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Worksheet 3.


Objective: Identify the parts of the nervous system.

1. Central Nervous System 5. Cerebrum 9. Cranial Nerve

2. Peripheral Nervous System 6. Cerebellum 10. Sympathetic
3. Spinal Cord 7. Brain Stem 11. Parasympathetic
4. Automatic Nervous System 8. Spinal Nerve

Guide Questions:

1. How will you differentiate the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral
Nervous System (PNS) in terms of their functions?
The Center Nervous System receives, intercept and send the signal to the Peripheral Nervous System.
The Peripheral Nervous System uses motor neurons to carry signals from the CNS to other parts of the
body and stimulate our muscles and other target organs

2. What might happen to the human body if one part of the nervous system fails to
carry out its function properly?
If one part or the nervous system fails to carry out it’s function properly, it will impossible to perform
the normal activity or perform their duties, in short it can be a stroke.

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