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A great product is not just a collection of features - it’s how these features work together that’s great

...Tim Cook

Klokbox - A digital time-box

A way of building memories that are secret and private to only you
Build through images, video, messaging
Take any snapshot in time - A Family Image
Add a Title for the Klok[Memory]
Add a Twitter type message [sentiment] to the memory
Klok the memory to a Klokmates Box
Klokmates are your Family and Friends
Make it Fun to use
It’s Emotive
It’s Sticky

Klok is a social diary application .. because our children

remember times not toys …

Design Doc For Discussion

A digital memory box of life events, as they happen.

Klok to create instant messages and dreams/ aspirations/memories for our loved
ones and business colleagues in real time. These memories are saved in ‘KLOK’
boxes and only released if we die.

KLOK BOX - ​A Memory Box Application on Android, iOS

KLOKBOX (named as such because it is a time related box of memories for my recipients.

I have registered the following usage terms, names, domains etc which we can use on the App navigation
to make the experience more Fun


Registered user Terminology

A Klok​ : A Post to my Klok Box

To Klok​ : To post a memory
Klok Jock​ : User of Klok Box
Klok Box​: A memory box
Kloking​ : Making posts to my Klokbox
Klok Mate ​: The recipient of a memory box
Klok Codes​ : Passwords
Klokout​ : To Die
Klokify​: Is to Notify someone on the App eg a KlokMate
Klokey​: A Release keyholder
Klok Dosh​ : Money
Klok Donor​ : An Organ Donor
Klokages : ​Gift Boxes Received on Klokbox
KlokHoldings : ​Keyholdings I Hold for other KlokJocks

Focus on interaction and simplicity, I am hoping this should not be complicated but should include
the things that are expected like usability functionality and layout, should be innovative, informative,
easy to navigate with uncluttered Screens
Clear Direction to next Step
Should Improve Customer Experience
Encourage Continuing on the App Journey
Fast Loading Screens
Appropriate Graphics not Fetching Large Tables and Databases
High Definition
Great use of ‘Happy’ Colours
Complimentary Colours

Klokbox is something that should be used like Instagram (except that it’s enclosed and is completely
private to the user - ​Klok Jock​)

e.g Should I have a piece of data or a sentimental thought I wish to Klok (post) , or should I wish to share
a memory, or a video from other media or create a memory within the KLOKBoX I can Klok post it to my
Klokbox as a memory

On my Klokbox I Add a Title to the Klok |Create a Twitter Type Message (note or sentiment) for the Klok |
Add in a Klokmate (or Klokmates) to the Klok so I can Post the Klok to a Klokmates Memory Box.

A Klok Box is essentially a digitisation of the old fashioned personal Diary but with data being released if I

On my Klokbox I Hold a number of Boxes and into these I file Data that is very private and important for
me, some of this data I may wish to share to my Klokmates boxes (for future release to them.
App will require security features similar to a banking App - as these Klok boxes will contain sensitive
personal information.

Item For discussion ; Security | Encryption | Design

The primary feature that should be implemented to protect data confidentiality. Security
capabilities, security improvements should be added to the app to keep data both private and
secure. It helps to increase and to improve the trust factor of the mobile app.

All of those potential issues mean that your app security must be watertight, rather than
something that you tack on as an afterthought.

Customer feedback tells me that security is No1 concern so this is a primary issue for discussion:

How users will feel safe using this app - This must be considered a high priority issue.

This App is All About Klokking Memories/important information to KLOK Boxes.

Within my Klokmates boxes I will have individual memoryVaults and I can title/name these vaults as I
desire (e.g memories, Messages, Future Occasions, Passwords, money etc)

When I ​KLOK​ (send a message) to my Klokbox and add in a ​KLOKMATE​ (friend) then I actually file the
information to their Vault [on their memory Wall] for future release.

Everything we have on our Klok Box is totally private to us until we die, if we should suddenly die it is only
then that the Klokmates Box is released.

This Release is performed by the designated KLOKEY [Keyholder] (who will have registered for this

I can appoint Klokeys (keyholders) from my list of Klokmates and this sends a notification to them. (I
Klokify them)
Once the Klokey has been accepted (by using the digital information sent) they will be connected with me
and will be identified on the app as connected with me . They will appear under a section called
KEYHOLDINGS. ​[Klok Holdings are essentially Keyholdings I hold for other users]

Klokages ​[Memories Received from A Klokmate]

Klokmates ​[People I Will be creating Klokboxes for]

I can Klokify a KlokMate - ‘if I want them to Know’ that I am holding a klokbox for them
Keyholdings ​[People I Hold release Keys for - Allows me to release their data if they die]

KlokBoxes ​[These are Personal Diary Boxes [e.g My Will, My Organ Donation Decision, My Funeral
Basically ; For any piece of information within my Klokbox (diary) I can add a Klokmate (to recieve the
data if I die)
Start a Klok ​[Start creating a Post]

Klokcodes ​[My Passwords and any Login Detail for Personal Use] I can KLOK any password to a
klokmates memory box too !

Any klokmate can act as a Klokey (once appointed) and can hold a Klokholding for another app user. (i.e
They assume the responsibility of releasing data for a klokmate should they die)

A ​KlokBox​ is a unique zone for each of my ​KLOKMate​s

Future Access​ to the ‘​released’​ KlokBox (releases are known as a klokage) is only achievable via the
APP and therefore there will be a section on the App titled MY​KLOKAGES

Klokage releases to Klokmates are done via ​Invite​ to the Klokmate - [i.e. inviting that klokmate to either
download or log in to the app - The klokmate can then be viewed/accessed]

As KlokMates will all have individual Vaults (secure boxes) within my app and as each vault will be titled
then I can edit the title of vaults or the content of vaults at any time.

On my Klokbox I will also store Information that is useful to me on a daily basis - such as my Passwords

I can Add a Password by first creating a password group eg ‘BANKING’ and then add PW NAME e.g
‘KBC BANK’ and then the password DETAIL [I can do this via Copy/Paste or drag in via ‘SAVE to My

If I wish a Klokmate to have a password after I die I then can Klok a password to a Klok Mates memory

If it’s good... KLOK

If it’s memorable ..KLOKIT…

Have YOU KLOKED yet?

If you want to pass it on ..KLOK IT to your KLOKBOX

Klok ‘till you drop

Make memories with KLOKBOX Once you KLOK you can’t stop

…. A KLOK on time lasts a lifetime

Social integration is a necessary feature in brands and consumers connecting within the application
ecosystem. Integrating with social channels simplifies the signing up process by retrieving
information from the channel, allowing users to share posts about various events to remain users
engaged with the app.

Create account Email : Secure Pw : Confirmation Flow : ​Personal Access Code​ :

Each Time I access the app I use only my ​PAC​ - TimeOut after 10 min non use.

Using simple notifications/messages is the most essential feature for direct communication with your
customers by applying a device. It is used for reporting on new features, sending promotional offers
that drive engagement and monetization opportunities.

Klokbox is an application where the user wants to be totally prepared for Dying (should this suddenly or
unexpectedly happen) because when we die we not only leave broken hearts but in 80% of cases a
financial mess too!

To avoid costly disputes (and families fighting) Klokbox is the answer.

Feedback providing is critical to garner a reputation. Let users report bugs, complaints or
suggestions, then give them feedback about the further improvements and fixes by using an open
forum. It will be appreciated that their propositions are heard and accepted. It leads to enhancing
trust and credibility.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to be so organised that should we suddenly die we leave complete organisation
in the form of a sentimental memory box of life events, messages and aspirations for loved ones and
business colleagues.

[I have previously developed an App called BLACKBOX which revolves around the process of
doing a dynamic digital Will, this is pretty good and works well but it has no HOOK for the user
experience and therefore users are resistant to use it.]

Previously I made a major error in focusing my mind on the business part of my App and forgot
completely the user connection.
Therefore this New App has got to have AMAZING UX

So my view is that a Klokbox (which is like instagram except that it’s private) Is a digitisation of the old
fashioned personal Diary.

When something emotional comes to my mind, a sentimental thought, a memory or a video (or a video I
wish to record for one of my kids) I post it to my Klokbox as a memory.

Everything we have in our Klok Box is private - until we die - and then it’s released to our chosen Klok
Mate (by the designated KLOK KEY) but only in the event we die.

Releasing the KLOKbox of a KLOKmate is a sort of eternal connection with them, a way of connecting
with them and telling them how much we care for them e.g our kids, family, friends, business colleagues
etc after we die.

Each KlokBox will be unique to that KLOKMate -

Because Death has no Feelgood Factor - Think outside

the box to find a way to attract users to be organised for
death !

When the customer is looking for a faster horse - give them a car !

The customer needs to look at this APP and say .. WOW .. I like this! Or
OMG why has this not been done before !

Think Different…...

Focus on the customer experience..

Work backwards to the technology...

What incredible benefits can we bring to the customer

Benefits that are way beyond their imagination

Where can we take the customer and not necessarily where can we market the product

1. Make it interesting
2. Make it fun
3. Make it engaging
4. Make it entertaining
5. Make it addictive

Bring the user on a journey with which they have


We love a great photo, a fun snapshot in time, a memorable moment

WE love to tell a good story - that's why we meet for coffee or a drink
We love sharing, we spend hours on social channels
We loves to give advice - that’s why we talk/ gossip so much
We all have an EGO - we have an insatiable appetite to impress others
We like to think we are responsible, rational, popular
And - Everyone wants to tell everyone about a new idea !!

If this concept needs ENDORSEMENT - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

1. A sense of belonging
2. A need to feel heard
3. A Need to feel loved


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