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Verb Big change Small change Gradual Quick change

The Increase significantly slightly steadily quickly • Areas (in the markets, etc…)
number/amount Rise considerably moderately gradually rapidly • Time period (in 1999, between…. and …)
etc…. + of + noun (+) substantially marginally slowly sharply • by + discrepency (by 10%, etc…)
phrases decrease dramatically consistently • to + targeted data (to 50%, etc…)

Big change Small change Gradual Quick change Noun

• Areas (in the markets,
in the number of, etc…)
There is significant slight steady quick Increase
• Time period (in 1999,
There was considerable moderate gradual rapid Rise (+)
between…. and …)
substantial marginal slow sharp decrease
• of + discrepancy value
+ an + dramatical consistent plummet
(of 50%)

Remain unchanged = Remain steady

Trend description:

THERE + TO BE (is/was/were) an UPWARD⬆️/DOWNWARD⬇️ trend(s) + IN + the amount/number/proportion/etc… + OF + NOUN PHRASE (people, students,
etc…) + TIME (IN 1990, etc…)

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