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Density/GR 8/Physics/ Name :

2021-22 Section :
Revision Sheet

Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate response:

1. Whats is the volume of object x?

A) 10 cm3

B) 15.0 cm3

C) 25 cm3

D) 222 cm3

2. Which box has higher density?

a) Box A

b) Box B

c) Same in both

d) Cannot be determined

3. Put the liquid in order from more dense to least dense

A) 1,2,3,4

B) 3,2,1,4

C) 1,4,3,2

D) 4,3,2,1

Density/GR 8/Physics/ Name :

2021-22 Section :
Revision Sheet

4. A student has a rectangular block. It is 2.13 cm wide, 3.05 cm tall, and 25.00 cm long. It
has a mass of 600.95 g. What is the volume of the block?

A) 137 cm3

B) 67 cm3

C) 30.14 cm3

D) 162 cm3

5. A geologist want to determine the density of the object shown below :

What needs to be known in order to calculate its density?

a) the radius of the base of cone and the weight of cone

b) The surface area of base of cone, height and mass of cone

c) The volume of cone and height of cone

d) The height and mass of cone.

6.Metal A has density of 5g/cm3 and Metal B has density of 3 g/cm3. 200g of Metal A and
600 g of Metal B are melted and mixed and then recast into a block.

a) What is the volume of the block?

b) What is the density of the block? (3)

7. Metal A has density of 3.2 g/cm3 and Metal B has density of 5.5 g/cm3. Metal C is made from
combining Metal A and Metal B in the ratio of 3:7 . What is the density of Metal C if it has mass of
2500 g. (3)

8. The list below gives the approximate densities of various metals.

gold 19 g / cm3

Lead 11 g / cm3

copper 9 g / cm3

Density/GR 8/Physics/ Name :

2021-22 Section :
Revision Sheet
iron 8 g / cm3

9. At an antiques market, a collector buys what is advertised as a small ancient gold statue.
When the collector tests it in the laboratory, he finds its mass is 600 g and its volume is 65
cm3 .

(a) In the space below, describe how the volume of the statue could be measured. You may draw
diagrams if you wish. (2)

(b) Use the figures given above to decide whether the statue was really made of gold. Show your
working. (1)

10. A student has 500 identical, rectangular sheets of paper. The mass of 1.0 m2 of the paper is
0.080 kg.

Using a metre rule, she measures the length of one sheet of paper and its width. The length is 0.300
m and the width is 0.210 m.

(i) Calculate the mass of one sheet of paper. (2)

The student makes a single pile of the 500 sheets of paper. With a metre rule, she measures the
height of the pile. The height of the pile is 0.048 m.

(ii) Calculate the density of the paper. (2)

11. The image below shows a side view of a large tank in a marine visitor attraction.
Density/GR 8/Physics/ Name :
2021-22 Section :
Revision Sheet

The tank is 51 m long and 20 m wide. The sea-water in the tank is 11 m deep and has a density of
1030 kg / m3. Calculate the mass of water in the tank. (2)

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