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13The problem, in our case, is that the authorities should haveknown that there
was no water in the pool that they decided to dump because it was precisely
themselves who had empitad it. It is not that the Carlos III Hospital was in
optimal circumstances to face a crisis like the current one, but its foolish
dismantling has recently taken its toll
14 A second consideration has to do with the qualificationsof health policy
makers. It should beclear that, in addition to good politicians and managers,
those responsible should have a minimum specific intellectual and technical
background, something that has not been fulfilled in our country during the last
decades. With the exception of very few exceptions, ministers and health advisors
did not meet the requirements for the position. They are not met by the
current minister, terrified of the need to credibly convey messages with a
certain technical content and unable to understand in general terms a problem
such as Ebola. Nor does the famous Minister of Health of the Community of
Madrid, certainly a doctor by profession, but clumsy, incompetent and rude as a
politician. I am not one of those who ask for their resignations, but of those who
think they should never have been appointed to the positions they hold. It is
clear that for certain positions any politician is not worth it. This is being
seen in the fields of education, science, research and health.
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13. The authorities should haveknown that there was no water in the pool that they
decided to dump because it was precisely themselves who had empitad it
14. It should beclear that, in addition to good politicians and managers, those
responsible should have a minimum specific intellectual and technical background,
something that has not been fulfilled in our country during the last decades.
13. Not having water could generate loss of crops and problems for society due to
the need for water.
Dismantling has recently taken its toll on society
14. The community of Madrid will always feel insecure, thanks to its commissioners
and representatives, who act in a bad way which could cause political displeasure
and instead should generate a straight and serious stance and more for being
representatives of a community.

13. Authorities should have known there was no water in the sink
It is not that the Carlos III Hospital was in optimal conditions to face a crisis like the
current one
14. The qualifications of health policy makers.
Those responsible must have a minimum specific intellectual and technical
training, something that has not been fulfilled in our country during the last decades

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