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GT TASK 1 Test 11 question

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. Write at least 150 words.

You play a team sport with some friends. Last week a member of the team had an accident and wasn't able to play with you at the
weekend. You decide to write to him in hospital, telling him about the match.
Write a letter to your friend. In your letter,
tell him which team won
describe the conditions on the day
say how you felt about the match

Word Count Timer: 11:38

what happened to you in the accident, I hope you get better and get out of the hospital quickly.

Last week, we had a soccer game that you couldn't attend, but we still managed to win, it was an exciting game, and quite close, the other
team was very good Also, we had to do everything possible to be able to beat them, the game ended With a score of 3 to 2 in our favor, I
managed to score a goal in the last minute, with which we won.

I think the conditions of the day were quite good, towards a good climate, with sun, it was a hot and clear day, there was wind, the court was
without grass which made the ball slide better, it was a beautiful afternoon to play, It really couldn't have been a better day to play, it was a
great day to be with our friends, although we really missed you there, if you had been, we would have won the game in an easier way, we
miss you a lot, I hope you will get better soon. So we can go to play another soccer game, take care of yourself, best friend, and get out of the
hospital soon.


GT TASK 1 Test 11 Model Answer Rate Feedback Print Feedback

Band Score: 7.00

Band 2 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 

Band 9

Statistics 

1. You have written 236 words.

2. I count a total of 3 paragraphs.
3. You have written 6 sentences.

4. Your average sentence length is 39.33.

5. Your sentence length variance is 32.61.

Task achievement: 6 

  I did not find a salutation that matches the expected format. Fix it.
Paragraph 1: Hi, my best friend, how are you? I was hoping that you were much better and that you would
recover soon. I love you, I'm very sorry about what happened to you in the accident, I hope you
get better and get out of the hospital quickly.
  You have expressed sympathy and asks about the reader's health in first body paragraph.
That's good.
Paragraph 2: Last week, we had a soccer game that you couldn't attend, but we still managed to win, it was
an exciting game, and quite close, the other team was very good Also, we had to do everything
possible to be able to beat them, the game ended With a score of 3 to 2 in our favor, I managed
to score a goal in the last minute, with which we won.
  You have told him the score and briefly described how you felt about the match in the second
paragraph. That's good.
Paragraph 3: I think the conditions of the day were quite good, towards a good climate, with sun, it was a hot
and clear day, there was wind, the court was without grass which made the ball slide better, it
was a beautiful afternoon to play, It really couldn't have been a better day to play, it was a great
day to be with our friends, although we really missed you there, if you had been, we would have
won the game in an easier way, we miss you a lot, I hope you will get better soon. So we can
go to play another soccer game, take care of yourself, best friend, and get out of the hospital
soon. task 1 test 11/test 1/2
2/10/21 15:06 IELTS Writing Checker | Virtual Writing Tutor
  You have mentioned the weather (/) and conditions of the day well. That's good. Include words
and phrases like these: I think, the weather, was to blame, wet day, hot day, the pitch, very
muddy, flat, grassy, By the end of the game, hardly see the grass, were sliding around, in the
mud, everyone, exhausted, tired, fatigue, .
Closing: Sincerely, Johan Guarin
  You have used the standard closing. That's good. (

Signature: Sincerely, Johan Guarin

  You have signed your name. That's good.

Coherence and cohesion: 6 

Coherence: You do not seem to be addressing the topic as expected.

Cohesion: You have used transition words and phrase to add cohesion to your message. That's good. 

Lexical resource: 7 

Paraphrase: You have paraphrased the prompt somewhat. This indicates you possess some lexical
Copied: You have successfully avoided using phrases from the question prompt. That's good. 

Grammar range and accuracy: 8 

Range: You have used either the passive voice, the present perfect tense, or a complex sentence
subordinator three or more times. That's good.
Accuracy: I was able to detect one or two errors in your writing. Sometimes the grammar checker will
generate false alarms. Double-check that this is not the case. Anyway, a cover letter with few
errors speaks well of your use of revision strategies. 

Errors 

You have 1 errors.

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Your error profile is as follows.

You wrote:...a lot, I hope you will get better soon. So we can go to play another soccer game, ...

Feedback: Put a comma after the introductory adverb phrase "So".

Suggestion: So task 1 test 11/test 2/2

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