troves of information literally at everyone’s fingertips. So
the would-be millionaire who wants to be an eagle-eyed investor simply needs to read the
information, much of which is readily available, and analyzse it.

The sad reality is that most persons do not take full advantage of the vast potential available
through the internet and traditional news media. Books, newspapers, and the internet are the
most empowering tools in wealth creation allowing the investor to understand the world and
detect trends from the comfort of his own home. Unfortunately, most of this potentially valuable
information is ignored.

But the eagle-eyed investor does not only analyzse the trends detected from information in the
print but also from observing the world around him. Trends are often visible if the investor is
sufficiently observant enough. The investor who noticed that all his friends were on Facebook
and that Facebook was growing exponentially could easily have detected a new trend in its
infancy. Facebook quickly became the biggest and most actively used social media platform in
the world, a. As engagement grew from millions of users to over one billion users in short order.

Any discerned investor attuned to trends could have seen the potential not only for future growth
but for Facebook to capitalize on its user base to make spectacular profits. So the eagle-eyed
investor who bought $5,000 of Facebook stock at its 38 price in May 2012 would have grown his
investment to over $24,500 in May 2019, a return of approximately 390 per cent in 8 years.

Similarly, the wild global excitement over smart phones was an easily detectable trend. The cult-
like loyalty to iIPhones could also easily have been recognized by the observant investor as a
growing trend. Since their initial introduction to the market, smartphones have become
essentials. No -one leaves his home without one. From observation, the eagle-eyed investor
would also soon realize that if 10 people were in a room it was highly likely that at least eight, at
some point within a one- hour period will check their smart phones. So, acting on what would
clearly have become a growing trend by January 2009, two years after the iIPhone release, the
eagle-eyed investor would have pounced. $5,000 invested in Apple in June 2008 at $27 per
share, with a 7 for 1 split in 2014 would be worth over $59,600.00 in February 2020 at a price of
$323. That would have been the equivalent of a 1,095 per cent return in a little over 11 years.
These examples are simple but demonstrate how the eagle-eyed investor can identify trends
around him and profit from them. Simple observation of his environment and the services and
goods that society begins to demand in high volumes is a good initial tool for the eagle-eyed

As an investor, your great advantage is being attuned to what society demands by adopting the
perspective of the eagle. The eagle-eyed investor asks himself the 11 essential questions listed
above, w. ith whom he will get closer to predicting the future and profitingThose are the most
closer he will get to predicting the future and profiting. To become a millionaire, he must master
those questions and their responses. It is only then that he will truly developIt is only then that
he truly develops the eye of the eagle and sets himself up for millionaire status.

The Secret of the Spider

The second creature the prospective millionaire should learn from is the Spider.

You may again ask: H, how the spider teaches lessons about wealth creation? The Bible’s
account of the spider reveals a key ingredient in many self-made millionaires’ strategy for wealth
creation. Let’s consider King sSolomon’s observations. In Proverbs 30: 24 and 28 (KJV), he
said: [24] There are four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise: [28]
The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces.

The secret to the spider wisdom which merited the attention of King Ssolomon, the wisest man
on earth, is that the spider, above all others, practices patience. It is perhaps easy to fantasize
about the success of the world’s richest men and women who managed to accumulate wealth
even before age 40. Many examples easily came to my mind. Marc Zuckerberng, founder of
fFacebook, was worth $51 billion in May 2016 at the age of 32 2. Jan Koum, co-founder of
WhatsApp, the largest mobile messaging service in the world was sold to fFacebook in 2014
when Koum was a mere 38. The price tag- over $19 billion in cash and stock. Mr. Koum was
reported to have had an estimated net worth of over $6 billion in 2014 3. Palmer Luckey, at the
tender age of 21, sold Oculusto Facebook, the virtual reality company he founded, Oculus to
Facebook. Facebook paid over $2 billion for the cCompany in 2014 and Mr. Luckey walked
away from that deal worth millions of dollars4. Sean Parker, pPresident of Facebook at age 24,
was worth $2.6 billion by age 255. Aand Brian Chesky, cCo-founder and CEO of Airbnb was
worth $3.3 billion at age 346.

Katia Savchuk, “Mark Zuckerberg’s Net Worth Soars $18 Billion in a Year, Now Richest Person in California ,”,,
accessed March 13, 2020,

Parmy Olson, “The Rags-To-Riches Tale Of How Jan Koum Built WhatsApp Into Facebook's New $19 Billion Baby,”, aAccessed March 13, 2020,

Tom Huddleston Jr., “3 things Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey splurged on when Facebook bought it for $2 billion ,”,, accessed March 13, 2020,
 1 per cent became wealthy before the age of 40;
 3 per cent became wealthy between age 40 and 45;
 16 per cent became wealthy between age 46 and 50.;

“Ex-Facebook president Sean Parker: site made to exploit human 'vulnerability',” tThe,. accessed March 13, 2020,

Thomas Shambler, “Cereal Entrepreneur: the secrets to Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky's success,”,,
Aaccessed mMarch 13, 2020,

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