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Another objective of Love In Action during Covid-19 by Greenpeace International, is that


During the peak of the pandemic, policymakers and those who are in congress seem to

overlook the value and importance of our essential workers. In addition to that uhm,.. All
workers deserve a safe workplace and should fairly compensated with a living wage
that is why Greenpeace International is demanding a protection for the essential
workers to be able to utilize their right to join a union. And that would be

The “Essential Worker Bill of Rights” that would provide our workers the benefits
and protection they need during this pandemic. This includes health and safety
protections that would ensure essential workers to receive such as employer-provided
personal protective equipments or PPE, paid sick and medical leave and also,
government-provided healthcare. Specifically, this will require the employers of
essential workers to develop and implement protocols that will protect workers from the
exposure and infection of COVID-19.


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