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Name: Vania Lailatul Istianah

Class: K2-2019

Essay Writing (Analytical Exposition)


Thesis: Only a few people care about the importance of preserving forests.


1. Human individual awareness is the main key to protect the forests.

2. One of the way to solve the forest damaged problem is by selective cutting system.
3. In order to conserve the forest environment, it is also necessary to involve the role of


If all of people have awareness of the importance of forests for life and willing to preserve them,
then the forest will return to its functions.

Fix The Destroyed Trees which also Destroyed The Entire Earth

Trees are the lung of the earth. Without trees, the earth can not even breathe. Why does the
destruction of trees can also destroying the entire of our earth? Humans were created to live a life with
nature. Technically, none of the creatures on this earth are able to take care of preserving forests except
humans. However, what has happened is different from the facts that have occurred so far. Only a few
people care about the importance of preserving forests. It can be proof by the cases of illegal logging,
hunting of rare animals in the forest, burning forest, and the worst one is a lot of humans destroying
trees only for making much money, and many more.

Human individual awareness is the main key to protect the forests. Thus, forests are not
damaged in a long term. Since, humans need wood materials in their life, which are generated by the
trees, it is necessary to be wise in solving this problem. One of the ways is by implementing a system of
selective cutting. It is a concept that chooses to take advantage only of the trees which have the best
quality and leave trees that are still productive or young. In this case, it is better to use this selective
cutting system. Do not irresponsibly destroy the forest. Besides, the use of forest products without
damaging the environment can also be done by conservative logging. However, this is only aimed at
trees that are no longer productive. It is also necessary to do replanting for the better this earth, the
creatures fresh air, human food sources, animal’s life, and also their place to live.

In order to conserve the forest environment, it is also necessary to involve the role of
policymakers. For example, by strengthen the strict laws on perpetrators of illegal logging and poaching,
utilizing police functions, and promoting reforestation. In addition, the efforts that the government has
done also can be made by conducting a campaign on the importance of planting trees for the survival of
living things, empowering communities that care for the environment by facilitating all their activities,

I personally believe, if all people have awareness of the importance of forests for life and willing
to preserve them, then the forest will return to its functions. Thus, it will indirectly reduce the impact of
global warming, reduce the air pollution due to forest burning, and also reduce the risk of disasters, due
to deforested forests and others. The synergy between each individual supported by regulations and
policies made by the government is expected to create a sustainable forest with all its roles and
functions for all of the creatures and also the environment.


1. This essay already appropriate with generic structure of analytical exposition essay

2. This essay already appropriate with language features of analytical exposition essay

3. Arguments on track with thesis statement

Have read and commented by Fiera Annisa (19018061)

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