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Name : Rayhan Radjamala

Class : XI RPL

Please fill the blank. Complete it to be a good phone handling conversation.

Grace : “Good morning. Christine Phelps office. This is Grace Johnson. How may I help you?”

1. Caller : “Good morning, I am looking for Mr. Phelps.”

Grace : “I’m sorry Mr. Phelps is in a meeting right now. Would you like me to transfer you to
his voicemail, or may I take a message?”

2. Caller : “Can you take a message for me?”

Grace : “Certainly. Can/could I get your name?”

3. Caller : “It’s Garry Bertolli”

Grace : “Would you spell that for me please?”

4. Caller : “G-A-R-R-Y B-E-R-T-O-L-L-I”

Grace : “And your company name?”

5. Caller : “Bertolli & Sons”

Grace : “And a phone number where you can be reached.”

6. Caller : “My phone number is 413-555-9962 ”

Grace : “And message that I can pass on?”

7. Caller : “I’d like to reschedule our meeting on Tuesday the 21 st.”

Grace : “Okay, let me make sure I have this correctly. It’s Garry Bertolli of Bertolli & Sons, and
that spelled B- E-R-T-O-L-L-I. And you would like to reschedule your meeting on Tuesday the 21st and the,
your phone number is 413-555-9962.

8. Caller : “That’s correct.”

Grace : “Thanks Mr. Bertolli. I’ll make sure Mr. Phelps gets this message as soon as he comes
out of his meeting.”

9. Caller : “Alright, thank you for your service Grace.”

Grace :“Thanks again for calling. Bye.”

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