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Research Hypothesis Assignment



What kind of hypothesis are the following?

Directional Hypothesis 1. Participants who have been deprived of sleep for 24 hours will have
more cold symptoms in the following week after exposure to a virus than participants who have
not been sleep deprived.
Null Hypothesis 2. “There is no significant relationship between mass media exposure and
attitude towards land reform among lowland farmers.”
Null Hypothesis 3. “There is no significant difference between the mean of age of male faculty
members and the mean age of female faculty members.”
Alternative Hypothesis 4. “There is a significant relationship between mass media exposure and
attitude towards land reform among lowland farmers.”
Alternative Hypothesis 5. “There is a significant difference between the mean age of male
faculty members and the mean age of female faculty members.”
Alternative Hypothesis 6. “There is a significant difference between the proportion of health
care providers who are smoking and the proportion of health care providers who are smoking
and the proportion of those who are not smoking.”
Directional Hypothesis 7. “The higher the level of exposure of farmers to mass media the more
favorable their attitude towards land reform.”
Directional Hypothesis 8. “The more time employees spend in meetings, the less productive
they are.”
Directional Hypothesis 9. “The higher the advertisement expenses of food establishments, the
higher their monthly gross sales.”
Non-directional Hypothesis 10. “The women’s educational attainment is significantly associated
with their extent of participation in decision-making at home.”

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