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Going to vs Will


1) Fill in the blanks with the words into brackets using will or be going to.
a) My brother will be 15 on October.
b) I will be working  (work) in the garden all day long tomorrow.
c) My mother thinks that the weather ______________ (be) dreadful tomorrow.
d) In 300 years are going to (travel) with flying cars.
e) Look out! That dog _____________(bite) you if you get near him.

2) Rewrite the sentences using be going to estructure.

a) He /get a train/ 6 am / tomorrow

 He is going to get the trian tomarrow at 6 am.
b) Get married/ they/ this month.
 They are going to get married this month.
c) Go to your hometown / this weekend/ ?
 are you going to be in your hometown this weekend?
d) Not/drink coffee/ today/ I
 I am not going to be drinking coffee today.
3) Answer the questions using the grammar exposed.
a) What are your plans for tomorrow?
my plans for tomorrow are:
 I will go to work.
 I'll go to the supermarket.
 I will go to gym.
b) Where do you see yourself in 4 years, explain.
 in 4 years I'll be a professional.
c) How do you think your country will change in the future?

R/ In 30 years, Colombia will have about 60 million people, whose average income will be close to
25 thousand dollars a year (today it is 10 thousand); "moderate" poverty should be at 15 percent
(today it is 37), and the country will have the second largest South American economy, after

Manufacturing and agricultural production will have grown to 15 percent of PIB; the participation of
mining and hydrocarbons will reach 10 percent, due to oil and coal production, and, finally, as in
any sophisticated economy, the services sector will represent 60 percent of PIB.

The public debt of the Colombian State will have consolidated at 15 percent of GDP,
one of the lowest and most stable in the world. The tax transformation will have reduced
inequality from 59 to 53 in the so-called Gini coefficient, and spending policies focused
on the poorest will have reduced this index to 40, to make Colombia the most egalitarian
country in Latin America

d) Do you think the doctor will clone people in the future? Why?

R/ Most of the arguments that have been offered against cloning humans can be classified into
three main groups: a. Risks of physical damage to the clone; b. Risks of psychological damage to
the clone; c. Social damage. Let's go through them in order.

a. Risks of physical damage to the clone. Those who reject human cloning often maintain that this
technique is morally impermissible because its safety has not been proven. They explain that the
procedure used to create Dolly the sheep was successful in only one of 277 attempts. Therefore,
according to these authors, this technology could produce severe abnormalities in potential

It is difficult, however, to see how this argument can support a total and final ban on human
cloning. In order to prove the necessity of such a ban, it would be necessary to assume that it is
morally wrong to try to clone humans unless it can be guaranteed that the first baby to be
produced by means of this technique will be born completely healthy. The reason for this
requirement is that experimentation on human beings without their consent is immoral.

b. Risks of psychological damage to the clone. Critics of cloning also maintain that this practice
can cause serious psychological damage to the person engendered by this technology, such as
the possible loss of a sense of individuality or unique identity.

This argument, however, seems to presuppose that human identity or individuality is determined
by the uniqueness of our genome. This presupposition can only be based on the crudest form of
biological determinism. According to this theory, the genetic endowment of an individual
completely determines what this individual will be. As Nobel Laureate Walter Gilbert tells us, we
will soon be able to have a CD with the map of our genome and we can say by showing that CD,
“here is a human being. It's me." There is no evidence, however, to support this kind of genetic

determinism. The fact that a particular characteristic is going to be present in an individual
depends not only on his genes, but also on biological and environmental factors. Thus, despite
having practically the same genes, homozygous twins certainly have distinct and unique identities.
Their individuality does not appear to be threatened by not having unique genomes.

c. Social damage. Several authors have maintained that the cloning of humans can also cause
social damage. Among them we will discuss here those created when family stability is threatened
and those that occur when respect for human life is diminished.

4) According to the situations and your opinions fill in the chart with an x where your opinion is.

Situation Yes No Maybe

A world war will finish x
the earth.
Aliens will invade us. x
Flying cars will solve x
the traffic jams.
Tourists will go to the x
space on holydays.
Robots will do x

5) According to the situations from the chart above, choose one and justify your answer using
the grammar exposed.

R/ Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (Internet of Things, IoT) and robotics are some of
the cutting-edge technologies that are stealthily making their way into our daily lives. Connected
and intelligent devices with the promise of making our daily lives easier, called upon to carry out
small household tasks or even take care of ourselves.

In recent years, smart appliances are landing in our homes, from televisions to refrigerators,
through cleaning robots such as the Roomba, or the Amazon Dash Buttons, to replace cleaning

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