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Commands Descripition

Moshell (site name/RNC name) log in to RNC or site name(Use winfoil to connect)
To load all the Mo (you shoul load all the commands befor running
lt all any command)
lst cell list all the cell
ala No of active Alarms
lga Alarm history
lgs Complete history of site
lga -m 24h Alarm history for last 24 hours(Transmission errors)
lgs -m 24h check for Hardware crashes on site
ter | grep -i error Error fault and failure at node B( | is pipe used in UNIX)
ter | grep -i Fault Error fault and failure at node B( | is pipe used in UNIX)
ter | grep -i Failure Error fault and failure at node B( | is pipe used in UNIX)
te log read Find exception and events at Node B
st Rax Status of RAX card
st TX Status of tx card
st E1 Status of E1/T1
Invh check license and Feature on the site
cvls check software version
lga – alarm log
lge – event log
lgv – availability log
lgs – system log
lgu – upgrade log
lgo – command log (i.e. when someone has done an action, create delet
lgy – security log
gl – COLI log (i.e. anything typed in from moshell COLI)
lgh – HILI log
lgd – node restarts and downtime
lgx – alarms on specific dates
lgu – upgrade log (for SW upgrades)
lh ru fui get vswr VSWR for all the port Atorization required
lh ru fui get devstat Device stat
lh ru fui get Fault Fault
Board configuration(can get u Port number which can be used for
cabx VSWR)
cab Board configuration
get 0 Node B type
bo No of boards and slot position in node B
Invh Rax/Tx S/w version Channel elment
pget E1 Errors in second at E1 does not work for IP sites
cedh -r iub_ORNEK(Iub of the site) -> CE Usage
Cedr Check Code utilization for RNC
Cedh check channel elemnet utilization for RNC
get utrancell uarfcndl -> DL FREQUENCY CHECK
To Read error on Board (00800 is boart port obtained from BO
lhsh 000800 te log read command)
lhsh 000800 te log read | grep
ERROR Add pipe to receive only error message
lget utrancell=ORNEK11 utranrelat utran neighbour
lget utrancell=ORNEK11 gsmrelati GSM neighbour
get rbslocalcell list of cell including all parameters at RBS level
To check Performance followed by choice to get desired KPI( 1
Pmr -m 1 stands for last one hour)
get ORNEK scram Scrambling code
Maximum Downlink power capability(space after get and space
get . maxdl after .)
get . atten Feeder attentuation
get TMA get TMA
License server Check license server status on the site
lgsavemo | grep cell name Tracking changes done on cell
get utrancell uarfcnul -> UL FREQUENCY CHECK
Pmx -m 2 aal2ap=b265
lass Iub congestion
get iurlink Iur link
get utrancell=ORNEK oper operational status of site
lst ORNEK(site name) list all mo and their state

Pgets . object name/counter name to check particular object type is activated or not
RLDEP:Cell=all,ext check particular cell is defined as a external cell in BSC
RLUMP:cell=all; check scrambling code defined per cell
rlnrp:cell=all,utran; all external neighbour defined in BSC
RLSUP:cell=all cell reselection parameter to WCDMA
RLLOP:cell=all ISHLOV and other parameters
MGORP:RNC=ALL external RNC definition
MGOCP:cell=all external cell definition in MSc
MGRIP:RNC=all internal RNC definition
uer no of calls in RNC
get . noOfRadioLinks no of active radio links in RNC
st all dis disabled MO in Node B
h display all commands
lpr utrancell=cellname Neighbour check
Level categoray
Node B Connect to RNC/Utrancell

Node B Basic check

Node B cell status
Node B Alarms
Node B Alarms
Node B Alarms
Node B Alarms
Node B Alarms
Node B Alarms
Node B Alarms
Node B Alarms
Node B Basic check
Node B Basic check
Node B Basic check
Node B Basic check
Node B Basic check
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B Node B logs
Node B configuration
Node B Alarms

Node B configuration
Node B configuration
Node B configuration
Node B configuration
Node B configuration
Node B E1 performance
RNC CE usage
RNC Channel elmenet and Code usage
RNC Channel elmenet and Code usage

Node B Error on boards

Node B Error on boards
RNC Neighbour relationship
RNC Neighbour relationship
Node B Parameter

RNC/Node B Performance
RNC Scrambling code
RNC Site tarffic

Node B TMA attenuation

Node B TMA attenuation
Node B TMA attenuation
Node B Basic check
RNC Tracking changes on cell

RNC Basic check

RNC Basic check
RNC Basic check
RNC Basic check

RNC Object type activation check

BSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
BSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
BSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
BSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
BSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
MSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
MSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
MSC WCDMA neighbours in GSM
RNC no of calls
Node B no of active radio liks
Node B Basic check
Node B/Alarms info
Neighbour relationship

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