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Lesson Plan

Name of the Faculty : Garima Rohela

Discipline : Computer Engineering

Semester : IIIrd

Subject : Operating System

Lesson Plan Duration : 15 weeks (From oct2021-Jan,2022)

Work Load ( Practical) per week (in hours): Practical – 06)

Note: G1 and G2 are the respective Groups of students

Week Practical
Practical Day Topic
1st G-1 Demonstration of all the controls provided in windows control
Demonstration of all the controls provided in windows control

2nd G-1 Exercise on Basics of windows.

G-2 Exercise on Basics of windows.

3rd G-1 Exercise on Basics of windows.

G-2 Exercise on Basics of windows.

4th G-1 Practice

G-2 Practice

5th G-1 Installation of Linux Operating System

G-2 Installation of Linux Operating System

6th G-1 Usage of directory management commands of Linux: ls, cd,

pwd, mkdir, rmdir

G-2 Usage of directory management commands of Linux: ls, cd,

pwd, mkdir, rmdir

7th G-1 Usage of File Management commands of Linux: cat,
chmod,cp, mv, rm, pg, more, find

G-2 Usage of File Management commands of Linux: cat,

chmod,cp, mv, rm, pg, more, find

8th G-1 Usage of File Management commands of Linux: cat

G-2 Usage of File Management commands of Linux: cat

9th G-1 Use the general purpose commands of Linux: wc, od, lp,
cal , date, who, whoami

G-2 Use the general purpose commands of Linux: wc, od, lp,
cal , date, who, whoami

10th G-1 Using the simple filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, nl, sort

G-2 Using the simple filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, nl, sort

11st G-1 Using the simple filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, nl, sort

G-2 Using the simple filters: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, nl, sort

12th G-1 Viva

G-2 Viva

13th G-1 Communication Commands: news, write, talk, mseg, mail,


G-2 Communication Commands: news, write, talk, mseg, mail,


14th G-1 Write a shell program that finds the factorial of a number.

G-2 Write a shell program that finds the factorial of a number.

G-1 Write a shell program that finds whether a given number is

15th prime or not.

G-2 Write a shell program that finds whether a given number is

prime or not.


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