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Fatima C.

Flores September 6, 2021

HM 1-C

Marketing Principles and Strategies Case Study 1

1. Has Mr. Mitsiou taken a marketing- oriented approach to developing his

teenage tour idea?
What elements of marketing orientation, if any, are missing?
- I think Mr. Mitsiou has not taken his marketing- oriented to developing his teenage
tour idea.
Yes, he has this Products Concept. Mr. Mitsiou understands his teenage tour idea's
dynamics and showcases the best qualities and performance he can. But he doesn't
have this called confidence which is mainly needed in this concept. He doesn't have
confidence in his self when he is forming his idea about a teenage tour. As an owner of
a company, you must believe in yourself because your confidence will impact your
business. It is a skill for the success of your business. He is also not aware that there
will be problems he will face before he published his idea, and he doesn't make sure
that everything is settled and all goods. For example, he did not think that 40 teenagers
would be impossible to supervise correctly, which might cause complexity if he
continues that idea.
-I also have a concern regarding its Marketing Concept. Yes, Mr. Mitsiou focuses on the
customer wants and society's interests, but there is something wrong with company
profit. Since he cannot cancel his Teenagers tour idea, he will continue it even if it would
make his company's loss. And I think that is wrong. If only he had come up with a more
significant idea, he would not face this kind of problem.

2. Is the teenage tour idea financially attractive?

Does it fit the strengths of the Amphitrion Group?
Is it a market that the company naturally understands?
-Well, I can say that it is financially attractive because there will be numerous lovely
places to visit, which is enumerated in the case study. And at the same time, they won't
get bored because they will not just see the museums and such, they will also have a
chance to visit entertainment and beaches that will relax their minds. So I can say that
this idea is fascinating and worth the price if the teenagers are supervised, and the
teenage tour is appropriately planned.
- In terms of its company strengths, this idea doesn't fit the group's strengths. Mr.
Mitsiou has a good idea indeed, but it might cause some problems that might affect the
whole company's reputation because one of the company's main strengths should have
strategic planning. Without strategic planning, the company may be put at risk. He only
focuses on the spots and how to make a tour look attractive, but did he ensure that
everything is clear and concise in his idea of the teenage tour? NO.
- The market of this idea is honestly good because it will attract and gain new
customers. If only Mr. Mitsiou discusses this idea with the whole organization of the
company, there will be no such problems that will occur. Without organization, a
business may result in poor work performance leading to a business failure because it's
like establishing something without planning it.
- The whole company will understand if Mr, Mitsiou was not the only one who was
planning but the entire organization also. In that way, the idea of the teenage tour will
operate successfully and accomplish its goals.

3. Would the tour have been attractive to you as a teenager? Would this
Greek tour be attractive to teenagers in your country?
Yes. Since I love traveling, this idea got my attention as I read all the spots a tour will
visit, like historical and archeological sites and other entertainment attractions.
I am also sure that this tour will be recognized and patronize in our country. Teenagers
nowadays love to explore and travel. They want to see the world with their own eyes,
take photos, venture into new things, and make great memories through traveling.

4. Would you have found a similar tour of your own country attractive?
Would your parents find it attractive?
Who is the customer in this case and what do they want?
- Yes. In the Philippines, many travel agencies also offer the same idea as Mr. Mitsou,
like Rizal Park, Calle Crisologo, Fort Santiago, Corregidor Island, and other
archeological sites such as Tabon Caves, Lapuz Lapuz Cave, and Singhapala and
beaches. There are many attractive and adventurous places here in our country
wherein others from foreign countries go here to visit them.
- Our parents also found it attractive because they believe that these historical and
archeological tours will give their children a deeper understanding of the people and
places that have shaped society today.
- The customer, in this case, is Teenagers. And the company aims to give every
teenager the history of their ancestry, especially teachers who requested it because
they want to help students learn through experiencing personally and explore the things
they have learned from school.
5. Is running a tour the only way to see if it would be successful or not? How else
do you think its appeal could be tested?
-No. You'll know your tour will be successful if you approached it systematically and
planned it well so that it will not face such problems.
-I think its appeal could be tested base on how they give their best in handling their

6. How could the tour be changed to be more appealing and less risky?
As I have said, the tour would be more appealing to customers and less risky if planned
clearly and carefully. It can help you your business, reach your goals for the tour. And
maintain the good image of your company because your customers' opinion always
matters, and it reflects your company.

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